Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Steven Planzer
January 26, 2007 03:41 PM

Wow!!! I am really blown away. I am 25 years old and am still understanding the workings of the world. Yet Anne Frank was only a young teenager and she held more insight than any adult I have yet to meet. I hope that someone will publish her other thoughts, dreams and stories in another book. This should be circulated throughout the world. Again, I am just simply amazed at Anne's hope, love and courage when all in her world was lost. Her very being and words should give everyone strength no matter what is going on in their lives. I wish to thank whoever contributes to running this website and bringing her incredible wisdom to life.
January 25, 2007 02:18 PM

I first read the diary when I was about 7 or 8. It was my favourite book for years and Anne was kind of a hero to me. I would re-read Anne's diary over and over, with a childish half hope that THIS time it would end differently. I was always amazed at how "normal" she seemed to stay despite the horrible situation she was in, that even in those times she could still be interested, in, well, anything that caught her interest and that didn't just give in to despair and depression. She was (and is still all these years later) a huge inspiration.
January 25, 2007 12:49 AM

Anne's diary was one of the most moving books I've read just the way she discribes the world aruond her and with what love and admiration she has for the world it's just amazing. she had love for the world and everything in it I just admire how she thought of the world and it makes me want to be like her in that sence.
January 24, 2007 09:08 PM

I havn't read Anne's actual diary yet, but in my 8th grade social studies class, we read the play. None of it seemed real to me though, untill I looked at her pictures and watched the video clip of her. It actually made me cry, seeing a real, breathing, living girl, who really went through all those experiences. It just seems impossible.
January 24, 2007 01:18 PM

Anne's diary was one of the most moving pieces of literature I've read. I first read her diary this year. For a girl of fourteen, she was well-versed and full of curiosity for the world. She was in hiding, only a shadow away from concentration camp and death, yet she managed to write and incredibly inspirational diary. She never stopped living her life, even when there was nothing for her to live for. She never stopped loving the world, even when there was so much to hate. She never stopped hoping for freedom, even when it was too late. Although she's dead, a tragic month or a week before the liberation, her spirit will never die, it will live on from generation to generation.
Adam Riveria
January 24, 2007 10:00 AM

I read the diary of Anne Frank & saw the movie with my drama class & drama teacher Ms.Perry. I think that Anne Frank was a smart lady because she always wrote in her diary about what going on. She always hope and thought that everyone was good at heart. It a good thing that she left her diary behind our we would not have learned about everything about what happend to her.
Adam Riveria
January 24, 2007 10:00 AM

I read the diary of Anne Frank & saw the movie with my drama class & drama teacher Ms.Perry. I think that Anne Frank was a smart lady because she always wrote in her diary about what going on. She always hope and thought that everyone was good at heart. It a good thing that she left her diary behind our we would not have learned about everything about what happend to her.
Bernardo Cabrera
January 24, 2007 09:55 AM

After reading the diary of Anne Frank, I realized the hurt and trouble that she went through but she stayed strong and also forgived people after all they did to her. I admire Anne Frank because was a strong young lady, because she stayed hidden for about 2 years but then they got caught.Mr.Frank was the only one that survived to tell the story about Anne Frank.I think that Anne Frank was a good and smart writer.Anne Frank is still remebered after all these years.Thanks to Anne Frank I know all the horrible and cruel things Hitler did to the jewish people and I think that was wrong of him. :(
Stephanie Parmesar
January 24, 2007 09:55 AM

I read the diary of Anne Frank with my class. After reading the play I appreciate myself more and I am more respectful to everyone and everything. I thought Anne Frank is very creative and she has a good heart. Anne is very positive about people and everything happening around her. If she never wrote about her life in her diary we wouldn't know about Anne. It is a great thing she wrote her diary.
January 24, 2007 09:44 AM

I read the story of Anne Frank and I was very interested.Anne went throught alot of stuff.Even thought she went throught alot of grief she still thought people still had some good in them.I also saw the movie.Even Anne is not here any more people still think of her and read her story.

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