Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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March 19, 2008 08:16 AM

When I read "The Diary of Anne Frank" I thought it was kinda boring, but after I listened and read to the exhibit i realized what Anne really had to go through and how bad it was.Now i know how Anne felt and what she and the frank family went through!!!!!!
Taylor Mcdevitt
March 19, 2008 08:16 AM

The first time I read the Diary of Anne Frank I liked it. I thought it was sad when Anne was sent to the concentration camp. I was mad at the end when I read that the robber told the Nazis that they lived there. Some of the parts she was annoying.
March 19, 2008 08:16 AM

When i read "The Dairy of Anne Frank" I thought some parts were interesting but others were boring. I also relized what she had to go though and what it must have been like.
March 19, 2008 08:09 AM

I recently finished the diary of Anne Frank. I thought it was cruel what the Nazis did to the Jews. Even though the Jews had a hard time with trying to hide, they tried their hardest to don't get caught.
March 19, 2008 08:08 AM

I just finished reading her book for the first time. I thought it was amazing, how she turns her diary entries into a story of her own life story. Also even though she was going through the hardest time in her life she still managed to stay strong. I think if I was in her position I dont think I could have handled all that went on during that time.
Megan Herne
March 19, 2008 08:04 AM

There are many things i like about anne frank but,what i like about her the most is when she writes she writes with such passion and she writes with her heart and not her brain and thats what a good writer is.
lucy mendoza age 13
March 18, 2008 06:11 PM

i read this book "Anne's Diary "and i love reading but this book, this wonderful book with so deep and wonderous thoughts.. I was just was blown away by her way of thinking. It its funny becuase i just figured something out she has the same birthday as I. She would have been a amazing writer, she is "different" thinks "different" and now I have just now seen the world in a "different" way too.....
March 17, 2008 05:14 PM

Anne Frank has very good opinions about the world. if only every one in the world would follow this wonderful idea. I hate hitlar for doing this if it wasn't for him Anne Frank would probobly have lived for 26, or ,77 more years. She could have made so many great changes for the world. She could have forfilled her dream even more by writing millions of more books. ( I believe she could.) Why did Hitler see them as different were all the same god loves all of us . So maybe we practice different religens so what, and maybe we have different color skin or look different if only the whole world had this type of attitude. Even if they do now it is to late for the lives that were lost. May they all rest in peace ! By: Sofia Sanchez a fourth grader with great huge dreams of changing the flause of the people around her.
March 17, 2008 03:59 PM

Wow, I did a wax museum report on Anne Frank and it's amazing how much you can learn from her! I cannot understand Hitler at all, he is just so cruel! I love the things you can learn from her, and have stuck to me: Be Thankful, Never Blame Another, for if they didn't, that is cruel. Oh there is SO many more! I just love her! I can always look up to her, my hero!
March 17, 2008 11:07 AM

Anne Frank young writer was a great book I read it for a biography. Then I read another book with one of my teachers for a lit group. I really enjoy the books of Anne Frank. Adolf Hitler was cruel to Jews.It just make me want cry the way Adolf treated the Jews. Adolf Has a thing where he only likes blue eyed and blond haired people there where some who got killed because they did not have blue eyes or blond hair that is down right sad and cruel. I could not stand living like Anne Frank and her life with Adolf Hitler. One day I want to go to the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam.

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