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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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December 09, 2008 12:42 PM

In school we have been learning about the Holocaust. My teacher had already put 1 Anne Frank on each desk. My classmates and I shrugged and thought that it would be just another book that we had to read and do a book report on, but we all something else in stored for us. This has had to be one of the most moving books I have ever read in my entire life. Anne Frank motivates me to be optimistic in even the most dire of situations. She has truly influenced my life, in a positive way. I will cherish her diary forever.
December 09, 2008 12:42 PM

The book was amazing. It was so heartfelt. She has so much talent and she remembered many details that she wrote down.
December 09, 2008 12:41 PM

Anne Frank was impressively optimistic for that time. She was always hopeful no matter what was happening. She was a blooming writer who showed potential for an amazing future. She simply had the misfortune of living in Germany during the Holocaust. She suffered because somebody else decided that they didn't like her religion and thought that she deserved to die for it. I sincerely hope that the world has learned from its mistakes and will never make a mistake like this again. Nobody deserves to die for their religion. Nobody. Never let it happen again!
That Guy agian XD
December 09, 2008 12:41 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank was not very interesting to me but it did have a lot of historical significance. It was sad to know how much the Jews had to suffer just because Hitler was out of his mind. This book has helped me understand more about the holocaust and its tragedies.
December 09, 2008 12:41 PM

As you are reading this young girl's story, you come to a realization of how similar and different you are from her all at the same time. She was the same age as me, and seemed to have the same outbursts and emotions as many children, but she was such a beautiful person. Her character developed through what would be the darkest time in her life, and through it all she chose to become gentle, and loving. It was courageous, inspiring, and her story is plainly a work of art.
Alok Singh
December 09, 2008 12:36 PM

The story of Anne Frank is a tragic and beautiful one. Despite the violence, the sadness, and the horror, Anne and Peter managed to find enough hope in a tiny attic to keep their ideals, their faith, and their beliefs. This is a remarkable feat that only the strong-willed
and brave can accomplish. Overall,this is a book that reminds us of a time we'd rather forget so that we cannot repeat the mistakes of hatred and discrimination.
December 09, 2008 12:36 PM

Before I read anne frank, I didnt know anything about the holocaust, but after reading anne frank, I now know how horrible the holocaust was for the jews and I got a taste of what anne felt during the years she hid in the annex.
December 09, 2008 12:32 PM

when I read the book, "Anne Frank" I felt as if I was really Anne, myself! Although she was young, her emotions and inner thoughts was like an adult. This story really is a true masterpiece! I would really recommend other book-lovers to read this.

Robert Foreman
December 09, 2008 12:30 PM

My class just read and watched the diary of anne frank. it was a kinda book that made you laugh, and cry. It's sad that thid happend, and she seemed like a very good kid,

R.I.P. Frank family.
December 09, 2008 12:28 PM

I think that Anne Frank was a true believer that all people are good deep down, no matter how badly they act. She was brave and optimistic about everything, and she never had any horrid thoughts about the other people in the annex. As Mr. Frank said, she puts me to shame.

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