Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Mercades Drake
March 19, 2008 09:18 AM

I would have to say that those who have been in concentration camps had it exremely hard and that for Anne Frank to have to go through all of that is intolerable for me let alone her and the rest of those Jewish families that had been shipped there against their wills. After looking at the photographs of the concentration camps I was crying and just thinking what if that were to be still going on? and what if Hitler was still alive then would there be concentration camps would the Jews still be mistreated? But most of all How could Hannah, one of Anne's friends in school handle not being able to see Anne for so long and thinking that she was in Switzerland and then after a while finding out that she was actually in a concentration camp but once finding her how could she bear to talk to her and not see her?
I just can't believe it took me this long to realize how lucky I am and how good my life is and hard it was for the Franks and all the other people there. My feelings toward this matter is obviously strong and I amthinking of how wonderful everything in my life is and how grateful I am.
Mark ☺
March 19, 2008 09:18 AM

I thought that the Diary of Anne Frank was very amazing. For someone her age in that time and place, I have no idea how she could express herself so easily. The stories that she wrote were pretty cool. The Diary of Anne Frank is a great way to show other people how Jews in that time have suffered.
Michael A. Gonzalez
March 19, 2008 09:17 AM

Hello my name is Michael Gonzalez and I think that "The Diary Of Anne Frank" is very interesting. Her life is very tragic. I think it must have been horrible to live during the Holocaust. I realy feel bad for what the Nazis did to her. If she was alive today she would be very famous. I also feel bad for the rest of the people that went through the Holcaust. I read "The Diary Of Anne Frank" with my class and I liked it but it made me sad and mad at the same time. I realy wish she didn't die though.
The End
March 19, 2008 09:17 AM

I remember the first time I read The Diary of Anne Frank and I liked the story a lot.If I was in the situation I wouldn't know what to do. They are very strong people to stay in hiding that long.I encourage everyone to read this story. It just shows how easy we have it nowadays. It has made a big impact on me that they stayed in hiding for 2 years without getting caught.
Britnee Bergmann??
March 19, 2008 09:15 AM

Reading the Diary Of Anne Frank is really sad, and makes me want to cry when she talks about her life and her family. The Diary Of Anne Frank is an honor to read. Just thinking of losing my family like she did, I don't even know what I would do! When I think how hard life was being a Jew back then makes you think how lucky you really are. Everyone should be treated equally no matter what. Anne wanted to be remembered and known for what she did and what had happened to her. And then for that to happen is one in a million chance. I first read this book in 8th grade and it was wonderful. I love the Story The Diary Of Anne Frank!??
Jasmine Mogdam
March 19, 2008 09:14 AM

Our class recently read the play of The Diary of Anne Frank and it really made me realize how hard it must have been, being treated so hard just because of their religion. I think Anne was a truly remarkable person and I feel so badly for her and all the other people that suffered and were tortured to their deaths. I think more people should read her diary so they can understand what a great person she was.
Lizzy Osborn
March 19, 2008 09:13 AM

We just finished reading the Diary of Anne Frank [the play] in english class.
I would like to go visit the Holocaust Museum and the Secert Annex. I think it would be a good experience, to go and see how they lived and how other people would have been treated. I think more people should read the Diary of Anne Frank, because it will wake them up to what happened. We really do not have it bad today.
I think it was more interesting than reading out of a history book. It's in like a teenagers view of things.
Chelsea Rivers
March 19, 2008 09:13 AM

I am in 8th grdae and in my english class we just read the Diary of Anne Frank.We decided to come onto this site to see the presentation of Anne Frank.I really liked how it had an actress reading the thoughts of Anne.I found that Anne had such deep thoughts for such a young age.Then again she had to go through such an extreme lifestyle at an age that no one would ever dream to go through.I really feel sorrow for Mr.Frank with losing all his family and most of the people he knew in life.
Tim G. Western Wayne School Dis.
March 19, 2008 09:11 AM

In my school we read the play version of The Diary of Anne Frank which had some parts put into it to entertain the audience but still had most of the facts. One of the characters (Mr Van Daan) stole some food in the play but it also said that it was an event that was only put into the play. We also watched the movie a little bit in my class and it adds even more things that weren't really in the real diary. What I think that was truly amazing is having to stay in the same place for two years of your life. It would have been even more if they weren't caught by the Germans. If I ever go to Amsterdam I'd like to see the secret annex.
March 19, 2008 09:11 AM

I thought that it was the most horiffing thing in the world! I have to give props to Anne Frank, she was very brave. She wrote down all those thing, an dit was in such a hard time for everyone.Just looking at some of those pictures was terrible. I can't believe that someone would actually do somthing like that. I cryed.Anne Frank is my hero!! :)

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