Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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December 09, 2008 02:09 PM

when i was reading the diary of anne frank, i thought that any child that had to go through the holocaust is cruel. they deserve a second chance to live. anne frank didn't get to liove her dream. i definitely would have not be able to survive that. anne truly is an inspiration to all children. anne had a talent. she should have been able to use it. anne was able to express her self on paper which i find very hard to do. her diary was such a great story because you were able to feel how she felt during the hiding in the Annexe. if she had not been caught and she grew up to be a writer, i just cant imagine what amazing stories that she would write. the main point i'm trying to get to is that anne frank was a young girl with such a good talent. the sad part is that she died before she could use her talent and complete her dream.
Katie P.
December 09, 2008 02:08 PM

We just finished reading the Diary of Anne Frank in school and watched two movies about it. The first one was about the book. That movie was very touching to me about how she was in hiding and living with other families. The other movie we watched was of Anne Frank in the camps. It was so sad to see them get treated like that. I was seriously about ready to slap those people. It isn't fair for anyone to treat them like that. The killed many and I doubt they even stop and thought about the family or anyone. I wish that this terrible event never happened but what is done is done and we can only hope that this never happens again. I'm very sorry for all the families that went through this.
December 09, 2008 02:07 PM

Anne Frank was not only an honest soul, was a hero. She was a person who never knew her fate, but dreamed of being a writer. Without her, many people in the world would not have a person to look up to, they would not have hope. Without Anne Frank, the world would have never learned so much about the Holocaust. I am certain that there would be many more genocides in action throughout the world if her diary, describing her horrors in the secret annex, would not have been released into the world.
Chris "John" Wu
December 09, 2008 02:07 PM

Sometimes it's hard to explain the way people think, and how people can develop mindsets that will let catastrophes like genocide happen. It really is a shame, that these people really had to be sent to concentration camps in the end. Hopefully this won't happen again in the near future.
December 09, 2008 02:06 PM

Our class had just finished reading The Diary of Anne Frank. I admire Anne's optimism during this tough period of time. She manages to see the good in life and continues to be kind in various ways such as giving presents. This book was really good and I hope other people will enjoy it too.
Zara D.
December 09, 2008 02:04 PM

I read Anne Frank the play and I thought that the book was amazing. Anne is such a positive, enthusiastic young girl who has to endure so many hardships. She went through life with optimism when many others perished. She possesses a level of maturity that is hard to come by. I think is is so tragic that she had to get caught. We should try really hard to make sure that nothing like this happens again, so that no one else will have to go through what the Franks did.
Bowen J.
December 09, 2008 02:03 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank is quite tragic. An innocent 13 year old girl goes into hiding with her family. After a year or so, they are caught and sent to rot in a concentration camp.

I am disgusted by what the Germans did to the Jews during the holocaust. Those in the camps were treated like animals or even lower than animals. What I really hoped would happen before finishing the diary is that all or most of the family would be liberated. I cannot believe that only Anne's father was the lone survivor in the family. The rest did not deserve the fate they suffered.
Jovan Liw
December 09, 2008 02:03 PM

Our language arts class has just finished reading The Diary of Anne Frank and we also watched the movie. We enjoyed the book very much. It gave us a lot of mixed emotions. We learned more about the Holocaust. It was a terrible and horrible time for the Jews. However, we agree that this book was inspiring and motivating. Everyone who lived in the Annex was really brave. I wonder if something like the Holocaust will ever happen again. Overall we enjoyed the story very much.
Roshan V and Alex W
December 09, 2008 02:02 PM

I read the diary of Anne Frank in school and i was really touched.My heart goes out to all of the Jews who had to suffer, espically those who loved life as Anne died. Her ever smiling attitude face and positive attitude should be an inspiration to all of us. It reminds us how much we have and how we take things for granted. I hope and pray that this type of hatred never repeats.
Alan C.
December 09, 2008 02:02 PM

Even though Anne was locked up in hiding, she was still able to
be happy and develop. She flourished during this time in hiding, which is practically the opposite of what the others in hiding did. She was unique in her own way and think we should all look up to her.

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