Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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Guy Wiltfang
July 13, 2009 02:18 AM

Just got back from Flossenburg KZ. How the world let this happen is beyond me. As a retired U.S. soldier, I can only say that this place will always remind me why I chose to serve my country for over 20 years. So this can never happen again. Never again. The tears ran down my face as I faced each one of the tablets representing the countrys of the dead inmates, and rendered a salute to them. May the souls of these people rest forever in peace, as they knew none on earth.

CW3 ret Guy Wiltfang
Eva M Camacho
July 13, 2009 01:04 AM

I had a speech disability when I was a child. My family thought that I would improve my speech if I read more.
In Cuba, there is not a variety of book to read because the government burn books and don't allow free speech. However, my grandmother kept the Bohemias (magazine) in a hidden place. I started reading them since I was very young. I spent hours and hours reading magazines from the 1930 to the 1950. The magazines were an excellent source of data from those time. I felt sometimes as if I were alive during the WW II and I just was reading the news. that is how vivid is for me the Holocaust. One example is my two attempts to go throughout the museum, but I can't.
It is so sad to know that we (humans) are capable to destroy each other, following a psychopath's delusions. I only hope that younger generations read as I did. Thanks grandmother. You guys keep the good job of keeping history alive. eva
Brian Ward
July 10, 2009 09:28 PM

I think that this web site is very educational., we should never forget what even one person is capable of doing. I still shudder at the thought of all the sick and twisted people that actually followed Hitler and did what they did to all those millions of people.
July 06, 2009 12:14 PM

I am 14, and I read a little about this in my history. I came here to learn more. It is unbelievable that something this horrible took place not that long ago. What the Jews and every other victim went through is brutal and unthinkable. It makes me appreciate everything I have. I can't imagine being in the shoes of those people.
saima khan
July 04, 2009 05:38 AM

i am deeply touched by what happened in history, i just dont understand how a person can go to that much extent.
Sarah Thompson
June 24, 2009 04:43 AM

I'm currently a student, and have just written in a dissatation, about the Holocaust memorial in Berlin. I started right at the beginning when Hitler was growing up and covered everthing, deportation of the Jews, death camps, experiments and case studies on prisoniers in Auschwitz. This project was extremely moving, and at times caused me to have nightmares. The torment these poor people had to go though, is just incomprehendable. I just keep asking myself, What did the Nazis get out of it? I hope everybody who took part in the Holocaust is burning in hell, because they deserve to.
June 20, 2009 02:36 AM

i dont know what to say. i struggle to believe that anyone could be capable of such monstrosities. i only have one thing to say. karma.
Sydney Chumbula
June 16, 2009 09:43 AM

Reading the whole story just makes someone wonder wether a human being can reach that extreme. Its unbeleavable that a length horrible and disaster was allowed to happen in our recent history. However, it only shows that a human being is a terrible specie that can annihilate itself if not carefully natured. Lets learn from the past and never, never repeat the worst record of human rights violations. I admire the courage and forthrightnes.
June 10, 2009 05:13 PM

Its sad that this holocaust should have ever happened ; what a world we live in.
Sean O. Wilson
June 10, 2009 04:31 PM

I just watched the movie Valkerie with Tom Cruise which prompted me to visit this web-site. I'm deeply saddened by the events of the Holocaust time period. I would have given my life to change, and save as many of the Jewish faith as possible. Being a new father and looking at the pictures in this web-site stirs emotions I've never felt before. How could any human being be complelled to comit such atrocities? Some day I will visit this museum.

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