Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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February 03, 2010 06:09 AM

I'm in year 11 doing my GCSE's on the Holocaust and i think what the Germans did to the Jews is horrible. Jews were people too, and it makes me sick thinking about it. The website has helped me with my coursework.
Cathie D
February 02, 2010 06:40 PM

I think this website is a great source of information. I'm 16 years old and I like to learn about the Holocaust and think of those who were lost. I read stories and see movies about what happened. I think I am so interested in this because I want to understand how someone can be so inhumane. I plan on going to museums and to death camps to learn more. I am now studying this in my English class and learning things I didn't know. I like to see things from both sides. But I see how the Jews felt and went in their shoes as you can say. This website is teaching me more and more. Now if only I could see what turned Hitler who is a Jew against other Jews. If you know any stories please e-mail me gentle_angle572010@yahoo.com. Thank you
Adrienne Keiffer
February 02, 2010 03:43 PM

My grandfather, Gordon Murray Johnson was a soldier in the 99th Infantry Division. He passed away recently; January 25th, 2010. He didn't speak much of the Battle of the Bulge, and I understand why. To me, he is a hero.
January 29, 2010 11:31 AM

i just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your information with everyone in the world.... my 8th grade class is doing a research on the holocaust, and this site is really helping me with my class right now..
January 28, 2010 04:53 PM

This site has showed me so much that I didn't know about the Holocaust, the smallest parts happened to have the biggest impact, this helped me a ton on my 8th grade Holocaust project. Thank you
January 27, 2010 12:47 PM

The horror and cruelty these people indured is unimaginable. They're all heroes. Hitler forgot one mportant thing... Jesus was a Jew.
January 15, 2010 01:35 PM

This information is incredible in so many ways. Mr. Salsitz's words tell me what happened to my great-grandparents in Kolbuszowa, as they are mentioned by name. I had never heard this story from my grandfather and I am now in my 60's. Thank you. Thank you. I hope to visit this city on my long awaited voyage to Israel next year! I want to touch the earth.
r clive
January 10, 2010 11:09 AM

These pictures took me back. I was a grenadier guard at this camp 1945-46, and these pictures -- you do not forget the war was over, and we were there to guard this camp. r clive
January 07, 2010 05:05 PM

I think it was terrible what Hitler did to the Jews. But if we all think about it some of this stuff is still happening. I honestly think the world needs to change a bit. But thank you for this great site. It helped me so much on my 8th grade Holocaust project. Thank you:)
Jane de Villiers
January 06, 2010 10:26 AM

What infuriated Hitler most was the Jews' mastery of capitalism,their ability to build great department stores, newspapers, investments banks, publishing houses and many other great enterprises.I bemoan the fact that Hitler's destruction of six million Jews deprived future Europe of the best brains and talents on the continent. And, ironically, it was Jewish scientific genius that helped the allies win World War 11.
We shall never know what great enterprises, what great works of genius the six million would have produced for the benefit of mankind.There is no telling how much wealth their talents would have created.Thank you for reading

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