Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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John Lambert
March 20, 2008 11:04 AM

I first read the diary of Anne Frank when aged 12-13. It was an experience of reading the thoughts of another young Jewish girl. My first reading of the diary was an occasion of meeting a girl through her writings - having a sense of kinship with the writer, knowing of her tragic end in the madness of the Holocaust. It was also a reminder to cherish and embrace the freedom and rights so often taken for granted. Because of the Holocaust Museum's exhibition and website, I have re-read Anne's diary, for the first time in twenty years. Because of the Museum's exhibition of Anne Frank's writings, I have come to view her as a writer apart from her diary, not only as a gifted teenager who represents the child victims of the holocaust. Anne Frank's voice was stilled by the Nazis; her writings live as a legacy of the promise unfulfilled. By acknowledging her writings and making them known to the world, Anne's voice has been allowed to be heard again. Anne Frank was one of many millions of victims of the Holocaust. Each had a voice that should have been allowed to be heard throughout their natural spans of life. Anne Frank represents not only all of the child victims, but all the victims. My thanks to the Holocaust Museum for arranging for the United States to exhibit Anne Frank's work and for honoring the voices and memories of all the victims of the Holocaust.
GE-O (aka big hair)
March 20, 2008 11:02 AM

I love anne frank. I read her story about fie million times and i love her inspration to how she lived and what she did. I am now 15 and i still go aroud to schools in Japan and telling everyone her story. I thought Hitler was selfish and he was not angry at the jews or blackes he was angry at him self. So, Anne, if you can see this letter, i love you forener, you are my roll model and please rest in peace, anne . Ilove you!!!!! So does everyone in Japan!!!!
Robert Dyer
March 20, 2008 11:01 AM

I read this book just recently and I can't stop reading it! It's a wonderful book. She was a wonderful writer and if she was alive today, I'm sure she would be one of the world's top ten people.
Eleanor Rigby; Lankshire, Scotland; 27
March 20, 2008 10:59 AM

I read the play of "Anne Frank" in my language arts class about two weeks ago. At first I thought the story would be like reading a history text book, but I discovered that it was very interesting and factual.
I would recomend this story to all people so that this horrible tradedgy will never happen again.
Cliff McJigger
March 20, 2008 10:57 AM

I was about 13 years old when I first read Anne Franks diary and I was and still am going through some of the emotions of being a girl that she went through (I'm now 17). I remember reading parts of the story as if I was looking at myself in a mirror and I still do. It is hard to imagine what she went through and to live in the secret annexe - which my parents and sister have been to see when they went on holiday. I would give anything to see it. I have recently bought the recent production about Anne Franks life and found it incredable and wonderful! Millissa Muller is an excellent journalist and I believe that she has made Anne proud. I have read Anne's diary so many times and when I read troubles she was going through at the same time I as I am, I kind of feel like the diary is a secret friend of mine that will always be with me. I love this website it really brings Anne's story to life. The holucaust was an awful thing. I was so upset when I got to the end of the diary were the book publishers wrote what happened to the Franks and the Van Pels. It must have been awful to know that on the other side of the fence from where they were dying was food and water and people saving the jews. I wish that I can visit the house one day, see the real diary. But due to the widely read diary I know that throughout the generations Anne will still remain the voice of her generation and she will live in our hearts forever a long with all the people who tragically died in the Holucaust
Soccerstar Thunder
March 20, 2008 10:56 AM

After reading the Diary of Anne Frank for the first time when I was 13, I was changed inside. This meaningful and heartwarming story truly touched me deep inside my heart. When I first read this book, I did not know what to expect - corny fiction or biblical history? Now after reading this magnificent book, I realized that it was perfect - just in between. It has the perfect of mix humor and tragedy. Its impact on me has been huge, by showing me how I take so many things for granted. I have learned to cherish what I have and not ask for more. Living in a place of freedom, running water, and endless amounts of food is truly the perfect life - I could never ask for more. The information on this amazing, detailed website surprised me and gave me an insight on what really went on in Anne Frank's mind. She was a girl with great compassion and a lot of courage. Granted, she had a wild side that got the best of her sometimes, but she was still a kind sister and daughter. Overall, the Diary of Anne Frank has truly changed my life and I will always remember this story.
Tina,12,new mexico
March 20, 2008 09:42 AM

I just recently read the story of Anne Frank,in class.It was touching,wow I never really liked reading stories about people who lived in the 1900's.
After reading about Anne Fank, I now can sit down and read this story over and over again.
March 20, 2008 09:40 AM

When I read the story of Anne Frank I thought that it was inspiring.I thought it was so cruel what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews.I thought this book was amazning.I first read it in 8th grade and I've been reading it everyday.I would recommened this to someone who wanted to know what happened to the Jews.I would really like to go on a tour and learn more a bout her.This book is such an amazing and inspiring book.
March 20, 2008 09:36 AM

I think that this is an amazing story and i admire her, her family, and all of the others who had to go through this terrible time. When we were reading this in school i had to hold back my tears and I think it was wrong and cruel what Hitler and the Nazis did.
March 20, 2008 09:35 AM

My name is Katie and my class read the play of Anne Frank. I really loved this story it was informational yet exciting. It made coming to school so much more exciting. I think Anne was very stong she didn't let anyone walk all over her and she didn't try to change just for The Van Daan's because she thought she was annoying. She changed because she was maturing. I know if I was in her situation I would not handle it as well as her.

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