Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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David Z.
December 09, 2008 05:11 PM

Anne Frank is a very over energetic person. She talks alot and yell alot. The people that she lived with dosn't get any sleep because of it. Other than that she is a decent girl. She likes to write and she likes to give. She made MOST of the people that liked with her happy. She had a nice family and nice friends. She spent alot of time talking with her friend Peter in the dark.... She has a caring sister thats better than her at nearly everything. She writes in a diary to pass her time and chases Peter's cat. All in all she is a good, but annoying girl and is surrounded by nice people. Too bad they all got killed....
Christina Jang
December 09, 2008 05:09 PM

I have recently finished the diary of Anne Frank. After I had finished, I felt that Anne and her family did not deserve all the things they had to go through during the time that they were at the Concentration Camp. Life must have been really rough, and I could not imagine how it would have been if I had to do the same. It makes me think that I am lucky to not be in the same situation as her. The diary of Anne Frank really reflected all the emotions she had gone through, and the process of how she grew up, and how hard it was during the war. Her diary was very realistic, and one could relate to Anne as a thirteen year old girl
Arman Soleimani
December 09, 2008 05:07 PM

My class is reading about the diary of Anne Frank, and I really admire her for being strong in harsh times. I really admire her dad for not giving up hope at all when spending time in the concentration camps.
Neleka S.
December 09, 2008 05:06 PM

I am an 8th grader and in my class we have been reading the Diary Of Anne Frank (the play) and have watched movies of the diary. I think Anne was an inspirational girl who did get a chance to really see the world how she wanted to. I feel bad that she never got to accomplish things in life like going to Paris and becoming a writer. Its amazing how after everything that happened to her she said that she still though that people were good at heart. She had so much devotion to her diary because she wrote in it everyday and recorded everything that happened to her and her family in that little Annexe. She had a lot of talent at a young age its sad that she never got that talent to better use. However her talent really did go to good use since she wrote so everything that we now know.
December 09, 2008 05:05 PM

This is one of the most moving pieces of writing I had ever read. Anne's optimistic views are inspiring to all. She is someone who all readers can relate too, not a mere face in picture. Anne's innocence and love of life allowed her to see the war in a totally different light. She flourished where others wilted. Her insight is amazing for someone of her age. I cannot think of anything more real and moving than her account of the Franks' time in hiding.
December 09, 2008 05:05 PM

Recently we read the diary of Anne Frank in my eighth grade class. We also saw the old black and white movie and a documentary about. Hearing about the story is really moving. It has changed me it a more caring and sensitive person learning what kinds of terrible things happen in the world. The things that happened to the Jews were terrible. The concentration camps were completely inhumane. Hopefully nothing like that ever will happen again. What Anne and many other Jews were forced to endure was wrong. Thankfully the Nazis lost WW2. It is to bad that the allies weren't able to arrive in time to save Anne and many other Jews.
December 09, 2008 04:35 PM

Anne Frank as insperational as she was she was just on person who went through this.You hear stories abour murders and robberies, each one represents millions that happen each day. Our problems our like grains of sand on a beach, you can solve a handfull of them but, their will always be be millions wrong. We're to caught up with just one story. We dont know half the problems out there. Half the problem is knowing that you have a problem.
December 09, 2008 04:32 PM

This year we read "The Diary Of Anne Frank". It surprised me that such a young girl could be so full of joy during a terrible season of life. It made me sad thinking of the thought that some one could be so angry and hateful toward others that they could make others suffer great pain and even suffer death just because they did not like them. It was so inspiring to hear her story. She was so bright and had so much joy even though she was going through a tough situation. They all were very brave. I really enjoyed learning about Anne even though it hurt me to know how much all jews suffered. i learned from this book that everyone has hard times in life. But hards time are times that help you learn. They might be terrible but we all get through it some way. And Anne got through it
Emily C
December 09, 2008 04:30 PM

I am an eighth-grader, and i have just read the book in the play version. Our class was required to read this book in class, and I did really enjoy acting out the scenes and pretending to be the characters. We also watched the black and white movie about the diary of Anne Frank. I would most definitely recommend the movie to others. It was so moving and touching.

Anne is a very inspiring and amazing girl. It is very hard to imagine someone my age having to endure living in the holocaust. After going through such hard times and hiding in a very little attic, she still manages to stay upbeat and happy. She was a great role model.
Malavika S.
December 09, 2008 04:28 PM

At first, I wasn't particularly excited to read the book, because the title didn't catch my eye. But when we started to read it in class(in play form) I got pulled into it, more and more. This book really made me think about how horrible the Holocaust was. I had never even known about the Holocaust before. The way Anne wrote the book, was just really inspiring and made me realize she had a very positive attitude. She turned things that were normal into things that weren't. She was the same age as I am now, and I can't even imagine and believe what she struggled through. I wouldn't have known what to do if I was in her position, she was a very brave person. I felt a connection with Anne. This book, I think, probably does effect my life in one way. It makes me think about the hardships of life, and that life is definitely not a piece of cake. And the book also taught me that everyone goes through changes in their life, those changes can be either good or bad, but the outcome will surely help. Anne is a very free-spirited person, with a great lively personality. Anne has also taught me, good things that she has followed too. I think that is what drew me into her book. her book was very compelling Anne has shared her passion, her hope of love and happiness with all of us through her personal diary. Her diary is very touching and heart-felt. It was a wonderful experience for me and I hope others who read this book will enjoy it as much as I did.

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