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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Ling Lang Long
January 09, 2012 03:52 PM

Before reading the play version of "The Diary of Anne Frank," I knew very little about the Holocaust and World War II. While reading, I discovered all of the hardships Anne and her family faced. I was very inspired by her lack of negativity. She was always genuinely happy and she put everyone else first. For example, Anne made gifts for her family, the Van Daan's and Mr. Dussel for Hanukkah. She never gave up hope, which to me is something everyone needs to know. In class, we also watched a movie about what happened after the occupants of the Secret Annexe were found. It was very hard for me to watch, the poor nourishment and lack of comfort caused people to become animals, stealing, cheating off each other. Anne's friend Hanna gave her food and Anne gave it mostly to Margot, even though they were both ill with Typhus. When Margot passed, I think the hope of liberation was starting to fade in Anne. Unfortunately, she let go and gave into her sickness a few days before the camp was freed. Anne Frank was a fighter and I deeply respect her for that.
January 09, 2012 12:20 AM

We just read this book in class and I was amazed at how Anne managed to keep their spirits up right till the end despite all the hardships she faced. I am quite confident that if I was in her situation I couldn’t have come close to what she did even if my life were dependent on it. This book was one of only three or four which actually made me cry. My favorite part was when Anne gave everyone gifts for Hanukkah even though they were in hiding. I was so sad when they were discovered and I read the last words of the diary. "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are still truly good at heart..."
January 08, 2012 09:38 PM

A few months ago, I read The Diary of Anne Frank the play version. Anne was a darling girl who was always positive, always moving ahead. She reflects the kind of person we should all be. She was a lovely and caring girl, just trying to act normally in the Secret Annex.
It was horrible to think about how the concentration camps affected millions of Jewish people. The treatment of Jewish people from the Nazis is too painful to imagine. I feel horrible for all of the people that died during the Holocaust, especially Anne since I got to know her during the play and sympathize with her. Anne is a voice of the Holocaust and of all the people who died. Our memory of them, and Anne, will live in our minds and hearts forever.
Agent Kate
January 08, 2012 08:53 PM

Dear Anne,
As I ended your diary, i kept thinking what would have happened if you took the diary with you to the camps.Not only would it cause ripples in the world's time span,leave you to be unknown;it would also shed a worldwide artifact including a large number of facts describing how Jewish families were held during the holocaust.If only you knew how the world still grieves of the people that were lost during the holocaust, especially you. I loved your book, and how it captivates every single detail of every single person.I am Jewish and this was an amazing read for me. Thank you for living your life the way it was, truly magnificent.
January 08, 2012 08:30 PM

When I read the diary, I told myself that it would end happily, that they would all live, and everything would be O.K. Then I read the end. The way that Anne's life was snuffed out like a touch of frost on a winter day. Her words were so brave that one can almost forget the ending, and remember Anne as the happy person she was, writing words of hope in her diary. But we must remember in order to prevent this event from ever happening again. I was very touched by Anne's story, and horrified that this could ever have happened.
January 08, 2012 07:48 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank is an absolutely phenomenal true story about a young girl living in the dark and chaotic times of World War II and the Holocaust. I have read both the play and the original version of the diary, but no matter which version is read, they both portray the same image of Anne, an optimistic and bright soul. She has changed my life, and opened my eyes to the horrors that people have the nerve to commit; condemning the Jewish to a ghastly death. Although Anne had to stay in hiding for two years, unable to make any noise, barely move around in a small space, and often go to bed with a rumbling stomach, I am amazed by how she managed to keep not only her own hopes up, but also the spirits of those around her. Anne has truly touched my heart, and help me to remember to stay positive, even when I feel that things are going bad. I applaud you, Anne Frank, and hope that your story will be discovered by many others in the world.
January 08, 2012 05:33 PM

When I first read the diary, I was only about 9 years old. I read the whole book, but I didn't really understand. However, when we read it again this year in class, it really touched me and informed me of all the terrible and fascinating things about Anne's life in the Holocaust. I really enjoyed reading it, and not one part was boring. The end was extremely depressing and the book made me very emotional. The way that Anne writes really helps me visualize the scenes and get to know the character. Her diary taught many basic but mandatory life lessons, such as always think positive, and make the best of what you have. I really enjoyed how Anne was extremely positive throughout the book. One part I thought was very great of her was when she gave everyone Hanukkah gift. She was phenomenally clever and thoughtful with the gifts, as although they weren't much, they lifted everyone's spirits. The ending devastated and shocked me greatly, as it was the complete opposite of my prediction. All in all, I loved the diary and learned a lot from it.
Lilly C.
January 08, 2012 05:32 PM

I can relate to Anne very well. Not because she was locked in for 2 years, or that she as a Jew, but her personality. She was a bubbly, excited, kind-hearted, and smart person. I feel that my personality is a lot like hers. Anne always speaks her mind when she feels the need to do so and I respect that about her.
I was hoping that at least Anne survived by the end of the Holocaust, so I was very disappointed when she didn't.
Lilly C.
January 08, 2012 05:29 PM

I can relate a lot to Anne, not because she was a Jew or that she was locked inside for 2 years, but her personality. She was a kind-hearted, warm, bubbly, excited, and smart person. She knew how to use her imagination and spoke up whenever she thought she had to. I find my personality a lot like hers.
I was hoping that at least Anne survived by the end of the Holocaust, so I was disappointed when I learned that she had died.
January 08, 2012 03:42 PM

I have recently read the play version of Anne Frank’s Diary and I found it very inspiring. In 2011 and 2012, our lives here in America are relatively peaceful, yet we still complain how harsh our lives are. Every night, we rant on about every small conflict, yet Anne, who had to suffer through the Holocaust, used her willpower, and barely complained at all. Instead, she looked toward the more brighter of things. The way she still managed to give everyone gifts at the Secret Annex is even more inspiring, and warms your soul. Even at the camps, she remained positive and optimistic, despite watching her whole family split apart slowly. They said she looked even more beautiful at the camp, and I think it’s because she was always smiling and happy. She tells us that the human spirit will triumph over any hardship. It also shows her happiness can spread and reach to many people of different ages. Imagine how bad it would have been if Anne’s diary have not been found. Yet, in the end, Anne is just one children out of many. Imagine what stories each child has to tell.

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