Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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June 03, 2007 11:52 PM

I'd like to think reflecting on Anne Frank would be all the world needs to erase hatred and bigotry.
While I know things are not so simple, her story is an inspiration to me, and I am blessed to be reminded how insignificant the concerns of my life are in comparison to hers.
Thank you Anne
Rachel Roth
June 03, 2007 10:43 PM

Anne Frank is truly an inspiration to all, just to read her diary is a blessing. The world needs to learn from her about love, not hatred. R.I.P. Anne Frank
Rachel Roth
June 03, 2007 10:38 PM

Even though i am German, French, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, Bohemian, English, i never hate someone because of their race, religion, or anything else, we are all children of God, so why can't we all live in peace and harmony the way that God would want us to. Why ca't we all be like Anne Frank, and love one another, Anne Frank is truly a great inspiration for the whole world. to me, she is the symbol of a what women should be like today. For she is truly a great inspiration to the world.
Rachel Roth
June 03, 2007 10:32 PM

I first read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was 16. Her words are such a great support to anyone who reads it, she was only 15 but she said, in spite of everything, i truly believe that people are really good at heart, that is a famous line right there, she did get mad but she never hated anyone, why can't the world be like that, i feel like Anne Frank is one of my friends, and that women are much stronger and smarter then people think. Just like Anne, i want to work for the world through charities and and set an example, we should all try to be like her, she is such an extrodinary person. I truly believe that, and i wish that she was still alive today, i wish i had known her then and talked to her. I wish that we were friends when she was still alive. People say that if Anne knew that her father was alive during the holocaust, she might have had more strength to survive. But thats what her diary does for us, we get to know all about her through it. I continue to read her diary to this day, and each time that i read it, it never gets old, and always fills me with courage. I hope it does the same thing to all who read it.
June 03, 2007 02:18 PM

Everyine needs a hero. For most kids it should be Anne Frank. She was very strong. We are reading about her right now and i'm deffently enspired.
Kristin Riley
June 02, 2007 06:51 PM

I read "The Diary of Anne Frank" for the first time when i was 12 years old, I am 15 now and i still get chills when i read it or watch the movie. When we finished the book, i was appauled at how badly the Jewish race was treated. The different camps they were sent to, labors they were forced to do were horrible. Often I hear people complain about how tiring it is to do work and how hard it is to run a mile, or complain that they are hungry. But if u really think about it, Anne new what is was like to be hungry and tired and not have any energy at the death camps. Though she spent almost 2 years trying to survive, she adapted to the environment and stuck it out no matter how harsh the conditions. That is why everyday when I wake up, I thank God that I am here, and thank him for everything I have. Because you never know that at any moment, all of it can be taken away from you in and instant. So try to live each day as if it were your last. Do it for Anne, I'm sure that is what she would have wanted.
June 02, 2007 11:32 AM

I am 52 yrs. old and initially read the "THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" in 1972, my junior year in high school. I didn't really appreciate it back then so I recently purchased the "definitive" version and read it again. Her writings, at the ages 13-15 were incredible. It is branded in my heart the last page after her last entry into her diary, "ANNE'S DIARY ENDS HERE," August 1, 1944 - I feel angry that someone turned them in...that they were betrayed. It has always been amazing to me that humanity could exist the way the Nazi's did...the way human beings were treated...were in terror and misery for so long. The world should never forget!
Emily Ashe
May 30, 2007 07:09 PM

I read the diary of Anne Frank when i was 12.. then again when i was 14..and again 3 months ago. It has most definitly changed my outlook on the entire world. It has impacted my thoughts and feelings on people as a whole, that each person is a PERSON and that no matter what is seen from the outside, we are all human. The diary has given me a fascination around the topic of the holocaust during world war two. I personally have been moved and inspired by what this girl wrote. All i can say is she is simply a legend and will go right down in history books around the world. If it wernt for Anne Frank i dont think we would have ever been able to understand how Jews actually felt.
May 30, 2007 06:38 PM

We all need to be like Anne Frank. She dream that her diary would be published and eventually she got her wish. She became famous worldwide of her stories about the Holocaust.
May 30, 2007 10:11 AM

I like to read Anne's diary in the fall. I get to be outside, and see, and feel the nature around me. She didn't get to enjoy that while she was in hiding. So I'm very greatful.

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