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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 09, 2012 08:47 PM

I read the book for the first time and I thought it was very moving and interesting to read. Before reading the book, I didn't know much about the Holocaust. Now I realize how it was such a devastating event.At first, I didn't believe something so terrible could happen in this world. Now I realize that it is very possible.
I thought Anne's diary really expressed the Jews struggles and hardships through the Holocaust. I feel sorry that the Franks tried so hard to survive but in the end they were taken to a concentration camp. I recommend to anyone who doesn't know much about the Nazis and the Holocaust to read this amazing book. All in all, this book was very inspiring and I learned a lot by reading it.
January 09, 2012 08:46 PM

When I first heard that we were going to read the Diary of Anne Frank, to be honest, I wasn't very excited. I thought it would just be another boring book that we have to read for school. Although, when we started to act out the play and all the parts, I soon realized the meaning and how interesting the book really was. It wasn't any ordinary book, but actually a fun interactive play. With this play, I also got to learn a lot of things about the Holocaust and what it was like for the Franks, Van Daans, and Dussel. Living in that confined, tight space must have been really tough for all of them. The food supply for all eight of them was shocking as well, since it was very low. This was emphasized when Miep brought a cake and they started to argue over who cut "the best" and "most fair". Also, wwhen Mr. Van Daan had been stealing the bread, there was a big fight over that too.

I've learned how difficult and exhuasting it must have been not being able to get fresh air and starting to et hungrier and hungerier over time. Especially knowing Anne's strength to persevere and keep on hoping for the best was very motivating. After reading this book, I know that I will remember it for the rest of my life.
January 09, 2012 08:38 PM

I read the play version of The Diary of Anne Frank, and I thought that it was really moving. When I think of all the hardships that Anne had to go through during her time in the Secret Annex, I begin to think about my own life. I realize that things that I usually take for granted, even something as simple as standing outside, can be taken away in an instant. I also realized that there are other people in the world right now who are going through similar things, even if they are not in hiding. Reading Anne's diary really made me reflect on my own life, and what is truly important. Personally, I would never be able to stay trapped in one place for such a long time, knowing that any day could be my last. That tells me just how much heart and willpower Anne Frank had.
A Random 13-year old
January 09, 2012 08:32 PM

When I read this diary it really knocked some sense into me. By that I mean that I used to feel that I was always the one out of my whole family that had to all the work, but after reading Anne's story, I realized that there are other people suffering more in the world, and I don't even know! Well, anyways, I've learned my lesson, so I'm glad that I read this diary. I do wish that Anne could have spent those years of hiding out in the open where she loved to be instead of in hiding because either way they were going to get caught.
Josh H.
January 09, 2012 08:29 PM

Reading Anne Frank's diary really changed me. Even though I only read the play version, I feel like the words spoke to me. Now, I appreciate living in this time so much more than before.
Although I can only imagine what life was like during the Holocaust as a Jew, Anne's diary showed me the true terror of the Holocaust. I can now see how lucky I am living in America with little to no racism and discrimination. I hope to eventually be able to read her real diary and visit her house and the Secret Annexe. This way, I might be able to actually imagine the pain and suffering Anne and all the other jews had to go through.
January 09, 2012 08:26 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank(play version) was a very touching story. Before I read this book, I never really realized how many people were hurt or how they were hurt during World War II. I liked this story because it showed me the real life of someone that went through Holocaust. Anne was so optimistic ans bright. For example, at Hanukkah, even though thins were so bad for the people hiding in the Annexe, she still sang and gave them all presents. I think that she would’ve made a big difference in the world if she lived. Her diary, however, also made a big impact in the world. I only wish that they could have been together and lived.Their life was so happy and they really had a future,sad to know that they all died except for Mr.Kraler and Mr. Frank.Overall, I think that this book was really good, although sad, and taught me a lot about World War II and people in the Holocaust.
January 09, 2012 08:25 PM

Dear Anne Frank,
I am writing to you in 2012, about 70 years after WW II started. I am writing this because my teacher told me too. However, I am also writing to give sympathy to you , your family, and your small group of just almost survivors. It must have been hard for you people when you were caught after just hearing that the Allies have just landed off the coast of Germany and France. In class i learned that Meip had just died about 3 years ago and too bad you weren't here so that you can answer questions that other people may have.
January 09, 2012 08:23 PM

The first time I read about Anne Frank was when I was in second grade. At that time, I did not understand the hardship she went through because I read about how she played dress up with Peter, how she wrote short stories resembling to fairytales such as “Kitty”, and even read about her life before she went into hiding. What I read about almost led me to believe that she was leading a very normal and a pretty joyful childhood. Now, I read about her again in an eighth grade class assignment. It finally occurred to me that it was her radiant personality that outshone the darkness of the holocaust. She was leading a suspenseful life; in the Annex, she could have been found out by the Gestapo at anytime, which can ultimately lead her to a concentration camp. I deeply admired her for her positive attitude and her optimism, which is something I would love to have. Anne motivates me to become a better person, to find more in life and to enjoy simple things such as nature. She is beyond doubt one of the greatest figures in history.
January 09, 2012 08:21 PM

The Holocaust was a very tragic event, but some people managed to flourish during this terrible time, such as Anne Frank. Although I only read the play version of her diary, I could still tell that she was a very optimistic and kind girl. I think Anne is an amazing person, she managed to push through the hard times and stay happy; she even tried to cheer up the people she hid with during this terrible time, who were Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Margot, Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan, Peter, and Mr. Dussel, who joins them in hiding later on. Reading the play changed the way I look at the world, for example, if something bad happens to me, I think of what Anne had to go through; being cooped up in a small space with little to eat, and never to go outside for a few years, and then I think of how lucky I am. Anne's story taught me that even during terrible times, you can still be happy. I am glad Anne kept a diary, because if she didn't, I wouldn't know about her amazing story.
January 09, 2012 08:12 PM

The story of Anne Frank is touching and upsetting at the same time. It was exciting to follow the journey of Anne, her family, and friends. I honestly hoped that at least Anne would survive the Holocaust to write more. Her dream of being a writer is fulfilled and she will always be remembered. I especially liked parts like the Hanukkah Celebration and Anne's arguments with the adults. They were powerful and meaningful. Anne matured, and we can see that as time passes. She grows up. The offsetting experience makes her a stronger person. I was shocked that Mr. Frank was the only survivor of all the eight people. I think Miep and Mr. Kraler were amazing. Without them, we wouldn't even have Anne's diary because she wouldn't be able to write from a hiding place. Thank you Anne for sharing your words with the world.

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