Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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June 07, 2008 12:36 AM

I am beginning preperations for Middle school and my fifth grade teacher taught us a bunch of information about this young, inspirational, girl.And to think that if this creulty that Anne suffered never happened she could have lived to be a intellectual inspiration and an excelllent role model for kids.Her story is so powerful it nearly brought me to tears.I am much like anne in many ways.I will list them.
1.I look on the bright side in a bad situation.
2.I love to write.
3.I don't have straight teeth.
and so on and so forth.I wish that I could just go back in time and save her from death.:(
June 05, 2008 01:14 AM

I am a jew & after reading anne franks book when i was 13 a very proud 1, my family also endured hard ship at the hands of the nazis in poland,anne frank to me is an inspiration, what her & my family went through we could never evan try to imagine, i hope all monsters down in hell could all see what a hero she has become & how hated & descrased & ashamed the german people are by them, i hope this for my family to, & i hope in reading it people will let go of all the jewish negativity, cos at the end of the day we are all human & deserve respect,
June 04, 2008 01:33 PM

when first read anne franks diary I cried. it has inspired me,iam thirteen years old I know this probably sounds crazy, but i feel so close to anne i am so interested in her she is amazing i feel like i am her sister! i know its weird. when i grow up i want to work at the anne frank house in germany. june 4th 2008, Hunter Wimmer
June 03, 2008 04:21 AM

I watched the movie of Anne Frank and i was like omg i cant believe that a young girl can go through this much hell i felt soo sorry for her and then i went to the jewish museum and learnt more and i was almost in tears. She was such a brave and string girl, she was also innocent i just cant get over that.
Diana Pintar
June 01, 2008 12:42 PM

I first read Anne's diary when I was 12 years old. I was moved by her life, her death, and tragedy the Holocaust. As a Gentile, Anne's story was my first real introduction to the atrocities committed against the Jewish people in World War II. This website has helped Anne's story come alive again for me, and is set forth in media that is easily accessible to the next generation. Well done!
May 31, 2008 04:40 PM

WOW Anne Frank is amazing!
To me she is an inspiration as well as a hero.
I'm still young but I feel I can greatly connect with Anne. It is because of Anne Frank that I have a great interest in the Holocast. I feel everyone sould know aboout it so that history won't repeat itself. No one deserves to be treated unfairly!!!
May 26, 2008 10:47 AM

I read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was in the sixth grade. It gave me a whole new perspective of the Holocaust and life. I felt like following my dreams more and taking action against racism so that nothing like the Holocaust ever happens again. I'm almost in the eighth grade now and I still remember what I felt reading the diary. I even felt like i had a strange connection with Anne.
May 25, 2008 08:26 PM

I first read Anne's diary when I was about thirteen. It opened up a whole new world to me as I began to read other books to learn more about the Holocaust. One thing that struck me about the diary was how ordinary Anne's life seemed before she went into hiding. She went to school, had crushes on boys, argued with her sister and mother, spent time with her best friends. All those things that are universal in their timelessness, so typical for a young girl in any era. But Anne's parents went to great lengths to protect her and Margot for as long as possible. Over the years I have collected several books about Anne and her family. My daughter first read the diary when she was twelve, and had many of the same questions I had at her age. It was an opportunity for us to discuss prejudice and persecution, still so prevalent in our contemporary society.
May 25, 2008 01:12 PM

i havent read the book but i think the story of anne frank is amazing... but i think that she did the right thing to write in a diary because it now gives us insight of what really happened! even though she didnt know it, every single day people are reading her story and understanding what happened.
hatim kanchwala
May 25, 2008 10:36 AM

I truely liked Anne Frank's journals. she is just superb.

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