Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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September 07, 2008 06:24 PM

I first read her diary at age 5 at primary school, I'm 14 now and it still brings tears to my eyes. (like most books) I'm currently doing a study on the holocaust, and her diary makes it easy.
At age 5 I to started a diary not I've written over 5 diaries over my 9 years. I love looking back on them.
Anne Frank is a true inspiration for girls all over the world. How horrible it must of been to leave everything behind and not be allowed to do well, anything. to be honest I'd like to go back to those times to know what it was really like, because you can't tell by just reading about it.
David Fattu
September 02, 2008 05:50 PM

Like most American children, I read Anne Frank's diary in junior high school. Reading through the online exhibition, I am reminded what an extraordinary writer Anne Frank really was. She writes with such conviction and heart felt sincerity that if you did not know better, you might think it was another writer well beyond her young age.

Thank you to all who put this presentation together and continue to support the works of this great author. May her memory and her words continue to live on in the hearts of millions around the world.
Julian Montt
August 31, 2008 02:13 AM

When I turned fifteen, my mother gave me a book...I never imagined that a book could have such an impact on my mind as it has, anne´s story really touched me...She wanted to grow up... but she was so mature and her thoughts were so advanced for those times...I wonder what would have happened if she survived the terrible holocaust?...and well even if she did not survive...she became one of the most important writers....there is no person in the world who doesnt know who anne Frank is
August 30, 2008 11:58 AM

I read Anne's Dairy this year on my 15th birthday. I was touched as well as shocked that how can a girl of my age think so high?
After meeting Anne from the school lesson ‘A letter to Anne Frank’s father’written by Cara Wilson, I had a wish to read her dairy. And as if a fairy turned her magical stick to make my wish come true, my Dad presented ‘The Diary OF Anne Frank’ on my 15th birthday.

As soon as the book landed in my hand I started reading it. While reading the dairy I went where Anne went. First I met her family members, then her friends, and yes she didn’t forget to introduce me to her only boyfriend which she considered as her ‘only true love’ Peter. Then she took along to her Secret house were her entire life went upside down.

She was only 13 when she went to secret annex. I can only imagine. We feel suffocated even if we stay one day at home. The moment she stepped inside that house she was completely broken from the outside world. At that time she brought her dairy along with her.

I find many si,ilarities between her and girls of my age.She too was very talkative. She felt very uneasy even if a second was passed in silence. Like any other girl of her age she too disliked her mother. Just like any other girl she too dreamt of the boy she liked the most. She too got angry when somebody shouted at her. I thought So what was that thing that made her different from other girls? There must be something that even today people remember her. Her thoughts which were very profound, her way of thinking, her way of looking at everything.

After entering the secret annex she got more attracted to nature. She looked at the trees and birds through the holes of windows, because she was not that fortunate to open the window and stare at the open sky for hours together. But she never felt jealous of other children’s who were free to live in that outside world. Instead she thought that she was living in the heaven. Because she knew how her fellow Jewish people are suffering. And this thing pained her only because she was not able to do anything for them.

Her life at secreat Annex was not that easy. Van Dan family used to fight daily. And more than 50% of the time the reason of their fighting was Anne. Secondly it was her mother. Her mother always gave her full co-operation every time a fight broke between Franks and Van Dan family. She always compared Margot (Anne’s elder sister) And Anne because Margot was very quiet and she didn’t give back answers and always respected her mother’s orders. Anne thought that her mother never understood her. Thirdly it was her roommate dentist . He always did things which irritated Anne and then when Anne back answered him he told it to her mother. She felt that young children’s are lonelier than old people

But what did she get doing all this? After 2 years she was arrested and put in the concentration camp where she died suffering from Typhoid, just few days before British freed the people from the concentration camp. We can only imagine the frustration she must have felt.

Friends after reading her dairy I felt how easy life I was living. How lucky we are. We are the future of the world. The future will be decided on us. We will surely progress in science and technology. But will we ever progress in human relations? Our true religion is humanity. But we hardly follow it. All hopes are depended on us now. Come on friends let’s become one and make Anne’s wish come true. And make this world most beautiful place to live in.
August 29, 2008 04:56 AM


Hello my name is Eshley & I think Anne Franks life story is grate. I am 8 years old and when I first herd about half of her life time story I was so interested.
I could not fall asleep intill someone would tall
me more about her.
August 28, 2008 08:54 PM

Anna Frank is a inspiration for billions of people around the world. I read her diary when I was 16.Its so touching. I felt so sad with the facts that she suffered a lot in the holocaust along with so many other innocent children. I still remember one dialog in her diary. She writes as the caption of a photo- " I wanted to be like this always so that I can be a Hollywood actress when grow up".
Dear Anne, you lived only for 15 years, but left an epic in the history that the world will always remember you as long as it exists.
Anh Thu
August 26, 2008 03:35 AM

Anne Frank is the symbol of braveness, sanguine, compassion in the context of the most hideous war in the history of humankind.
Her diary is the most lively and convincing historical story that I have ever read. It has made a deep impression on me, changed my personal thoughts about life. She showed me the true meaning of living, her thoughts, feelings, etc. digged into the deepest angle in my heart. Her diary help me feel stronger when facing with difficulties and obstacles in my life.
I will keep the Diary in my home library and give it to my daughter when she is old enough to read and to understand.
August 25, 2008 02:47 PM

ive been to the anne frank house in amsterdam, its lovely, ive actually seen her diary and all that, now ive read over 7 books of anne frank, she has inspired me to write a diary. I started to write it when i was on my last day on holiday. In holland.
taylor outlook
August 19, 2008 05:42 PM

this story is so inspireing to me.
i just heard it from my teacher.
i felt like i was anne frank.
Kathy KANG
August 19, 2008 03:23 PM

After visiting my daughter in Hamburg for three months I picked up Anne Frank's diary mainly to improve my German,since I knew pretty much what it was about; Oh,how wrong I was when I thought I knew what it was about---it was much more than just a diary during her hiding! It has opened my eyes and heart in a way I had never thought any book could possibly do,not to mention a diary from a teenager. Her adult wisdom has forced me to look into my own soul as a person,a woman and a mother. Her brutally candid words on self awareness has made me a better person and a more understanding mom. Thanks,Anne! I only wish she could feel the enormous impact she has made on so many of us. After reading this diary how can any of us be still bigots? What would it take for us to feel the pain of Anne when she was persecuted only because of what she was,not what she did?

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