Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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February 06, 2007 03:55 AM

Anne Frank is a faithful girl and she shows the power of writing to help people get through hard times. She had such horrible moments in the war and had strict rules to live, but even though all those events she keeps thinking in a cheerful way. It is obvious that the adults did not suffer much more than she did. The personality of this girl is admirable. If she had not been in the process of hiding she could have been a wonderful writer starting to express her most intimate thoughts on paper at 13. This site and these interviews made me think of the more visual side of the conditions and made me have a better understanding of her feelings even more than I hade while reading. It?s not understandable of how she went through and was in the good way of thinking. The interviews and the video made it more intimate and the voice made the whole thing more realistic. The video made all the little details in the book which were unclear become clear.
February 06, 2007 03:53 AM

Anne wrote her diary with such heart. She was a very nice and smart girl and she died. She gives examples of what really a human is and what are their feelings. She writes quotes that no other person can. The story she wrote was very inspiring to children of her age and I feel horrible about what happened to them. They had to suffer so much! Hopefully she will remain an idol to everybody in the future. Anne Frank is only 14 and she already knows the workings of the world and some people only get to know the workings of the world when they are 30. I think Anne Franks Diary is the most moving piece of literature. My favorite part of the book was when she wrote her last entry.
February 06, 2007 03:42 AM

I almost started crying while I saw the memories for Anne Frank. These interviews show that she was a lively, happy and playful girl. I respect her a lot for what she has done and I feel sorry for her at the same time. She is a good person. We almost finished her diary and it is one of the best books I have read and I hope I get the chance of reading her diary again and again. She was a great writer at 14 years old. If she would have survived the war I think she would have continued to write famous books.This book is for every one who likes to read books.
February 06, 2007 03:40 AM

It was a heart touching book and I felt really bad and happy at the same moment. She was a beautiful and intelligent girl. She suffered many losses in her life, but she never gave up and always tried to be cheerful. I respect her a lot for her dignity and her Self-Confidence. She was a strong girl. I loved her diary and her storied that came from within? It really touched my heart. I recommend this book to everyone because I want people to learn from her and everyone in the world who are suffering right at this moment, I wish them to never give up because once in her life they will succeed. Talking about the website, people also respected her in the interviews and told many good things about her. I was really happy to know that people had the same opinions.
February 03, 2007 02:00 PM

When i read Anne Frank The Diary Of A Young Girl i realized that she wasnted to do so many things in her life but they where crushed because is a Jew.I hate when i hear or read things like that.Anne Frank inspired me and lots of people.I can't believe that even though world war 2 was going on she keep fighting for her dreams and trying to achieve.I hope that every single person in the world should keep fighting for your dreams even if a war is going on even if someone wants to kill you.I fill so bad for Anne Frank and all the other people that died or survied.When i always go to sleep i always wonder how Otto Frank survied.I always THANK GOD for letting me live a nice,peaceful life.When i meet Anne Frank in heaven i will always talk to her
February 02, 2007 03:23 PM

Anne frank inspires me. She is such a remarkable girl. She went in hiding for ages and now a days some people cant last 5 minutes without playing on an Xbox or Playstation. She is such a light-hearted girl. It is such a shame she isnt alive now. Although shes dead her spirit will always be more alive than ever. She will remain in my heart and others also i hope.R.I.P
January 30, 2007 12:33 PM

i think that anne frank can be an idol to any one because of what she went through. ive been doing a report about her and it made me realize i have a good life .she had dreams about going to hollywood but she had them crushed. i hope after anyone reads about her they look at people from the good of them.
January 29, 2007 06:17 PM

i think what happened to anne and her mother and sister and the others was horrible. i thank god for not being there as well as my family and friends i feel so sad that people had to be witnesses of such a horrible Holocaust.
January 27, 2007 09:33 PM

Anne Frank is a remarkable girl.Through all the misery and suffering of Hitler, she stayed strong.She was so young and innocent,and her life in danger only because she was a jew.Even though she is gone, her spirit will remain in my heart and others hearts also.
Richard Devaney
January 27, 2007 10:39 AM

My My My, What a wonderful inspiring story this your girl Anne wrote of her life, hopes and dreams of her's and also the worlds future. It brings happiness and also much sadness and tears to me to read her writings.She talks of the little things we can all do to improve our world, just small little steps like an inch worm but every small step truly counts. Her words will live in our hearts forever as a little girl who grew to be a woman in a few short years. The world owes it to Anne to keep her memory alive forever, and to try and live our lives like she dreamed we should do. Anne I will never ever forget you and all the suffering people not just in the Holocaust, but to all the people still suffering today. I love you my dearest Anne Frank. In Heaven there must be truly a special place for you....

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