Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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July 24, 2008 02:40 PM

I named my daughter after her.
July 20, 2008 06:10 AM

When people say "6 million people died in the Holocaust", it just sounds like a statistic. The brilliant thing about Anne's diary is that it makes you realise that every one of those 6 million had a future and a past and a present, and had ideas and thoughts of thier own, and they are not just numbers in a book.
July 17, 2008 07:15 AM

I have loved Miss Anne Frank since the day I found her diary at our public library when I was eleven years old and I can honestly say that without her beloved diary, I would never have become a Writer/Poetess. Her empowering words gave me the courage to pursue creativity wholeheartedly, no matter what heartaches have befallen. Without her beloved Diary, my Creativity Resume would not even exist!!!
July 16, 2008 10:49 PM

anne frank's diary was so nice..also,it makes me cry..amazed..and wondering how hard her life was when they were hiding...
July 16, 2008 09:01 PM

We are working a project of the holocaust and Anne Frank is the bigger important part of it. Thanks for all.
July 16, 2008 10:16 AM

I read the Diary of Anne Frank at age eleven and since then, every creative aspect of my life has been possible because of that first inspiration I felt from reading her empowering words. I am a Writer/Poetess/Amethyst Faerie because of my Beloved Anne Frank!!!
Ashley Frankhouser
July 16, 2008 06:12 AM

I am 14 years old. I read The Diary of Anne Frank in 8th grade. I'm now going into 9th. Ever since I've read it, I've wanted to know more. My reading teacher taught us about it December-June 6,2008. At first i thought "Oh wow, a girls journal. Sounds soo interesting." But as soon as we started reading it the play, I've tried to find out what happend to Hitler afterwards. Anne Frank's Diary gives me insperation to finish school. And if I become a teacher, it will be reading. And I will teach my students about The Diary of Anne Frank.
July 15, 2008 01:17 PM

The holocuast was one of the most horrific events, and for someone to have the strength and the courage to relive those events by writing a book shows that you are a strong person.Learning about the holocaust has taught me a lot in my life at such a young age. Although i am older now i still want to learn more and i am teaching my younger siblings more about it. The diary of anne frank is an outstanding book that let's others in on what people personally went through at the time.
July 14, 2008 01:08 PM

I'm now 20 and i read the book and did a report on Ann Frank when i was 12 years old. I took a great interest in her and her family. I don't understand how people can say the holocaust did not happen. she is proof and there is also many other facts. Even though many people may think she did not get to become a writer, she did. She left a legacy and now the whole world watches her and reads her. I feel her dream was accomplished. Her voice was heard.
Marizilda Martins
July 12, 2008 08:54 PM

I just finished the reading of this amazing book, once again in my life. I guess I have already read it for about five or six times. First time I was 13, and now I am 55. It is incredible how deep those words, coming from a young but wise girl, impact me every time I read them! She talks to the people's heart and she definitely touched mine! She was not only a brave and courageous person, but she also was very determined! Her diary have reached millions of people, bringing thoughts of peace and despising human atrocities, and that is what she wanted. Let's make sure that human kind will not forget her example!

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