Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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lindsey lohan
October 13, 2009 10:00 AM

i think that the holocaust was one of the most disatrous things that has happened in history.
October 08, 2009 02:21 AM

..the world never really got its revenge for those conspirators and so called architects of evil.. all we can do is to learn from these lessons of war..never again bring the world to another conflict that the most affected was the civillians..
Catherine, 16
October 07, 2009 01:34 PM

It's hard to find the words to describe how you feel when you read of the cruel and sickening executions of many innocent people, and it's hard to understand how this could all go on just 80 years ago. The tragedy of this should never be forgotten, as well as the many victims of this horrifying time. My respects go to all those who were affected.
Kimberly Stidham
October 06, 2009 11:24 AM

After reading a book on the Holocaust, I was horrified at the events that took place. The men and women that died was horrible enough, but to not show a shred of compassion for the little children in the concentration camps made me cry for days. We must never forget or become complacent regading this awful chapter in history.
October 04, 2009 12:51 AM

A Lucky Child, this book I am unable to put down, but I feel guilty just reading about the unfortunate circumstances Thomas Buergenthal and thousands of others experienced, but there again, these things I must know so that I can be aware of what horror the lack of freedom could bring to any one of us. Having experienced my own bad luck, growing up, I am relieved that we can survive through our darkest hours, as you did Mr. Buergenthal, and still remember being the lucky child. Thank you for telling your story. Peace and freedom be with you always.
Joe Bob Miginis
October 02, 2009 04:40 PM

Many of the comments here address how we could let genocide happen and how we won't let it happen again. What is completely overlooked, though, IS THAT GENOCIDE STILL REARS ITS HORRID FACE ALL AROUND US. It smiles at us, and so we become jaded and sheltered. Please, people, insted of looking down in sadness of what has happened or expressing your anger in words, do something. Tell someone. Reseach genocides other than the most famous of all. LIVES DEPEND ON IT
September 28, 2009 02:12 PM

Witam, nie jestem pewna czy ten list kiedykolwiek trafi do Pana ale postanowiłam spróbowac tak jak kiedys Pan wielokrotnie próbował. Jestem bardzo wdzięczna za opisanie wspomnien w " Dziecku szczęścia" To co Pan przeżył jest niesamowite a najgorsze że niestety prawdziwe. Podziwiam Pana za to ,żę mimo tak okrutnych przeżyc nie poddał sie Pan i walczył dalej o swoje szczęscie a co najważniejsze daleko zaszedł. jestem mieszkanką Oświęcimia i jestem wdzięczna takim osonom jak Pan za podzielenie się z innymi swą tragedią. Uważam że każda osoba powinna znac przeszlosc i uczyc sie na jej błędach aby cos takiego już się nie zdażylo. Dziękuje . Z wyrazami szacunku
September 26, 2009 01:06 PM

I'm homeschooling my children and have just started this chapter in history. It's hard to teach I cry when I talk about this. It's unbelievable. Thank you for this site. I'm able to teach things I never learned in school.
September 24, 2009 07:02 AM

When this war took place i was not even born I have seen some of the films like battle of bulge and escape from sorbib.That time my age was twent three years these films brought tears as a student particularly the atrocites done in the con camps. I saw the picture in the web site though now i 53 years still i am unable to control my tears and my heart became heavy. we should follow the non violence so that our future generations can live peacefully and happily.
September 22, 2009 02:42 PM

I am very thankful for having so much interesting information regarding the Holocaust,ever since I was in school and first saw one of the many films about the Holocaust I still can't believe all the events that hapenned during those years.

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