Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Michael Mercado
October 14, 2012 05:47 PM

I feel that writing can help anybody in all types of ways. She wrote this as an escape from her mind and let it be in a diary. Doing little things for people can change lives forever. You never know what you can do to save your life let alone write in a diary like ann frank. I was inspired by her diary and hope that others do the same and maybe save your own lives.
October 13, 2012 03:52 PM

I read the Diary of Anne Frank in 8th grade. This book inspired me to keep a diary and that eventually led to writing poetry and stories. I learned so much more about Anne Frank on this website and it made me realize that she had so much talent and courage,and that you should try to help one another, instead of looking down on one another.
August 19, 2012 08:24 AM

I can really identify with Anne; I'm almost exactly like her (other than the parts about guys crushing on her etc.) I love writing more than anything! I also have a lively side and deep side! Plus, I share so many of her views and thoughts it's weird o_O I was quite reluctant to read the book at first, but now I'm glad I have! It's been really interesting reading up about her- if only she was still alive! I wonder what she'd be like, what she'd have written, what she'd have loved in our society... The list goes on.
shayna shepard
August 15, 2012 04:49 AM

I first read Anne's diary when I was in Fifth grade. Since then I've read it three more times. I was inspired by her to keep my own journal since then I've written often. I thank Anne and all of the people who have made her dream to be a writer a reality.
June 04, 2012 09:53 PM

Everyone should try to do what Anne wrote in her diary. Help each other, you shouldn't look down on others and instead try to make everyone see everyone else as equals. Giving a tiny little thing to someone can give them hope of one day being considered as equal. Anything you do for someone can possibly save their life!
May 23, 2012 12:34 AM

In our English class we are writing stories, I chose to be Anne's journal. While doing research I learned so much about this amazing girl who gave so much to our society just by writing down her thoughts and feelings. It is inspirational to know that even the simplest of things can impact us so much. Thanks Anne,You are no longer a cadged bird...
Angel Dishman
May 14, 2012 10:57 AM

Just a few weeks ago, my middle school literature class finished reading this marvelous book. Though, we only read certain entries, I still liked this book. I think I can relate to Anne in many different ways. For one, we both have issues with our families, and second, we both are not afraid to speak our minds (sometimes).
Annie Franz
May 11, 2012 05:36 AM

WOW.Anne Frank's diary is amazing. I alwayswonder how she felt, she was so brave and a great role model. How could such a lovely girl recieve a terrible fate? Curse the devil!
April 28, 2012 09:52 AM

Although we live at some distance from the Museum, we make it a point to visit at least twice a year. What a rebkaarmle place! It stimulates us in many ways we marvel at the beauty of the icons, the design of the building, the reminders it brings of our time in Russia, and the friendliness of the staff. The videos in the galleries are always a special treat. Mr. Lankton also greeted us and our friends in the first-floor gallery the last time we were there. Thanks to him and everyone else who make our visits so memorable.
April 25, 2012 10:21 AM

I absolutely loved Anne's essay, Give! It's so inspiring and moving! Her essay made me think about what I did with my life! I have yet to read the book. But I know that when I read this book this will change my life and give my a new perspective of the world! The Holocaust was truly a sad and horrible thing and I pray that those who died in the concetration camp are at peace with God. I can never imagine being in Anne's place through her hiding to her death in the concetration camp! Thank you Anne and I hope your soul is at peace!

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