Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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February 28, 2007 03:09 PM

For school, I am writing an essay about Anne Frank. I did not know much about her until this. Now I'm hooked. Even after this essay, I will keep reading about her.
Anne's story will always be remembered.

Chelsea V.
Age 13
Kyle Gammell
February 28, 2007 10:56 AM

I think Anne Frank's story is going to touch alot of hearts. I know it touched mine. At first I really didn't want to read her diary because I didn't want to have to see what she was writing. I think it is horrible of what Anne and her family went through just because one man's religion and power hungry desire. I am suprised none of the german soldiers wanted to kill hitler but then again they had to obey. I can't imagine what it was like for anne to be in hiding I mean day in and day out you wake up happy because you are still alive, and you haven't got caught. Then you go to bed hoping it's the same way when you wake up the next day. I feel bad that anne couldn't come to america and settled down. In at only sixteen years of age she had some obstacles to overcome, but she really that she would survive the holocaust. She had alot of mixed emotions. I am only sixteen and I honestly had to overcome some major obstacles it was do or die. Thats why I want everyone that reads this to take my quote into consideration, and if you do don't listen to what anybody tells you you will be very successfull in life. "If you believe you will achieve"
February 27, 2007 03:18 PM

Anne Frank is a role model for me and several of my friends. She is a respected person here at our school people who were once lost are a great beliver in god now and thier is hope for them know. Some day before the school year is over me and some of my friends are going to take a trip to some of the concentration camps her grave. She is a great hero for me and my little sister because when she read the book, she cried. It really helps people to see that there is prejudice in the world and the Anne Frank is only one of the many that was subjected to that treatment.
Macey Tarrant
February 26, 2007 01:11 PM

The first time I read Anne Frank's sory I was in fourth grade. I read it again in 8th and it seems like my whole perspective, additude, and my emotions changed. The Holocaust intrigues me it is amazing to me humans could be so cruel!! This story made me realize how bad things were. I don't think i could've done what she and so many others did to try to save there lives! Anne Frank is my inspiration. And when I think of how bad my life seems I remember how bad there life must have been and suddenly mine doesn't seem so bad after all!! Anne was a very courageous girl, she my HERO!!!!
February 26, 2007 12:46 PM

This story is rather sad. It makes me want to cry. I wonder how long Anne would have lived if she was not sent to a concentration camp. I would hate to liv in the times she did. I would like to read her entire story. I know that if i was in her position i would not have been able to survive. She is a hero to me. I want to be just like her when im older. Only i want to live longer. It makes me blue just thinking about how many jews died. I wonder if it could ever happen again? If somethign like that cuold ever happen to me. I hope and pray that it wont. It also suprised me how jews killed women...Not just women but babis to. That makes me think just thinking about it. Some day i would like to go see the sectret annex that the Frank's loved in. Just to see with my own eyes what it would be like to live in that small compartment for two years. I also would like to go to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. It would be a very emotional experience if i ever get the chance to go. I know i would remember it for the rest of my life. I know will remember Anne and her acomplishments for as long as i live. When im older i would also like to stat a small library in my house and The Diary of Anne Frank will be one of the first books i get. This story has touched me and i will never forget it!
February 26, 2007 12:39 PM

The story of Anne Frank was very touching for me and was really sad because she had to hide in a secret annex for 2 years and had to be very quite and it wasn't much fun in the room she was staying in there was nothing to do and it was really boring. This story makes me thankful for where i live and what i have that others dont. well i thought this story was GREAT i hope you think of how lucky you are to have fun and have a nice home to live in where you dont have to be quite and just how lucky you are.
February 26, 2007 12:37 PM

It made me realize that you don't know what you have until it's gone.
Simone Stegemoller
February 24, 2007 02:54 PM

I loved Anne Franks story. It fascinated me so much, I just had to learn more about her. I think it is truly unfair for such a young girl full of ambition to face such a harsh life for nothing.
February 21, 2007 09:03 PM

I love the story,its very emotional and depressing.The story of Anne Frank has made me realize that life is too short.The story has changed my life I look at things in a different perspective.
February 20, 2007 05:23 PM

Anne Frank's story made me cry. The movie and the story touched me in a way that nothing else can. It shows me that i am very lucky to live somewhere that i am not punished or criticized for what i believe. Anne Frank is one of my heros. She taught me that i can never give up and that their are also other people to care for and not just my-self. I really wish that she would have made it thruogh the holocaust. I really would love to meet her and ask her how she did it. How did she go on because if it was me i would have given up in the first sign of trouble. Thanks to her i appreciate my family and her for showing me that i can never give up even when things go wrong. My new say is "NEVER Give Up and NEVER Surrender."

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