Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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April 22, 2007 09:50 PM

Anne Frank was an amazing person she would have had fun growing up but she didn't get to go to hollywood at least she made it into history which is a good thing for her.If i was Anne Frank i would have been scared to die at the concentration camp and hitler wasn't the greatset person in the world he killed everyone because of what kind of nationality they had like being jewish.I bet it was very hard on people that lost loved ones in the holocaust exspecialy themselves.Peoples lives were ruined because hitler made the germans believe that they were the ones with all the power and no one could take that away from them otherwise they would get very angry.Anne Franki shows everyone how to be the best hero ever.
April 22, 2007 03:10 PM

This book inspired me very much.I didn't how they treated the jewish as animals.I read all of anne's books - she is great writer with a lot of talent and the movie was good too.
Michelle Clifton
April 21, 2007 04:52 PM

My 9 year-old niece and I were going over her homework in which she was assigned to do a 4th grade level bio on Anne Frank's short life. She now understands the situation during those horrid times. After we went through of her diary excepts I found her to be one amazing young woman who wrote far beyond her years here on earth. It gave me the chance to teach my niece not only the historical end of this, but how the human spirit can endure even after you're gone. Anne left a beautiful legacy and she is never to be forgotten.

Thank you so much for publishng this website.
A Misunderstood Reader
April 21, 2007 03:52 PM

Well well well... when I first had to read the book in the 7th grade, I thought WOW WHAT A YAWN... but now in the eighth grade, reading the stage play, I decided to dig deeper. I found this site, and wow were my views on Anne Frank changed! She was a wonderful writer, she was so intelligent, and had wonderful dreams of what she would do with her future. Sadly, her life was cut short :(. But now I know, that there's more to Anne Frank than I thought, and still she told us so little. Loved the virtual tour. Love ya Anne!
April 21, 2007 03:38 PM

I didn't read this when I was young, but you know I can appreciate it better now. But it is just hauntingly and devastatingly sad, trajic and beautiful - my heart almost broke for Anne as I turned the final pages of her diary. I just wish she and her annex family could have survived. But her strength of character, her ability to see beauty and hope in the most harrowing of circumstances, her self-awarness at such a young age, her good humour, impishness, her self belief, her honesty and her great skill as a writer - what a legacy for a 14 year old to leave! What a testimony to all those whose lives were so cruelly taken from them in this very dark time in history. Yes, her Dad must have been so very proud of the wonderful Anne!
April 21, 2007 11:20 AM

When I was in the ninth grade, I was cast as an understudy for Anne in "The Diary Of Anne Frank." As it was a role I was expected to play, I had to do a lot of research. How was I, a little American born over fifty years afer the Halocaust supposed to relate to something I knew nothing about? Of course, we learned about it in textbooks, but in textbooks lives were just numbers. They had no meaning. Even when we took a trip to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. in 8th grade, we didn't pay attention. It was spooky, but it was just a field trip. However, when I was forced to sit down, research, and play the role...when I realized that these were real people, I connected. Anne could be any one of us. She was a beautiful girl who depsite any and all of her hardships, she stayed positive. I am so passionate about genocide and halocaust now. Every time I see the footage of Anne or every time I see the diary entries I cry. I think that anyone who cares about humanity should see this website. They may not connect as well as I do, but it would still have an effect. Anne was a wonderful little girl whose life was taken away at a very early age. She was not a number. She was real. She was alive. She was just like you and I. Thank you.
caitlyn whitlock
April 20, 2007 02:34 PM

when i first read anne franks diary i was amazed at her life. she was an inspriation to everyone and i hope to see her in more pictures in my spare time. i got the idea of reading anne frank when we read "number the stars" in 6th grade. then i found "the diary of a young girl" and read it. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! i wish she was still alive today so i can talk to her. i spend my spare time reading more about her on the internet.
April 20, 2007 01:37 PM

I think Anne Frank was a tough little girl.She has really inspired me!!
April 20, 2007 01:25 PM

I wish Anne would,ve survived because I would like to hear the story from her and her point of veiw. Even though there arre other people that have survived i would have liked to hear it from her perspective because she was really young and i would like to know what it was like in hiding and what it was like to be in the Secret Annex for so long.
April 20, 2007 11:59 AM

Anne is a wonderful inspiration. It seems to bad that most girls know her much less read her diary. All girls should tell their friends who Anne is and what she did for other people. I know I would feel cooped up in a hiding place where you have only two friends whom you can confide in: a boy and a diary. I wish that I could become a famous writer like Anne Frank. Her words sound like an itelligent adult instead of a regular teenager. If Anne's father had died, Anne wouldn't be the most famous voice of the Holocaust. If people doubt the Holocaust, they should read Anne's diary. Anne's diary is a personel history book from the Holocaust.

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