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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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February 19, 2007 06:32 PM

I love the story. It was very touching. It makes me cry and feel depressed to think of such a sad way to live and it makes me thankful for where I live. It is almost heart-breaking to even read her books and look at pictures from her, but yet we are so inspired by her wonderful writing we read on. I will never forget Anne Frank. And the way her story made me realize how harsh it was to live in Germany then.
Anne Frank's story is amazing but it is very sad that a girl, one with hopes,dreams and aspirations died at such a young age because of discrimination.Anne's diary tells us that despite all odds, it is important not to lose heart and have courage.The diary of this amazing girl has told me how lucky I am.Who ever says Anne Frank is no more? She is alive, in her diary and in all the hearts it has inspired.
I found about Anne Frank when i first saw movie about her, and that movie inspired me to read a book about her too! I cry when I read it. I was so touched by the story that I will never forget her!!
I never really knew who Anne Frank was until I read information on the holocaust. I thought she was a great writer and she was inspiring. I hope anyone who reads her diary will be touched as much as I was.I have just read the diary for the 2nd time in my life. I read it many years ago in jr. high school and probably didn't give as much thought to it as I do now. My 3 yr old and 5 yr old son asked what i was reading and i explained to them about a very intelligent girl who was hidden away because of her beliefs and others ignorance. I only hope to instill in my children her freedon of thought and expression.

I learned from this website that Anne Frank and her family had a very hard life in the Annex. She had to be extra quiet and there had to be certain rules in the house like turning out the lights at maybe 6 or 7:00 at night. My favorite part was when Anne talked about her life living in the annex; also I liked her short stories. My understanding is that she had a lot of hard times and it was probably really hard to live in the Annex during World War 2. It was also probably pretty hard to be in hiding while the Germans were taking over and putting all the Jews in concentration camps. It wasn?t even all Jews it could have been white people or black people or people who just Germans didn?t like.
think for being a 13 year old girl, she took the isolation very well. She also has the diary which is like another world which she can enter and add her thoughts to when she feels sorrow. She uses the dairy to express her feelings as she thinks it is easier to do it on paper. If she is angry or annoyed, she writes the feeling in the diary and in a kind of way it absorbs it. I like the interview which talks about how describes the outside and the desire to go outside as now I see that when Anne talks about the weather she also shows that she wants to go outside and have fun but can?t. I?ve learned to see Anne Frank?s thoughts from another point of view. I now understand her feelings better and see how she describes her pains in a different creative way.

Anne Frank is a faithful girl and she shows the power of writing to help people get through hard times. She had such horrible moments in the war and had strict rules to live, but even though all those events she keeps thinking in a cheerful way. It is obvious that the adults did not suffer much more than she did. The personality of this girl is admirable. If she had not been in the process of hiding she could have been a wonderful writer starting to express her most intimate thoughts on paper at 13. This site and these interviews made me think of the more visual side of the conditions and made me have a better understanding of her feelings even more than I hade while reading. It?s not understandable of how she went through and was in the good way of thinking. The interviews and the video made it more intimate and the voice made the whole thing more realistic. The video made all the little details in the book which were unclear become clear.
Anne wrote her diary with such heart. She was a very nice and smart girl and she died. She gives examples of what really a human is and what are their feelings. She writes quotes that no other person can. The story she wrote was very inspiring to children of her age and I feel horrible about what happened to them. They had to suffer so much! Hopefully she will remain an idol to everybody in the future. Anne Frank is only 14 and she already knows the workings of the world and some people only get to know the workings of the world when they are 30. I think Anne Franks Diary is the most moving piece of literature. My favorite part of the book was when she wrote her last entry.
I almost started crying while I saw the memories for Anne Frank. These interviews show that she was a lively, happy and playful girl. I respect her a lot for what she has done and I feel sorry for her at the same time. She is a good person. We almost finished her diary and it is one of the best books I have read and I hope I get the chance of reading her diary again and again. She was a great writer at 14 years old. If she would have survived the war I think she would have continued to write famous books.This book is for every one who likes to read books.
February 17, 2007 06:13 PM

The first time I read Anne Frank's diary I was 14. It showed me how the Nazi persecution effected Jews, epecially the young children. After I read it I felt so touched and connected to her some way. I started researching her on the internet and everything to learn more about her, not just for my history report on her, but to know who she was. Reading her diary and reading things off the internet i felt i had so many things in common with her. But i mean who doesn't have things in common with another 14 year-old. I just think it was a horrible thing the Nazi did to Jews and others, especially to a young teenager with dreams and hopes. But I admire her in how she kept her dreams alive and hopes up during that difficult in time. I will never forget Anne Frank. She is a great role model for young girls and should always stay that way, for now and for always.
February 16, 2007 07:52 PM

The story was very touching. It is true that we focus to much on material things and not help the ones who need it. It is suprising how a girl that young knows so much and has gone through alot. You can tell she is caring and thoughtful. I hope alot of people get touched by her diary and story.
February 13, 2007 07:05 PM

I love the story. It was very touching. It makes me cry and feel depressed to think of such a sad way to live and it makes me thankful for where I live. It is almost heart-breaking to even read her books and look at pictures from her, but yet we are so inspired by her wonderful writing we read on. I will never forget Anne Frank. And the way her story made me realize how harsh it was to live in Germany then.
February 09, 2007 10:24 AM

Anne Frank's story is amazing but it is very sad that a girl, one with hopes,dreams and aspirations died at such a young age because of discrimination.Anne's diary tells us that despite all odds, it is important not to lose heart and have courage.The diary of this amazing girl has told me how lucky I am.Who ever says Anne Frank is no more? She is alive, in her diary and in all the hearts it has inspired.
February 09, 2007 07:47 AM

I found about Anne Frank when i first saw movie about her, and that movie inspired me to read a book about her too! I cry when I read it. I was so touched by the story that I will never forget her!!
February 07, 2007 06:56 PM

I never really knew who Anne Frank was until I read information on the holocaust. I thought she was a great writer and she was inspiring. I hope anyone who reads her diary will be touched as much as I was.
February 07, 2007 12:08 AM

I have just read the diary for the 2nd time in my life. I read it many years ago in jr. high school and probably didn't give as much thought to it as I do now. My 3 yr old and 5 yr old son asked what i was reading and i explained to them about a very intelligent girl who was hidden away because of her beliefs and others ignorance. I only hope to instill in my children her freedon of thought and expression.
February 06, 2007 03:57 AM

I learned from this website that Anne Frank and her family had a very hard life in the Annex. She had to be extra quiet and there had to be certain rules in the house like turning out the lights at maybe 6 or 7:00 at night. My favorite part was when Anne talked about her life living in the annex; also I liked her short stories. My understanding is that she had a lot of hard times and it was probably really hard to live in the Annex during World War 2. It was also probably pretty hard to be in hiding while the Germans were taking over and putting all the Jews in concentration camps. It wasn?t even all Jews it could have been white people or black people or people who just Germans didn?t like.
The Dark Master
February 06, 2007 03:55 AM

I think for being a 13 year old girl, she took the isolation very well. She also has the diary which is like another world which she can enter and add her thoughts to when she feels sorrow. She uses the dairy to express her feelings as she thinks it is easier to do it on paper. If she is angry or annoyed, she writes the feeling in the diary and in a kind of way it absorbs it. I like the interview which talks about how describes the outside and the desire to go outside as now I see that when Anne talks about the weather she also shows that she wants to go outside and have fun but can?t. I?ve learned to see Anne Frank?s thoughts from another point of view. I now understand her feelings better and see how she describes her pains in a different creative way.

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