The Museum’s David M. Rubenstein National Institute for Holocaust Documentation houses an unparalleled repository of Holocaust evidence that documents the fate of victims, survivors, rescuers, liberators, and others. Our comprehensive collection contains millions of documents, artifacts, photos, films, books, and testimonies.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum was established by an act of Congress that mandated the creation of a “permanent living memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.” It is the items that belonged to those victims and survivors—as well as other materials that relate their stories, experiences, and histories—that form the basis of the Museum’s collections.
Materials have been donated by individuals who directly experienced the Holocaust or by their families, or have been acquired from domestic and international institutions. Museum staff collect, preserve, and make available to the public this collection of record of the Holocaust and support the Museum’s wide-ranging efforts in the areas of research, exhibition, publication, education, and commemoration.
In order to document how and why the Holocaust happened, we must collect and make accessible materials that were specifically designed to be antisemitic and racist. This is essential to tell the truth about Nazism and to combat Holocaust denial, distortion, and minimization.
The Museum’s collection is represented by a broad range of subject areas, including:
Prewar communal life of victim groups in affected areas of Europe and North Africa
Nazi rise to power
Nazi racial “science” and the propaganda campaign against Jews, Roma/Sinti (Gypsies) and other targeted groups in Germany during the 1930s
Flight of victim groups from Nazi-occupied Europe and refugee communities in various countries
World response to the rise of Nazism and the persecution of Jews and other targeted groups
Nazi occupation policies and practices
Roundups, deportations, and murder of European Jewry
Mass shootings conducted by the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads) as well as other German and indigenous police and auxiliary units
Ghettos, concentration camps, labor camps, and killing centers
Fate of Poles, Roma/Sinti (Gypsies), homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the mentally and physically handicapped, Soviet prisoners of war, and other targeted groups during the war
Persecution of and by indigenous populations
Nazi collaborators
Regimes of the Nazi satellite states and their treatment of the populations under their control
Resistance to Nazi policies and actions
Rescue efforts and Bricha
Life in hiding during the Holocaust
Discovery, disclosure, and liberation of the concentration and death camps
War crimes trials and the search for and apprehension of war criminals
Experiences and testimonies of victim groups following liberation
Jewish experiences in displaced persons (DP) camps and elsewhere
Legal and illegal immigration to Palestine, the United States, and other countries
Victim reparation and compensation
Holocaust memorialization and commemoration
Contemporary documentation regarding Holocaust deniers
The various types of materials include but are not limited to:
Art: Drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture, artistic posters, and other creative works by Holocaust survivors or victims
Audio and video interviews
Books, pamphlets, manuscripts, and transcripts
Electronic copies, facsimiles, casts, microfilm, and photo reproductions
Film, video, and audio recordings
Musical recordings and scores
Photographs (original and copy prints), photo albums, transparencies, and negatives
Textiles: Uniforms, costumes, clothing, badges, armbands, flags, and banners
Textual records: Government documents, legal proceedings, institutional records, personal papers, diaries, memoirs, and correspondence
Three-dimensional objects: Personal effects, furnishings, architectural fragments, ritual objects, jewelry, numismatics, models, machinery, tools, and other implements
Works on paper: Broadsides, announcements, advertisements, posters, and maps