Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 23, 2007 08:00 PM

I also believe in the things about the poor people. I think we should learn about the horrors in other peoples lives they aren't all sunshine and blue sky. She went through a lot and we shouldn't complain about "having 2 much work" or little things like that. What matters is God and loving others. Not the riches and all that... Everyone needs to understand not every one is perfect ,not now anyway. But will be someday with God and he already sees us all as perfect. Just as Anne did all the world.
sarah and helene
January 23, 2007 03:28 PM

we were stunned when are parents told us the history of are religion about aldof hitler and what he had done. it was very shocking. We feel that the rememberce of anne frank shall be heard all around the world.
Lorena Carino
January 23, 2007 02:45 PM

When I was in 6 grade I read a little bit of this story and I saw a movie how they kill the Jews. Now I read more about her and I saw the movie about what she wrote in her diary. With this movie I get more to this story of how Anne Frank feel when the Nazis kill the Jews. Sometimes I think if I'am there like Anne Frank how I would feel? This story is interesting and sad of how the family hide, but the sadness part was when the Nazis get them and they couldn't do anything
Shelly Rodriguez
January 23, 2007 02:44 PM

After reading the diary of Anne Frank I realized that she was very sweet and even though she went through all that trouble she was still determined and helped all the people that was with her in the hiding place which is Anne's house.She was very loving and caring person.
January 23, 2007 02:37 PM

I think that Anne Frank was a really intelligent and brave person for going through all of the craziness that she's been through, and when I saw the movie and how evil Hitler was, my mouth dropped, I really honestly couldnt beleive how evil hitlers actions were. But what I really can't believe is that as much stuff that Anne Frank has been through she still belives in the goodness in people.
phanor pena
January 23, 2007 02:35 PM

Anne Frank was the one that have courage in her own life and good will When I read her diaryI thought it was beautiful when she write her true story for a celebration and joy for her jewish family.
Jacqueline Guaylupo
January 23, 2007 02:30 PM

I think Anne Frank was a very nice person. Also I think she was a happy person. And also a playful girl. I'm impressed she got treated so badly and still had hope.
Gloria Silverio
January 23, 2007 02:28 PM

I think Anne Frank was a lovely girl.When I saw the end of the Anne Frank diary movie it really touched my heart when they got arrested and were sent to Concentration Camp without seeing each other.When I saw the pictures of how Aldof Hitler treated the Jewish people I was shocked. The Diary of Anne Frank was awesome.
January 23, 2007 09:49 AM

I read the story of Anne Frank and I also saw the movie. It made me realised that Anne frank went through lots of difficult stuff. One thing I loved about Anne frank is that she always kept trying and she never gave up. Anne Frank was very talented writer. Alot of people admire her including me. I think Anne frank should be very happy to see that people all over the world read her beautiful diary.
Winston De Jesus
January 23, 2007 09:42 AM

Anne Frank was strong, intelligent, and very active. I admire her because she stayed strong when she had to live in the Annex for 2 years. What upsets me is that after staying in the Annex, she still got caught by the Nazis. It is very lucky that she left behind her diary or we would not have learned about her.

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