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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Alvina Kimsu
November 16, 2006 05:41 PM

After reading the Diary of Anne Frank for the first time when I was 13, I was changed inside. This meaningful and heartwarming story truly touched me deep inside my heart. When I first read this book, I did not know what to expect - corny fiction or biblical history? Now after reading this magnificent book, I realized that it was perfect - just in between. It has the perfect of mix humor and tragedy. Its impact on me has been huge, by showing me how I take so many things for granted. I have learned to cherish what I have and not ask for more. Living in a place of freedom, running water, and endless amounts of food is truly the perfect life - I could never ask for more. The information on this amazing, detailed website surprised me and gave me an insight on what really went on in Anne Frank's mind. She was a girl with great compassion and a lot of courage. Granted, she had a wild side that got the best of her sometimes, but she was still a kind sister and daughter. Overall, the Diary of Anne Frank has truly changed my life and I will always remember this story.
November 16, 2006 05:40 PM

I thought that Anne Frank was an amazing writer, especially for her age! Personally i think that everyone should have a chance to read this inspirational story.
shlomo kapulsky
November 16, 2006 05:38 PM

I am currently reading the Diary of Anne Frank, so for me it is truly an unfinished story. Although I didn't start reading it very long ago, I still have several memories from the book. I am personally Jewish, so it is immensly emotional for me to hear about the conditions, mostly knowing that I had family survive and die in the Holocaust. It is very intertesting for me to hear about these people's story and to compare it to the stories I have heard from my family members. My grandmother also went into hiding, but it was more severe. I thinkit isvery brave of them to stay in Germany at that time and itmade me very emotionaly attached. Also, while reading this novel I realized how tough it must be for strangers to find out that they are now stuck with each other for several years. The information on this website didn't quite surprise me or change my view of Anne. Still, I think that it is very important and educative to read this book, and find out about the Holocaust.
November 16, 2006 05:34 PM

The first time I read her diary was in eighth grade. I read the play version and it doesn't have the power that her actual words. There is a huge difference in the play and her powerful voice. Her essay: Give! was very well written and made me think about everyone in the world, and not just the ones that are visable. Anne Frank understood everything in the world, not just things that she could see and feel in their hiding place. Even though she is not alive, her words still have an impact on the people who read this today. She has spoken of a perfect world, in which nobody is looked down on, and nobody is less important. Anne sees all the problems, even though she is not in contact with the world. I love her diary and how she addresses the problems in the world
Josh Li
November 16, 2006 04:51 PM

I'm an 8th grader just starting to read her diary, and already, I've learned more than I had ever wanted to know when I was 10. I've learned how much she had loved writing, and how moving, engaging, and wonderful it is. I had never been more moved by any kind of writing then Anne Frank's writing. I had never really realized how great her writing really is. I had never really learned anything about Anne Frank until I found what she really wrote about.
November 16, 2006 04:50 PM

I walked into class one day and on my desk i saw the Diary of Anne Frank. Up until this point, I have never been interested in history. To me it was the past, done, over with, not worth being reviewed. Then i began to read the first entries of Anne Frank. I read the words of a 13 year old well beyond her years and i felt this huge hole in my chest grow. Usually i am not a person who cries, and i dont at school while reading her diary. But at night i lay awake, holding back my sobs. I hope Anne can hear me up there, "Thank you so much for opening my eyes"
November 16, 2006 04:50 PM

I am just a regular 13 year-old girl reading the diary of Anne Frank for the first time in my lagunage arts class. I'm still in the middle of the diary but reading her words and how she lived during that time makes me want to cry. Her words are strong and pulls me into her life during that time period. The information in this website suprised me a bit because now I know more about Anne and I feel some connectiong with her. I'm just a regular 13 year old girl who has no idea what it was like during world war 2, but I still can relate to things Anne felt and thought.
November 16, 2006 04:49 PM

I am currently reading the Diary of Anne Frank, and I can say that it truely touches me. It is sad how she tries so hard to be nice and friendly, but most people just focus on her bad qualities, like how she talks too much. Her diary as inspired many to keep trying and kepping smiling no matter what. Her writings also shows the world how horrible it was to live in fear as a Jew in hiding, and how inhumane the Holocaust was. Her diary has inspired me to treat people better, like how I want to be treated, and not to judge people just on how they look. Most importantly, her diary taught me to learn not to dwell on the past, but to be prepared for what's in store for me in the future.
November 16, 2006 04:49 PM

the first time that i read Anne Frank's diary, was about one week ago. the book had some impacts on me than changed the way i looked at life. Before i had an idea about how much giving means to people, i used to think more about taking. Now i figured out have much people care about the simple gifts in life. the information on this site did suprise me because i didn't see Anne as such a passionate writer. this site gave me the chance to read her real diary and see how much she really enjoyed writing as a hobby and activity.
it is i
November 16, 2006 04:49 PM

I have still not finished the diary. But i do understand what they had to go through. I have never been in a situation like this before and am hoping that i never will. This web site really gave me a diffrent opinion about her and her family. I think that she was a very smart person. I think she had a gift. A very special gift that some people don't have. She has the power to be nice. Not to just to rich people but to the poor. To people that had to go through what she had to go through. I personaly have to say that we are so lucky that she got this diray for her birthday. We are so lucky that she wrote all of these things down. We now have a better understanding of the war. We all know that this was a HORRIBLE war. Now we know what happened. What really happend. Anyway i think that it is great that this web site had this info. and i am glad i have looked at it. One day i hope of finishing the book and reading other stuff she has written.

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