Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 23, 2007 09:37 AM

I read the diary of Anne Frank with my drama class and drama teacher Ms.Perry.I was very intersted in the story and the movie.I admire Anne Frank because she always had hope and thought everyone was good at heart.I noticed she did not complain of how there was little room or food she was just greatfull for what she had
January 22, 2007 10:36 AM

The first time I read her diary was during the summer, prior to my freshman year in High School. I was so intrigued by her writing that i read the book in two days. So far i have read this book three times. Anne Frank has helped me understand that we take everything that we have for granted, including our freedom to make our own choices, write and speak what we are feeling, and go just about anywhere at anytime, and in any type of transportation as long as we don't break any rules. This diary made me realize that i did not have too much to complain about, even though as a teen i always did. I admire Anne Frank not only because of her talent as a writer, but also because she always had a great attitude and the most beautiful smile, despite her way of living. Thanks to her I appreciate everything I have a little bit more.
Ms. Perry
January 20, 2007 02:29 PM

After reading the drama from the diary with my awesome 7th grade class at East Bronx Academy for the Future I have more respect for Anne Frank then ever before. I love the fact that she never gave up on people and humanity, and her voice still echoes after so many years. She touches all those who read her diary, see her movie, or read the play in a profound, deep way and her story is a moving testimony to the hope that is still here in this world.
Qudsia Sethi
January 17, 2007 09:03 PM

I first read the diary back in 1981 when I was ten years old. My father took me to the hiding place in Amsterdam and I have never forgotten the experience. How 8 people could have lived in such a cramped place for 2 years..living in fear constantly..I could never imagine. It was a little hard for me, as a little girl, to understand that there had been another little girl like myself having to hide from the world just because she was Jewish...that she might be killed just for that! As the years went by and I got older, I read more about Anne and was amazed that a little girl...just one little girl..could have so much sense...more than most adults these days. The things she could have done had she been able to live her life, but yet look at what she HAS done. Her wish "I want to go on living even after my death." has definately come true.

May the tragedy of the Holocaust ever happen again.

L'chaim (To Life!)
January 16, 2007 05:58 PM

I read Anne's book when I was a young girl about the same age as she when she wrote it. It has stayed with me all my life and now I am a woman in my 60's I will never forget her writings about her reactions to life and her dreams and wonder what she would have became if she was allowed to live.I think she would be delighted with all the new technical things that are available now and she would have loved to use them, she would love to see television and all the musice and wonderful things that are available now.And that we have her wonderful diary so no one will ever forget what a wonderful intelligent and sweet young girl she was and that there is no place for hatred in the human race. We must remember that life is precious and that it is given to each of us to use wisely and for the good of us all.
January 12, 2007 08:53 PM

Anne changed my life completely. She knew life as it is: beautiful, kind, and loving to the core, despite the evil that held her like a cage. Nobody can be another Anne; nobody will influence the world as she did, and how she still is. I know that God gave the world Anne, but he didn't give us her life, he gave us her words and steadfast love. Perhaps Anne is not physically here on earth, but she dwells in the hearts of all who adore her like a sister, daughter, best friend, or role model. Anne lives.
January 11, 2007 05:58 PM

I remember the first time I read Ann's story. I was twelve year's old. We had just gone over that time period in my history class. That same day I went to the library & checked out Anne's book. That was the first time in my life I've read a book that was so powerful. It made me feel like I was right there with her & sharing the same feeling's as she did. That Christmas I got Ann's book as a present. It still sits on my bookshelf to this day. Seventeen years after reading it, it still remains one of my all time favorite books.
Christa Creekland
January 09, 2007 12:38 PM

anne frank is an amzing person. I am 14 and have no clue how to write as strong as her. But to be able to write about what you have overcome and accomplished and gone through, makes the whole story better. She is a role model and a person I look up to. She was a very strong individual. She has her strong points to get across and she does, in an artsie way. My class in 8th grade is doing a huge section on her. I have learned a lot about her just from viewing this website! She was a true survivor. She dosent know how many people she has helped! :)
January 09, 2007 04:54 AM

I have read it 3 times in 2 languages and each time it gives me different feelings.When I first read it in Chinese at an age of 10, what I felt was just curious about the secret Annex and the "Holocaust", which didn't make much sense to me then. Now I am 16 and start to read it in English for the 1st time. With a broad knowledge of the world history, I am really amazed by the cruelness of the Nazi and more importantly by the optimistic spirit and the sensitive insight lying in her heart.
January 03, 2007 04:46 PM

I am only 12 years old (I still am) when I read this inspirational book,The Diary of A Young . I needed a book for my book report and my mom recommended the book to me, and I read one entry, and I was hooked. I thought of it as just a book, but it was more than a book to me, I'm still wondering what it is to me. After reading this book,I've heard the name "Anne Frank" a lot more. She's an inspiration for me, her wanting to become a writer (which is one of the things I want to do) gave me hope that I can do anything! Since her dreams did come true. Although her dreams came true, it's devistating about her , it feels unfair sometimes, but I need to know that there's a reason for everything. Now, I'm not Jewish, I am Christian, and I believe God is trying to get Anne Frank in my life. For a reason. If you have read this book, read it again... and if you have not, please read it. In my opinion, I believe this is a book you can't put down, my favorite book...The Diary of A Young .My favorite author...Anne Frank

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