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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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June 17, 2008 10:21 AM

I think Anne Frank is an excellent book because it teaches you how the holocaust was like and how Jewish people had to live in the world back then. Since I am the same age as Anne Frank it makes it more interesting to read. I still want to know who betrayed Anne Frank, her family, and friends. I think it is horrible the way they treat Jewish people and how they are sent to concentration camps. This is what I think of Anne Frank.
June 17, 2008 10:11 AM

the book was ok I would not read it again. i would not be abole to live in the annex for 2 years. it most of been really hard to live like that. i wonder who told on the franks.
June 17, 2008 10:10 AM

I loved the book Anne Frank. It was un beleavable. I wathched the movie too. It was a excellent story about a little girl that whent throught the Holocaust. It is such inexpiring story of how she hid in the secret anex for two straght years. I dont know how she didnt get caught before two years. I wonder who squeeled on her. On day I would whant to find out how squeeled on her and her friends. Anne Frank is a big inspiration to me and my clasmates.
June 17, 2008 09:29 AM

a while ago while we were in our english class, we were studying anne frank's diary. and suddenly i got very interested on her diary. then i searched her diary on the net. then i saw this website. upon seeing this, i never thought of those things that way. especially those essay she wrote. i know GOD and believe in Him and trust Him. but what i have read, is something that made my faith stronger. she is really an inspiration. i would like to have to buy her book. and maybe read more of her short stories. she's and idol :))
June 16, 2008 12:10 AM

I have just visited the Holocaust Museum, and I have seen the horrid pictures, and thee unbelievable stories. Anne's pictures are one of the best exhibits in the entire museum. My opinion is that she was such a smart young lady, jew or no-jew. It just shows that you can be anybody to become a someobody. Thee original drawings and entries were also so amazing. To meet her in person would have been a dream. She was so grateful, and her opinions were intelligent and precise. Her writings were an inside of the War was also fantastic. She will always be remembered in world history.
June 12, 2008 11:04 PM

The world indeed has gone through many changes...suffering, wars, and such.And it still is... The people living around me are unresponsive and careless to most of the books that my class has read throughout the year... Our class had done different reading selections and such... The last few weeks have been rather boring nothing to look into in classes... but our teacher suddenly brought up that we will soon be going into the selection of "Anne Frank". I had suddenly thought "Who's that?" I had then eagerly waited to hear more of who she was... By then my waiting had come to a sudden stop... We were given packets to look over the selection of "Anne Frank" and how close she was connected to the "Holocaust".
After that we began reading the play of "Anne Frank"... not the actual copy edited book verision... But none the less I was astounded and dumfounded by how much courage and faith the young girl had during her short years of being into hiding. I wanted to read and know more by then... I grabed the copy verision of "Anne Frank" "The Diary of a Young Girl" and read it at night. I also viewed the disney verision movie of "Anne Frank". After watching it to the part of when Otto Frank gets off the train and eagerly waits for his family to pop out of the huge crowd masses of Jew families rejoining together as one... He saw noone... He expression was so hurting deep inside my heart... I had then sobbed quitely... Because of the pain every single Jew that went through that time, children no longer with their families, Otto Frank no longer being able to see his youngest daughter anymore after they were seperated at the death camps... And beacause of... "other things"... And here i am now... Away from school and into the summer camps... and off to become a 9th grader by next year... I wanted to look back into what I read over the summer... and... then coming across this website of Anne Frank and viewing it... It just blows me away and leaves me tearful deep inside my heart. I am greatful to have atleast come across this website and read over it... and to have read of the great "Anne Frank". Someone that was so young... shouldn't have had to suffer these terrible era's of time in life... and die at such a young age... and to never experince the world out before her... she didn't get a chance... but had hoped for the best in the end... it's what tears me up inside...
Rebecca Binau
June 11, 2008 12:21 AM

Anne Frank is definately one of my greatest heroes. Her courage, spirit, and her strong will and loving personality she pours out in her diary. I read her diary for the first time about a month ago, and have read it 3 times already! My heart aches for her, her family, and all the fallen that she symbolizes. She is an example as to why racial discrimination should be stopped.
nick rossett
June 09, 2008 08:33 PM

anne frank was so cool and so brave she got me intersted in the Holocaust i wish she was still alive so i could talk to her
shamarra baxtron
June 09, 2008 09:28 AM

anne frank is a amazing person.she is my hero she encourage me that when times get rough keep my head up and stay strong. and to also believe that there is faith and a miracle for me.....
shamarra baxtron
June 09, 2008 09:25 AM

As i look at this photos of anne frank she seems as if she wasnt in hiding at all she seems normal because she has pictures hanging up and she also had very nee handing. i will never forget about anne frank she is my hero

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