Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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May 12, 2009 04:06 PM

2009-04-26 02:21 AM

Please remember that patting yourself on the back while pointing a finger at someone else fosters the kind of attitude that allows this sort of terrible thing to happen.
May 11, 2009 04:50 PM

I actually just got home from visiting Washington D.C and this Sara Galperin was the lady i had to study about. I think it is so sad to hear some of the real live stories of these people.I enjoyed going to the Holocaust Museum. It was very interesting. Also very sad.
A. B.
May 11, 2009 03:01 PM

I just want to say that....the things that many many people have the audacity to do never fails to horridly amaze me....i sometimes do question the psychological state of mind of these terrible people, and always am i left unanswered....the actuality of these events of the past, i believe, will never be comprehended by the people of today....and i honor the bravery and sympathize to the disgusting and morbid things that people endured during the holocaust. It is terrible. I tip my hat to those survivors, and take a momment to commemorate those unfortunate victims of this tragedy.
May 11, 2009 10:08 AM

How could this happen? I'm not sure. No one is. The only way to prevent it is to learn about it. The truth about this horrible pain.
May 08, 2009 05:03 PM

I think every school in the nation should visit or virtually visit this museum. My uncle was in the Polish Underground Army, supplying the Jewish Ghetto for the last uprising, as the Soviets sat across the river and did nothing. He was eventually sent to Aushwitz - however escaped en route and later captured and sent to Treblinka where he was tortured severly and was sickly after the war which eventually resulted in an early death for him.
May 08, 2009 04:57 PM

In response to Judy (4/24/09)...many Christians took a stand against the Nazis and were killed...also keep in mind many people living around the concentration camps were "deutch folk"...meaning the Germans brought in people very sympathetic to the Nazis to live around the concentration camps in case of escapes and to keep their deeds quiet...what a horror this was...in a time of war people do anything to survive.
Blanca E. Nino
May 08, 2009 03:51 PM

I totally agree with judy. Jehova witnesses should be racognized as something strong and faithfull people are always thinking they are bad for what they beleave in they shouldnt look down on them like some people do, people should be more respectfull to other religions that are not their own (dint do this to critizise or make somevody feel bad if i did offend somevody please forgive me)
May 08, 2009 01:34 PM

I think all of this was a really horrible thing that hapend in history. What the Nazi party did is really bad thais is the kind of things that racism can do to the wrold.
May 05, 2009 03:40 PM

I disagree with the comment on page 3, yes it was all the Germans fault, because the other Germans could have chosen to revolt against Hitler and the soldiers, but they didn't, and they even helped persecute the jews and the others because they thought that it was right, sure there was maybe a hundred Germans that chose to stand up for what was right, but they died, and everyone else saw that and decided that beggars can't be choosers, and they just fell into step with the Nazis.
May 05, 2009 02:13 PM

i think this website is realy good!
for teenagers!
because it shows us what happend in the holocoust........im 14 and the holocoust realy inteasts me because i think it is realy good thing to learn....i no its about evil and suffering but i realy like it it just shows us what happend in world war 2 that lots and lots of people died for no reason!
well im getting a leaflet and i realy do like this website i think i'll come on here more often!

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