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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Nellie K
December 09, 2008 04:27 PM

we read the diary of anne frank in our class and some of us picked parts in the story to be. i was anne and i loved reading anne's part. i could just imagine how her voice actually when i was reading. then we watched the movie in class and it took us 3days to finish it. it was suspenseful when the theif was in the annex and they were all hiding just a floor above. i can't relate to their hiding experience,but i know what it's like to go into hiding for a little bit. i thought it was kind of disapointing at the end beecause most of them die, but im glad anne's diary got published. i felt happy for anne and peter, but a little sad for margot, because i think she was a little jealous of anne and peter. i liked what anne wrote at the end of the book; that she believes that all people are good inside. the characters were all written really well,their personalities were all very different,but they connected together pretty well living together all those months, which eventually turned into years. anne really stood out from the rest of them. her courage and bravery and positive attitude was different from the rest of the characters which was interesting.
Chocobo :D
December 09, 2008 04:26 PM

Hello everyone~ I'm a student that read the Diary of Anne Frank, and at first, I thought it was just some pointless dumb diary that teachers made you read in history. But I was wrong.. While I was reading, I realized how complicated Anne's thoughts and feelings were, and they seemed way too old and mature for a thirteen year old like her. It's just so sad and disappointing that a genius and such an inspirational writer would die at such an early age... It's a good thing that Anne's work didn't die away with her, or else such philosophical thinking would never exist on this earth and the holocaust-denying people would continue denying it. She's only what, around our age, and she published something that was read around the world by so many people, so eager to learn about the holocaust and the courage and strength of Anne during the German regime and her hiding in the secret Annex. Our class also saw two movies of The Diary of Anne Frank, and they were very informative too. Anne's stay at Bergen-Belsen was utterly horrible and heartbreaking... It was disgusting, all the dead people and the fear of the people on the brink of living... I don't understand how people can just simply deny all this. There's the holocaust survivors and Anne's diary, so their lies are just perfectly dumb and useless. During Anne's two years of hiding, there were many Jews, thousands of Jews, being taken away to concentration camps, being gassed, deported, you name it. But despite all that, Anne was always optimistic and brought hope to the other people staying with her at the Annex. I admire her for that.

-Chocobo :D
Kate M.
December 09, 2008 04:26 PM

I am an eighth grader at Kennedy Middle School. I have just finished reading the play and watching the movie. I have also read the book, although it was not required reading. Anne's diary has inspired so many people. Even though she probably wasn't planning on showing her diary to most people, she would probably have loved to know that she had accomplished her dream of becoming a writer. So many people have done so many wonderful things because of her. She seems like the kind of person who has lives more than one lifetime. One of those people who, when you look in their eyes, you can see deep pools of wisdom in there. Anne told her diary everything that happened to her, everything that she felt. I would love to see her "Secret Annex". She had so many dreams that she wanted to realize, so many hopes. She seems like one of those people that you meet once and remember them for the rest of your life, even if you don't know their name. She was such an amazing person, ready to give so much back to the world. I know that she would have loved making a difference in anyone's life. She had a gift for writing, a true talent. I wish I could have known her, and that she could have known so many others.
Neelima M.
December 09, 2008 04:24 PM

I am in eight grade, and I just finished reading "The Diary of Anne Frank." This story is so moving and touching to me. I sort of felt the way that Anne felt when she went to the death camps, when I went to India for a year. I can sort of relate to her in a way. I thought the story was really sad. It was amazing that a 13 year old girl could write that good. I awed at the fact that she could write in so much detail. I keep thinking how we would have known so much about a real person's view of hiding and thier life if it was not for Anne. I believe that even though she ended up dying, she learned a lot in her two years there. I think she might have had the possibility to live, if Margot hadn't died. This book might have been the best book I've ever read written by a child. I believe that if she was alive now, she could have been one of the best writers in the world.
December 09, 2008 04:23 PM

I don't think Anne Frank's diary was a reliable source of what it was really like for every resident living in the annex. I think her descriptions of the van daans (pels), might not have been completely accurate. Would YOU, want millions of people to remember you as selfish and rude? Even worse, from a limited perspective. In addition, her thoughts and writings, though above average, were not terribly so. From my point of view, her diligence in writing the diary gave me more admiration than the actual content.
December 09, 2008 04:21 PM

The tragic, touching story of Anne Frank is a message against prejudice and oppression everywhere. I cried twice learning what happened to the bubbly, cheerful Anne Frank. Her behavior was absolutely inspirational. Since watching a movie about Anne Frank in the concentration camps, I feel so blessed and fortunate that I can can grow to be a writer without being cruelly mistreated like Anne was. I can barely imagine being as utterly alone as Anne was. Reading her story gave me so much more insight to the terrible time that was the World War II Holocaust.

Apart from the horror and injustice of Anne's story, I felt so connected to her on a personal level. I admired so much her determination to believe that people were good. I laughed out loud at her descriptions of people and her arguments with them. Sometimes i feel just the same- like I'm treated like a child with nothing important to say.

Whatever happened to Anne and her family, she has one of the most inspirational legacies that any girl her age has given this violent, secretly wonderful world. I hope she knows, wherever she is, that her wish has been fulfilled. She will live on even after death.
December 09, 2008 04:20 PM

I am an eighth grader, and we read the play version of The Diary of Anne Frank. I really loved this book because it is so inspiring. Along with other people, I am interested in the Holocaust. Even though I am not Jewish, I still feel as if I was someone close to Anne Frank. Her joyful disposition really inspires me and I hope to be just like her. The Holocaust is such a horrible event to go through, and I feel so proud for all those people that survived it. Anne Frank was so brave and I really thought that she was going to survive throughout the two years and live on. It broke my heart when I finished reading the book and I found out the family died.

Personally, my favorite character was Peter because he seemed so caring. Anne was really funny and made me laugh.

This book is just so amazing and inspirational and I hope that I will be like Anne Frank when I grow up. I love Anne Frank!
Rohit Mukerji
December 09, 2008 04:20 PM

I am and eighth grader at Kennedy Middle School in Cupertino, California. I just read the Diary of Anne Frank and am very moved. I sort of knew about the holocaust before but now it's as if I read a thousand page book with words as far as the eye can see about the holocaust. Anne's diary is very detailed and because she is a young teenager like I am, I can really understand her feelings. I took my life for granted but now I realize how fortunate I am. All the freedoms that Anne was talking about: Going to the movies and riding in street cars.
Sasi Kavuri
December 09, 2008 04:20 PM

Anne Frank is a brilliant girl. Her way of thinking allowed her to look at the future and not ponder over the troubles during the war. Her good spirit is very rare in humans , many would not be able to laugh at times of war. We read the play in school and this story affected me by giving me the message to keep my spirit up. I think that she would have been a great writer if she had survived the Holocaust. The entries in her diary were pretty much a first draft but it was very easy to understand.The way her maturity grew so quickly during her time in hiding it was quite surprising. I learned that we have to focus on the good things we have rather than all the bad things in life.
Larry Xu
December 09, 2008 04:20 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank was certainly an interesting book, I would say. My class and I read it in school and even watched the movie adaptation. I can't say that the book was terrible, it's just that it was a tad dull at some points. It showed a lot of emotions in the way the characters acted and spoke. Hiding from the Nazis during the Holocaust makes for a good plot and what makes it even better is the fact that it was a real story of a real girl. It makes the story slightly more interesting. Overall, good story, but not that great.

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