Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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March 11, 2008 04:19 PM

The first time i read her diary i was like 9-10. I at this time am actaly writing a paper on her for a history class and i hope that everyone is true to what they say about Anne Frank!! She rocks!
March 11, 2008 08:48 AM

I love the story of anne frank. I read all the books about her. But to go on a tour about her would be great!!! I want to learn more about her. I frist foud out about ehr when my sister did a projet on her. She is a fantastic person to learn about. I even have twenty book repots abuot for school!! Anne Franks life was intersteing but every upsetting. I would of loved ot have meet her. People say if she just had survied for two more mounths, she would still be here today.
March 11, 2008 02:20 AM

I have just finished reading the diary entries in my english class. I was intriuged with the depth and perception she had of her own emotions. it was amazing to see how quikly she had matured and the struggles she faced in her adolescent years. What was most interesting in my opinion is that it is a representation of the teenage mind, which many of us at that certain age canrespond to. The amplification of emotions brought upon by the cramped environment allows Anne to express herself in a mature manner. Reading the diary lead me to wonder what i would do in that situation.
March 07, 2008 09:03 PM

How to start?
I just finished reading it for the second time.
I'm still fazed after reading this bible. Yes, I say bible because everything is so relevant for all age groups. I will keep it with me forever and read it from time to time ir order to feel more grounded.
I am nearing 40 years but her writings and maturity are so much like what is going on in my life; even i have a daughter who is 12 and giving me trouble, but now i understand the rebellion. Everything in her writings feels extremely practical to me.
Sometimes, i feel if only we could have this indomitable spirit (Anne) back with us, SOMEHOW....
Signing off with a very heavy heart,
karen chauncey
March 07, 2008 05:21 PM

i read annes book for the first time in the 4TH grade and reading her diary makes me feel like ther's so much i can do to help people and miep gies is a very inspirational person to me i appreciate people like miep gies and my elders this book and its author has had a major influence on me and my husband and how we plan to raise our kids
March 07, 2008 03:29 PM

ive heard of the diary years ago in 5th grade imnow in 8th and i decided to read it and take and intreat in the diary, wow it was the most amazing thing ive ever read and what she went threw was hard... i wish she wouldve had the strength to live to be with her father, she tried and thats all that matters....
March 06, 2008 06:59 PM

I think it is so sad that that little girl went threw all that! It makes me cry!I am jewish so it touched me soooooo deep!
Darian Johnson
March 06, 2008 06:48 PM

I have always loved The Diary of Anne Frank, and have always found a way to plug in what she says into todays world. In her expedition, the story "Give" had a great message. I mean, shouldn't all people be treated equal? Why can't people she the good in everyone and not just themselves? I love rereading this book and watching the expedition because every time I do, it changes my outlook on everything. Makes me see it all from a different point of view. I also always become more compasionate toward Anne and pitty her for all of the trouble she went throught, and even sometimes look up to her. Sometimes when i think about what she says and had done, it seems like the only right and adult thing to do.
March 06, 2008 01:56 PM

this my second time to read about anne frank she was an inspire to us all she was the best writer she really care about her feelings and spracing how she feel i really care about what happen to her she was wonderful to me ! !
Edna D. Green
March 06, 2008 12:49 PM

I think this story was very important for us to know.But I also thought "What does this mean to us because we have nuthing to do with what happend then!" She inspired me to write a Dairy and maybe I will be as inspiring as she was to me one day!

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