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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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May 07, 2008 12:31 PM

I really enjoyed this book, although the ending of it was sad. Also i enjoyed this because i got to learn what happend to the Jews years ago.
May 07, 2008 12:31 PM

I think Anne's book will inspire many young women not to let others put them down. Her story is one among millions and we should be proud to know what happened in history, and to know the actual thoughs of a young Jewish girl in that period of time. It must have been hard to stay in hiding for so long of time, I was overwhelmed by the ending. I watched the movie and it was potrayed very well, the different scenes seemed real, it must have been hard to do such work. Anne is a very beautiful and intellegant girl, we can learn a lot from her.
May 07, 2008 12:31 PM

I like the book because it tells only one story of the 6 million Jews.It was an inspirtional story and I think that everone shoud read this book. I liked the move but the book is like nothing I read before I am move by the way she expressed her feelings.
May 07, 2008 12:29 PM

So far i have read some of the book and watched the some of the movie and what i have seen of the movie and read of the book it is a very inspiring book to teenage girls at the ages of 13 to 14.I think Anne Frank was a very brave girl for haveing to deal with going into hiding for so long and writing a Journal about her life while she was in hiding.
May 07, 2008 12:27 PM

I have read this book and watched the video. Anne is such a powerful and beautiful writer. Anne is so inspiritional to all kinds of young girls. This was a amazing book, a really good learning experience for me although by the ending i was pretty sad. It REALLY did have to happen that way, Anne Frank DID NOT have to die!!
May 07, 2008 12:25 PM

I liked this book because it tells me how to write a diary. And it taught me a lot about the Jews when holocaust.
skyler p, 14
May 06, 2008 11:40 PM

i watched the video on here instead of going down stairs to watch tv or eat ice cream..by choice.this video grabbed me. Anne is absolutely incredible. to go through all this and still have hope. still have humor. still have love. she's the ultimate inspiration for children-and for woman at every age. she was unsure of herself, but in between the lines, you can see that the diary and stories were a comfort to anne's discomfort with the world, and with herself.
Melissa Vance
May 06, 2008 02:59 AM

The first time i ever read The Diary of Anne Frank, I was 9 yrs old. I remember thinking that this girl is only a few years older than me and she is dealing with so much. Anne was such a strong little girl. If she would have lived I have a feeling she would have been a well respected author. It is sad to me that there is such evil in this world. That you would hate someone for their religion or the way they look, is the height of stupidity. It is very sad that so many people had to die before anyone came to help. That so many people should die for the misguided reasons of a few is utterly revolting. I haven't read the book in years, but, I am going to buy it tomorrow. I would like to give it to my neice. I want her to get to know Anne and find out her story. She was such a stong girl. I wish things were different but, hopefully, the world can learn from our mistakes.
jonas gal
May 05, 2008 01:05 PM

wow that book was such a great book my whole class loved it all i can say is that the book is like a gate way to the past!
Dwayne ettridge
May 05, 2008 01:41 AM

I think that the book is a wonderful example of the toughness of the human spirit. I often use the book in my class as a special education teacher to help my students gain empathy and learn a little history a the same time. I always read a shortened version of the book leaving out things that are not classroom friendly. However my students always grow to love Anne and are very upset by the ending. I have learned to now warn them of the ending.

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