Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Liza C.
January 12, 2012 10:27 PM

I thought that this site really made me understand how much of a difficult situation the Frank family was in. In the "Launch the Exhibition" section, I liked how the reader represented Anne. This made me really see the story from her perspective, especially when she read the "Give" from her diary. This made me realize how many people are in a much worse situation than I am.
Joe Kutlowski
January 12, 2012 10:21 PM

I'm 14 years old and I recently read and learned about Anne Frank. I can't relate to Anne all that much considering I live in a different country, a different century, and that I'm not a girl, but I can relate to Anne because I'm her age and I believe in her ethics and beliefs on society. Anne Frank died trying to make the world a better place for people to live in and succeeded greatly. Even know Anne Frank never lived to see the end of the war and to spread her morals and ethics, her Diary and notebooks succeeded in spreading them for her. Her dream was to be a famous writer and to leave a memory of herself behind for generations to know about her and her writing. I say she achieved her dream in the end.
January 12, 2012 09:16 PM

The story of Anne Frank has helped me better understand the Holocaust and all that Jews at the time had to go through. I have been to Auschwitz and seen the horror that people in these concentration camps had to go through. It's definitely a story I won't forget and will take away a lot from it. Anne's story of "Give" has especially interested me for its message and the fact that Anne wrote this as a teenager. Anne is definitely an important figure and role model today.
Cierra D.
January 12, 2012 07:57 PM

You are an amazing person. I can't believe through out all of your hardships you were able to be creative and productive. Your Give essay is extremely moving. I don't understand why people don't act like this, there is no difference. I think you would be a large supporter of the wall street protests and arab springs. It seems like something you would fight for.
You are an amazing writer. I remember when I first read your diary. It was one of those books where you read the epilogue,the acknowledgments,the about the author, and then just stare at the blank pages at the end and think for a minute or two. Your diary opened me up to a whole new world of literature about the Holocaust. These types of books change you as a person. Thank you for sharing your insightful and true thoughts with the world!
January 12, 2012 05:27 PM

In my mind, Anne and I lived in very different time periods, she a much more difficult one than mine. Because I think about her and when she lived like this, it is harder for me to believe how alike she is to teenagers these days. For some reason, I didn't really think she would write about boyfriends and such, which took me by suprise when I learned that.

The first time I read her diary, I was around the age of 11 and most of her writing didn't really make sense to me. But when we read it this year, in my class, it clicked in my mind and changed how I view Anne and her life.
S. Jones
January 12, 2012 04:37 PM

After reading the exhibit, i have to say that it is amazing that Anne, at her age, thought so deeply about the world. the fact that she was in such a terrible situation and managed to think positively in spite of it all is something I could never do. In short, Anne did something truly amazing, and it is a happy occasion that her thoughts survived.
Christina P.
January 12, 2012 06:25 AM

Anne's story is very inspirational. Even though she spent a couple years in hiding she still managed to live a happy life and have dreams. Even though she was not being treated fairly she wrote her essay on how to treat everyone equally. Instead of focusing on the Jewish people she was able to think about everyone.That only is more then so many people would be able to do.
Haley F.
January 11, 2012 05:51 PM

I remember reading Anne Frank's diary when I was younger - as a fourth or fifth grader, I think - and now I am the same age that Anne was when she first went into hiding, and we have just finished reading a play based on Anne's diary. Reading some of the things Anne had written is very inspiring to me, because I really love to write and have kept a diary since I was very young. She was such a good writer at such a young age, and she was such a goodhearted person. Just reading all the comments from people all over the world on this page shows how well-known she is and how moved people are by her story. Anne is obviously a role model to people everywhere, which I don't find surprising. I can only imagine how I would feel if I had to give up my whole life and go into hiding.
January 11, 2012 05:31 PM

When I read Anne's story, there was an immediate thought of "Wow! That was going through a 13 year old's head?" I wasn't even thinking about writing when I was 13. I hated it! Now I've gotten to understand what true writing is, and how it can be done by someone Anne's age. I feel that this is someone I can relate my English teacher to, he uses big words, and deep down, I feel that he cares for the things that Anne did.I've achieved a certain level of knowledge about the holocaust from these diaries, and feel that Anne is very insightful, maybe more than some writers.
Leanne Rivenbark
January 11, 2012 02:47 PM

I was fascinated by the Anne frank story,particularly about how cheery she seemed even in such hard times.I admire and envy her ability to do that. I read the play in English class in 8th grade and was taken in by it. I was able to see another side of the holocaust, and i find it hard to believe Anne franks story is a true one. Even though she lived in a place and time far away from me, i still feel i can relate to her. Like Anne,I too am a writer and a 13 year old girl. This only makes her incredible story seem more real too me. Though I never knew her, i will never forget Anne Frank.

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