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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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December 09, 2008 01:53 PM

I was about 10 when I first read the Diary of Anne Frank at home. My parents bought the book for me for reading when I had an extra time. When I was reading this book at the first time, I was pretty young, but I still could understand how the Jews felt at that time. I felt terribly sorry for the Franks and the Vann Daans (also known as Vann Peltz) that this happened, and I hope this never happens again. This website gives me some opinions and information about Anne Frank and other Jews during the World War II. It also gives me more information that the book the Diary of Anne Frank, and is more understanding.
December 09, 2008 01:50 PM

Anne was an outgoing, talented person. She was supposed to have a nice, long life ahead of her, if it had not been for the Nazis. She was a wonderful writer, and her thoughts and feelings were well thought-out and expressed in her diary. Her writing really let us understand more of the situation of the Holocaust.
Jessica K.
December 09, 2008 12:56 PM

My class just finnished reading the Diary of Anne Frank in play format. I read as Anne, and the dialogue I read made me feel like I was almost living in the Secret Annexe. She has such detailed descriptions that it felt like she was speaking from the book, urging me to recreate as much of her life as I could.
Her description of the Secret Annexe makes me just imagine how she lived. It must have felt terrifying to know that someone knows where you are hiding and could reveal where you are if he or she wanted.
Even though we watched movies based on Anne Frank's life, they could never completely replicate what she went through and the horrors of the concentration camps. I hope the world never has to go through something like this again.
December 09, 2008 12:52 PM

I read the diary of anne frank. I also watched footage of concentration camps, which was scary and disturbing. I hope there will not be any more Holocausts any more.
Subramanium Krishnamurthi Shankarathan
December 09, 2008 12:48 PM

Once we started the The Diary of Anne Frank in our language arts class I couldn't stop reading. I read ahead of the rest of the class only to stop with the bell. I never stopped reading the book until I reached the end and I was a little disappointed to find that Anne does not survive. I expected Anne and the others to continue hiding until the Holocaust was over, but I still loved the book!
Sathy Chama
December 09, 2008 12:47 PM

While reading the book I felt as if the Holocaust was a horrible time. I admire Anne for her courage and "gutsy" attitude. She stood up for what she believed in until the very end and even then she still believed that people were good at heart. Reading the diary, made me really appreciate what i have now. In her diary she wrote her inner struggles with life. I thought it was somewhat strange how even though she was in hiding she still was struggling with inner troubles. I thought this book was amazing and AWESOMEE. chyeaa btw im 13. well im out.
December 09, 2008 12:45 PM

In my eight grade class, I learned about the Holocaust. Most of the information was presented from the view of Anne Frank.

The most beautiful thing about Anne is her strong belief in the goodwill of humanity. She is proof that teens can do so much more than what society expects of them.
Barack Minuss-See
December 09, 2008 12:45 PM

Impossible to imagine being there, knowing you'll probably die, and still believing in the fundumental benevolence of the world. What a strong will she must have had not for her soul not to have collapsed. She is a true hero.
December 09, 2008 12:45 PM

After reading this story I know a lot more about the holocaust. I am glad that it is over.

Vivian D.
December 09, 2008 12:45 PM

I have recently read the play version of The Diary of Anne Frank. I think I would have rather read the translated version because the play version wasn't as thrilling as I thought it would be. But the story itself about Anne Frank was extremely moving. The story makes me realize how horrible people were treated in the Holocaust. I didn't realize how much pain people went through, which makes me thankful for such a good life. Anne Frank is a very brave girl to still have so much hope while going through the war.

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