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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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A Random 13-year old
January 09, 2012 08:07 PM

I was really touched by Anne's story, and at times I really wished that she could have gone out into the open and enjoyed life more. It was wrong to try to hide from the inevitable fate. If she was going to go to a concentration camp in the end anyways, she could have at least enjoyed the years that she spent hiding out in the open where she loved being. I can't even begin to imagine how it felt like to be in her position, because even though we have first-hand information, Anne's story is only one child's in over a million, so we can only begin to picture how cruel the Nazis where by mass-murdering Jews just because they were different. I'm beginning to wonder why the Nazis weren't mass murdered because they were different from us, here in the United States.
Jazzy Z.
January 09, 2012 08:06 PM

Dear Anne Frank,

Your diary has, no doubt, left a lasting impression in my heart. I really admire your positive attitude and how you always hold your head high, no matter what the situation is. I just can't imagine myself trapped in a squished place for two whole years! Even after you were sent to the concentration camp, I could almost see your hopes, of returning home with your family, radiating off of you. I also admire your brave and caring soul because even in those harshest times, you cared for those you loved, especially Margot, and did what was right. I still remember one of your sentences from your diary: "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart." Thanks to you, Anne, I can now see the good in everything and am able to appreciate what I have in my life, instead of taking everything for granted. Your diary will surely be read from generation to generation and your story of your life will live on.

Jazzy Z.
Tashu ;)
January 09, 2012 07:50 PM

Anne Frank is such an inspiritation to people all over the world. She inspires us because of her positive attitude to the world. The entire time when she is hiding out and in the concentraton cmps, she kept an optimistic view at the world. It is heartbreaking that she and many other Jews had to go through something as terrible as this. I feel that the Jews went through a tragic time period where they felt people were all after them. I'm sure whenever people have troubles, they think of Anne and how she would look at the situation. She always had a half full glass point of view over the slightest troubles. It's great that many people look up to her, because she truly deserves it.
Steve(n) (C)hung
January 09, 2012 07:50 PM

Your diary changed my perception of what it is like to be oppressed and discriminated. The writings revealed to me the true realities of living in fear of being taken away from one's home. I am surprised at the perseverance involved in order to survive the pain and frustration of being cramped in an office unable to go outside for two years. You has shown us to live life to the fullest, because we don't know when our end will be. You have shown us to take chances so we don't have any regrets. You have demonstrated to us to not take family and friends for granted, because they can disappear in a moment. You have demonstrated the meaning of life, and perseverance is important.
January 09, 2012 07:43 PM

Dear Anne,

I was very moved by your diary.I cant imagine how much you suffered in the holocaust. I hope that you rest in peace now, and hope you lived your life to the fullest before the actual holocaust. Even though you perished as a very young girl, I was amazed at how much hope you had in surviving, even when you were in the Annex in hiding with very hard conditions. Thank you for teaching me about your life in the holocaust and again i am very sorry you had to suffer.
January 09, 2012 07:27 PM

The first time I read Anne Frank's Diary was in school for Language Arts. I have heard of the book many times before, but I never got around to reading it. Everyone would always say that it was such a great book, but I did not expect what I read. I thought they meant that the writing was very good and not much else, but the story was also very touching. The story was very sad and shocking because of what the Jews had to go through during World War 2. The book has taught me to value things in life much more, just as Anne learned to appreciate nature after being locked up in the Annex.
January 09, 2012 07:27 PM

Dear Anne,

I was very moved by your diary.I cant imagine how much you suffered in the holocaust. I hope that you rest in peace now, and hope you lived your life to the fullest before the actual holocaust. Even though you perished as a very young girl, I was amazed at how much hope you had in surviving, even when you were in the Annex in hiding with very hard conditions. Thank you for teaching me about your life in the holocaust and again i am very sorry you had to suffer.
January 09, 2012 07:22 PM

The story of Anne Frank has influenced me so much in my modern life. Seeing how Anne was put into hiding, never experiencing fresh air for more than a year really touched me. How Anne was eventually separated from her family and sent into a cold concentration camp filled with disease and hunger. How Anne kept an optimistic attitude in the situation she was put in and never giving up hope even after she was hanging on to dear life by a thread. I now know that I should never be greedy and take everything for granted. I know always know that out there are people that are starving and have no shelter. I believe that your story deserves to be popular because your tragedy will remind all of us about the tragedy in which came when Hitler rose to power.
January 09, 2012 06:52 PM

For me, the first phrase that I think of when I hear the word "holocaust" is "Anne Frank". She may not have survived physically, but her words and thoughts have been passed down for generations. I read her diary one month ago, and I am 13 years old. Anne has taught me so many things, like appreciation, gratitude, courage, and so much more. She has really showed me that I have a great life, and that even during those times when I feel downcast, I can hold my head high, and think about the positive side of things. Even in the Annex, Anne was so spirited. She is definitely considered a hero, and I am one of those who really respect and admire her. Anne Frank had hope and faith: hope of the future, of going to Paris or France, and she had faith in herself and Margot being able to survive. I really hope more and more people can read and appreciate her diary, because I know that it will impact their lives.
Christian K
January 09, 2012 04:27 PM

This story affected me because she is such a great and lively person.I got that I have a good life. She is a very good writer to and that she bascicly wrote histor because she recorded al of this information.

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