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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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February 19, 2016 11:34 AM

There is no other story on Earth like Anne's journal. It's an unfinished story, finished only by history- not Anne's words. Anne would have loved to see her work published. Anne has inspired many - like me - to be thankful for the world we have. I think she was a wonderful person who truly understood life. It's impressive how Anne was able to stay strong throughout hiding. She was one of the wisest people, who could see the good in everyone. I wish Anne could be here today because she would continue to be a great role model for everyone all over the world.
January 14, 2013 07:45 PM

The story of Anne Frank is one that makes me thankful for the changes we have made today. This kind of thing could have very well happened to me if history was different and we hadn't learned from our mistakes. Somehow, even through the bad, Anne still managed to be happy. This is inspiring to me and makes me think that I should be more grateful for what I have and find more happiness in my life. I am privileged to live freely, unlike Anne.
January 14, 2013 07:30 PM

Anne Frank's diary was moving and very inspiring piece of literature. I am amazed at how Anne was able to live in the Secret Annex for 2 years without any fresh air and her best friends. Also, Anne's opinions about her family and the world in general in her diary are so honest and true that I can really get an understanding of how Anne was like. Many of her beliefs, such as believing that everybody in the world is good at heart, are similar to mine. I wish she was still alive so that I can meet her and see what else we have in common. It saddens me that Anne died at such a young age in a concentration camp, but I commend her for being brave and having courage under oppression.
Mr. Hercule Poirot
January 14, 2013 07:19 PM

When I read the Diary of Anne Frank, I was amazed, yet horrified, at the sort of trouble that her family and the Van Daans (or Van Pels) had to go through just to survive. It was completely eye-opening to see what it must have been like, living in the constant fear of a fate worse than death that would only lead to death. The gripping tale was wonderfully illustrated in the play, and by the end of the book, I was hoping that from some terrible historical mistake, that Anne and the rest of the Annex somehow survived the wrath of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The struggle of the Franks and the Van Daans (Pels) was also very emotional, to see stress and fear eating away at the very heart of the people in the Annex. The bright light in the book was Mr.Kraler and Miep who were, in my opinion, the heroes of the book. It was nice and really quite wonderful to see that even in the worlds darkest hour, there were those who still stuck to the path of good and helped those who were being discriminated. Although sad, this story was very inspiring. Not only did it really bring out the true roots of human nature, but the lessons that the book taught about controlling it were amazing. Through strong characters like Mr.Frank, Miep, and Mr.Kraler, you can appreciate how hard it must have been; they were the only ones who stayed strong, even with everyone breaking down around them. The horror of capture and the phycological implications of such stress could not have been better shown, and although the story is rather grim and quite sad, it has a dark beauty to it as well. The beauty I refer to is Anne. Through thin and thick, she, being the youngest of the lot, managed to remain cheerful, even making presents for the whole Annex during the Holidays, from what she could scavenge. She shows a different strength that no one else was quite able to maintain. She stayed happy. All in all, the Diary of Anne Frank was amazing and certainly a gripping tale. Although a unfortunate and somber ending, it is a story like no other.
January 14, 2013 07:15 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank is the world's window into the atrocities of the holocaust. We can do nothing but watch, transfixed, as the horrifying events unfold before our eyes. After reading, the diary, Anne starts to become a part of you. For the first time, I noticed the birds, soaring gracefully across the cloudless skies. When I felt cramped and bored in the constraints of my classroom, I "thought myself outside". I learned to appreciate what I had. One can only aspire to have Anne's hopefulness and courage while going through such calamities, and to be so benevolent and pure that they truly believe all people are good at heart.
January 14, 2013 07:15 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank is the world's window into the atrocities of the holocaust. We can do nothing but watch, transfixed, as the horrifying events unfold before our eyes. After reading, the diary, Anne starts to become a part of you. For the first time, I noticed the birds, soaring gracefully across the cloudless skies. When I felt cramped and bored in the constraints of my classroom, I "thought myself outside". I learned to appreciate what I had. One can only aspire to have Anne's hopefulness and courage while going through such calamities, and to be so benevolent and pure that they truly believe all people are good at heart.
January 14, 2013 07:09 PM

When I first read Anne Frank, it was because of a school assignment, but after reading a few pages, I realized why our teacher wanted us to read this. It really told how life was like for her during the war. What really inspired me was how hard her life was and how she not only was able to live through that, but could find a way to make the best of it. I'm not saying she enjoyed it, but the way she looked on the good side of people was what was truly inspiring. In a way, I think having a view like that made her life easier. You don't have so much blame to inflict upon people, so it makes your life happier. I think Anne was not only great as a person, but as a writer as well. Overall, I think reading Anne's diary has inspired me to try and be a better person.
January 14, 2013 07:02 PM

The diary of Anne Frank was like no other book I've read. It gave me room to really think about people and that they have their reasons for their actions. When she said that she believes that people are good at heart, I didn't think that she would say that in her state, and many people wouldn't even think of that. It was really amazing for somebody to say that in such rough times, without food, and the ability to go outside. To me going outside and seeing different people every day means a lot because it refreshes the mind every once in a while. I think that more people should think a little more like Anne in the world, not including me for I already do and did a long time ago. Maybe the world would be a happier place for everybody.
Sam Li
January 14, 2013 06:53 PM

Even though I'm a boy, I still think that this book is moving because it is based on Anne's life, but that I think the moral of the story is to endure and spend every minute of life with something meaningful. Throughout the book, I thought that The Diary of Anne Frank is just boring at first but at the end, I can see, in her point of view, that her life was almost similar to mine. All in all, I'm glad that I read "The Diary of Anne Frank."
January 14, 2013 06:33 PM

When I first read the Diary of Anne Frank, I read as a play in school. I didn't realize how hard life for Jews was then, how Nazis would show up at their doorstep and escort them to their death. However, Anne's positive attitude and perseverance made me almost forget about what was happening to people then. Anne is one of the most influential people in the world, and in a good way. She helps people remember the good things in life, and her attitude was infectious to anyone she was around. She always had faith in the people she was with, including the Nazis. Even though she doesn't know this, Anne's dream of becoming a writer became a reality, and she will be remembered for generations to come. Everyone should have the chance to learn about her, her strength, and compassion.

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