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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Kevin Durant fan
January 10, 2012 07:46 PM

After reading the book Diary of Anne Frank, I was disheartened about the prejudice and discriminative ideas by the Nazi party. I was very sad to know what happened to millions of innocent Jews. If I felt pain while just reading this book, I do not want to know how much grief and pain the people in the concentration camp felt. I think Anne Frank is a brave heart, and she should always be remembered.
January 10, 2012 10:34 AM

I read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was 13 years old, I am now 14. This story was very interesting and emotional. You really feel for Anne and her family, as when you read about all the things happening in the Annex it makes you feel like you were there, and it is easy to think that because this is a true story. I doubt I would ever be able to stand hiding for so long and it makes me wonder how they all did it. Even though they get caught in the end, this story did make me happy and hopeful at many times.
January 10, 2012 03:17 AM

Anne’s story is very sweet, touching, and shocking. Anne was a great hero to the people of the Annex, and she really brightened the mood of the trapped and restricted years. As I read her story, I could understand the cruelty and bitterness she must have felt. This changed my perspective of the war a lot, and gave me interest towards the world history. Her story still inspires and motivates people all around the world. She was only writing in her diary to keep her thoughts in, but after these years, it is the 2nd most published book in the world. It makes me sad of how Anne’s story is only one of the many people died in this tragedy.
January 10, 2012 02:43 AM

I really enjoyed reading " A Diary of Anne Frank". Though it was just the play, not the real diary, it still had a great effect on me. I knew that the holocaust were tough times, but reading it from the view of a young girl,like me, makes it terribly depressing. I couldn't believe such a barbaric event could be caused by human beings. I find it unfair that Anne's struggles and goals became worthless. She was an amazing person, and one of my role models. Though her ending was tragic, her attitude left a lasting impression on the people around her, and the readers of her diary. Through out the story, I hoped for her survival. I wanted her to grow up, and accomplish great things. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as I hoped so, but she left a great impact on me and hopefully, many other people.
Christopher Reid
January 10, 2012 02:17 AM

In Language Arts, I read the play version of the Diary of Anne Frank. I was mesmerized by Anne's positive demeanor and how her hopes were greater than her fear of being caught by the Nazis. That is a quality all of use can learn from, because people today get upset over things that do not matter. When I learned that Anne died, I was extremely upset because she was so talented and could have changed the world even more than she has already. A young life ended by hate and intolerance. I also thought about Otto Frank and how he had to endure seeing his whole family being ripped apart. He was the only one left to bear the burning pain. Only a few people have the courage to deal with that kind of emotional trauma in the world. Whenever I read books like this, I want to think that it is fiction. Something like what happened to Anne and her family is much too horrible to be real. But it happened to 6 million people. You and your family will always be in our thoughts. RIP - All the victims of the Holocaust.
January 10, 2012 01:39 AM

Dear Anne,
I read your diary and the play and I was shocked to see what had happened to people who weren’t German. I never thought that the Holocaust was really that bad. I was quite amazed that out of the harsh and life threatening conditions you were very optimistic and had a positive attitude that the war would end soon, and your positive effected everyone in the secret Annex. You had a very inquisitive mind even though you bothered a lot of people you still are probably a good person at heart and always be. I always wondered how you would be if you had survived the camp. I wonder if your personality changed or is it still the same?
Also you are an inspirational hero to show that your bravery, and courage and will never end no matter what obstacles you faced. Also your quote, “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are truly good at heart”. This show that even though you was a target she would accept enemies as friends and not many people would do that. So to conclude you were an inspirational hero trying to stop hatred from over coming people.
From Oobermenchmooseturkeycarpenterfish,
Amol Upadhyay
January 10, 2012 01:37 AM

I thought the book was great with several themes presented.The story had humor,in what I thought was supposed to be a sad story.This book also had a little romance among Peter and Anne. The book made me realize what it felt like to be in such a hard place and still have hope that you will live. This book made me understand how it was like to live in a life and death situation. After reading this book, I understand that my hard times would not be as strong as what Anne faced.Anne's diary surely changed me too.With all it different themes including heroism I think this story will surely touch the hearts of all its readers
January 10, 2012 01:08 AM

Dear Anne,
If you were still alive today, you would be pleased to know of the lasting impact your diary has left on the world. It helped us future generations glean important knowledge of life during World War II and the horrors of the Holocaust. Your diary touched the hearts of all who read it. You would also be pleased to know that they created a play on your life in the Annex, which is the main form of your diary that I read. However, I also read some of your diaries and I must be honest when I say what an impression they left on me. It opened my eyes up to what was going on in the real world and what still happens today in some parts. Even as I grow older, I will never forget your words and life. I was deeply saddened when I learned of your fate and the other members of the Annex, as well as others who suffered and were killed. However, you were forever immortalized through your words. Plus, the respect received by you and the victims is truly deserving because of what all of you went through and your actions. It inspired me to help in any way I can against other genocides to ensure what happened to you and your close ones does not happen to others as well. Thank you, Anne, for your sacrifices and your memories.
January 10, 2012 12:32 AM

Dear Anne,
You have inspired me to write because your sad story became famous when you were just writing the truth. You were so brave to hide in an area for almost two years without going outside. I, personally would have gotten claustrophobic and freaked out. Also,
the story you have told us, makes me feel sympathetic for all the other people that encountered the same fate.
Veruca Salt
January 10, 2012 12:22 AM

Dear Anne,
I can't help but think you and peter could have spent the rest of your lives together if your families were not captured in World War II.I think about the lives each member of the Annex would have lived if they had survived.You, a famous writer, would live with Peter and your two children. Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan realizing their faults and flaws would seek counseling and volunteer in their spare time.Mr. Dussel would continue his dentistry and also develop a fondness for children.Your sister Margot would become a college professor, your parents, charity workers.
Though your story is not a fairytale, it is not only popular, but extremely influential.You are remembered, Anne Frank. May you forever rest in peace.
Yours, Veruca Salt

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