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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Jennifer L.
January 14, 2013 06:28 PM

There are no words, to me, to describe the mix of emotions I went through while reading this book slowly working through and maturing. In my thoughts, Anne matured and grew up so beautifully and wisely. Her writings have such insights that the words twist my heart and beats rapidly. Anne's witty observations keep ringing in my head. I believed it was her optimistic behavior that brought her dreams to come true.I have wondered that there are happy days when I walk by the beautiful natural scenery. Everything just seems to smile at me, and made me wonder that the world always seems beautiful. However, I found that there are gloomy days, when my heart feels low. But, I try to remind myself: Nothing has changed outside. It is the same beauty lying around. I succeed sometimes. I fail sometimes. But life goes on with all the highs and lows. I have learned a lesson in this book: May we have the wisdom to use our brain at the times that our hearts wander elsewhere.
January 14, 2013 03:43 PM

I know that the first time I read the book, I was astounded in how at the beginning, Anne was practically my little sister, who always wants to talk and wants attention. Sometimes when we are driving places, I can't get five seconds of peace. As the book continues, however, Anne starts to become a different person, more mature, from the hard time she lives in. I can hardly imagine what it would be like without any contact from the outside world, and having extremely small portion sizes for meals every day. She says it herself when she talks to Peter once; she used to take everything for granted. She also had a way to deal with having been cooped up for about two years. She imagines herself out of the situation, in a better place with nature all around her. I think that if people are having a bad time some days, they should think themselves out of the situation too.
January 14, 2013 01:33 AM

"The Diary of Anne Frank" was one of those books that just stood out from the rest; it just impacted me so much more than the average book, whether fiction or nonfiction, middle grade or young adult, 100 pages or 1000 pages. Just the concept of the Holocaust is enough to shake a grown man, and "The Diary of Anne Frank" presented the true depths that the Holocaust burned. Not just those in concentration camps, but even Jews who managed to avoid the Nazis did not come out of WWII unscarred. But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of books on this subject. What I believe really made "The Diary of Anne Frank" stand out was Anne's personality. Very rarely will you ever read of a character in history as optimistic as Anne, and drastically more minuscule are the chances of reading about such a character capable of thoughts as devout and as pure as hers. This book, instead of depressing me for the wrong actions of humans, inspired me; hoped that soon would come the day that all humans were as mentally capable as Anne. For the most part, the only piece of information on this Website that surprised me was the fact that Mr. Frank responded to every single letter he received regarding his late daughter. This is undoubtedly a demonstration of the willpower and determination that Anne inherited.
January 14, 2013 01:22 AM

The first time I read the Diary of Anne Frank, I could not believe that such innocent people had to go through such cruel and excruciating pain, and because of what? What they look like? What type of messed up reason is that? I was really surprised by how calm and happy Anne Frank could be, cooped up inside a warehouse, not able to go outside. If I were her, I would probably lose all hope and die mentally. After I read the Diary of Anne Frank, however, I felt as if like is not something to just throw away. Even in the worst situations, don't give up on hope. Having a diary to write in really helps you stay alive. When I learned this from reading the Diary of Anne Frank, I felt more alive. I became more joyous. My goals became closer to grasp. All because of a single book: the Diary of Anne Frank. Anne Frank and I had some pretty similar thoughts. She and I both think that everyone is good at heart. I think that many people will put on a strong, sturdy face but hide their kind, peaceful selves inside. People may do this to show others, "I am not weak or vulnerable. Please do not hurt me." Some people may be harsh to others, but I believe that it is for the same reason. To sum it up, the first time I read the Diary of Anne Frank really changed my life and changed the way that I thought about things.
January 14, 2013 12:54 AM

The Diary of Anne Frank is a complete phenomenon. Anne is extremely inspiring and I really look up to her. During her years in hiding, she was unbelievably brave, and her determination was surreal. With her positive human spirit, she was able to overcome some of the most difficult circumstances. It's really sad that such a bright, young girl had to die at such an early age. In her diary, she mentioned that she really wanted to become a famous star at Paris. After she passed away, she became famous not only at Paris, but also world-wide. I’m glad that she was able to accomplish her dream, and I’m really happy for her. I just wish you were still here with us Anne. :(. RIP.
January 13, 2013 11:55 PM

When I first heard of this story, it was from my older sister. Before, I wasn't into reading diaries and such so when she mentioned Anne Frank's diary, I just brushed it off like any other book. But this year, we were forced to read this diary. In the beginning, I wasn't very interested in it at all. However, as we read along through the whole story, I started to realize the deep meaning of the book. The way Anne wrote in her diary must have been very descriptive and deep because we read the play version of her diary. To make such a moving play from a diary must be very interesting. I remember the part when Anne says that she wanted to become famous for something in the play and I think she got what she wanted. She became a famous writer because of her diary. This diary really shocked me about how the families were able to live like that for so long. If it was I who was in that situation, I would have gone crazy because of all the tense situations and close calls. Also, Anne continuously thought that all people were good at heart even when they were blackmailed by the robber and were taken by the Green police. Anne Frank is truly an inspirational person for everyone.
January 13, 2013 11:41 PM

The first time i read "The Diary of Anne Frank" was a couple of weeks ago and at first when my teacher told me that this was the second most read book besides the Bible,I was astounded.At first i thought to myself,"How can that be so?", but when i started to read the book I quickly found out that you cannot resist the book.The story is so heart-felt that you cannot believe that it was written by a 13 year old.That is amazing.The way it is written is in a way that most 13 year olds cannot write.She had only one outlet for her emotions and she was able to format it so well into a Diary.Most teens in that situation would just scribble down a few bullet point notes on their feelings but her writing method was so good that now it is a reliable source on information about the holocaust.The holocaust had a lot of affect on the world and now we know how a regular family would have hidden during the mass killings.It is hard to imagine being so close to freedom and then being taken and then dying just a few days before freedom.It is also amazing how Anne was able to keep her cool even when everything around her was changing.I for one would not be able to keep my calm with all these things going on around me.I would go insane.Reading this book has really changed my view on humans and human will power.I am very glad that i read the book,and its all thanks to my Language Arts teacher.Thank you.
Why should you know?
January 13, 2013 10:44 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank is both heart-touching and mysterious. Anne Frank's diary reflected the horrible times of World War 2. Persecution of the Nazis led the Franks to go into hiding. During this time, she started to write her diary. After 2 years, the Franks got captured and got sent to concentration camps. She, Margot [her sister], and her mother all died. Mr. Frank was the only survivor.
This story touched my heart and made me realize that the love of human nature is present even during the most horrible times.
January 13, 2013 09:12 PM

"I don't think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that remains."-Anne Frank. When I read the Diary of Anne Frank, I was surprised by Anne's positive outlook on life. Despite being trapped in an attic with a constant danger of being caught, she had amazingly positive views about her life and the people around her. As seen in the quote above, Anne was truly a sweet and innocent little girl. When so many people around her were doing such horrible things, Anne continued to have hope that they would become good again. She constantly believed that there was nothing cruel about the world, and that the world was just "going through a phase." During her entire ordeal, Anne kept her spirits high by thinking about the good people in her life, like the vegetable man, Miep, and Mr. Kraler. Anne was the epitome of happiness and innocence. She was like a beaker of light in a sea of darkness. Her spirit has reached out to the me and millions of others and inspired us to appreciate what we have. I'm sure Anne would be proud of what she has become.
January 13, 2013 08:50 PM

I remember reading Anne Frank at school in 8th grade. I did hear about the story in 2nd grade but did not read the book fully. After I finished the book I felt conflicted and unsure. It took a while for my thoughts to settle in and believe this actually happened. Also that Anne was one out of millions that this happened to. I don't think I can relate to Anne personality wise because I don't think I would be happy in the condition she was living in. Anne Frank changed how I view things in life and what people take granted of. This was a extremely sad and inspiring story, I hope others who have not read it take the time to read it.

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