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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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November 16, 2006 02:15 PM

The diary of Anne Frank has taught me many things about human nature and good conduct. The story is touching and I'll never forget it.
November 16, 2006 02:13 PM

I first read the diary of Anne Frank when aged 12-13. It was an experience of reading the thoughts of another young Jewish girl. My first reading of the diary was an occasion of meeting a girl through her writings - having a sense of kinship with the writer, knowing of her tragic end in the madness of the Holocaust. It was also a reminder to cherish and embrace the freedom and rights so often taken for granted. Because of the Holocaust Museum's exhibition and website, I have re-read Anne's diary, for the first time in twenty years. Because of the Museum's exhibition of Anne Frank's writings, I have come to view her as a writer apart from her diary, not only as a gifted teenager who represents the child victims of the holocaust. Anne Frank's voice was stilled by the Nazis; her writings live as a legacy of the promise unfulfilled. By acknowledging her writings and making them known to the world, Anne's voice has been allowed to be heard again. Anne Frank was one of many millions of victims of the Holocaust. Each had a voice that should have been allowed to be heard throughout their natural spans of life. Anne Frank represents not only all of the child victims, but all the victims. My thanks to the Holocaust Museum for arranging for the United States to exhibit Anne Frank's work and for honoring the voices and memories of all the victims of the Holocaust.
November 16, 2006 12:59 PM

My only opportunity to read this book was probably a week ago or so. From the book, my impression of Anne was a childish school-girl who knew nothing about what was going on, or anything. From this website, I realized that the diary doen't tell as much of thye life that Anne led during that horrible time. The book didn't narrate any of Anne's thoughts, or anything like that. The diary just told the story.
November 16, 2006 12:59 PM

The first time i read the Diary of Anne Frank was in 8th grade, and within the first chaper i was completly involved in the story. A good author always puts pictures in your mind as you're reading, and through the books images as real as life, would form, back in my imagination. I am from a German background and i greatly hunger for new german litterature, the Diary of Anne Frank was the perfect match for me in 8th grade and greatly inspired me to reserch the subject of WW11 with renewed curiosity.
Meow ;o)
November 16, 2006 12:58 PM

We are still in the middle of reading the Diary of Anne Frank, but so far it is very good. Although I am around the same age as Anne, I don't think I deal with the amount of pressure and tension that Anne was under. When Anne was sad, I was sad. When she was happy, I was happy. She has really impacted my life, and my views of life. The information in this Web site did not really surprise me, because in my mind, I had pictured Anne as a voracious young girl who needed to vent her feelings in some way. I was not surprised that she turned to writing as a way to express herself. I loved this book and would difinitely recommend this book to anyone of any age.
miss joanna
November 16, 2006 12:57 PM

The first time that I started reading the Diary of Anne Frank was just a few weeks ago. I believe that it is quite fortunate how people could uncover such an amazing diary written by an incredible girl. Anne is quite the role model. Even when times are tough and unhumanity is destroying humankind, she always has the ability to smile through her tears, laugh through her fears, and love through her hatred. Her imagination is the wildest in stock and if I could, I would love to just sit down with her and talk to her about just everyday girl talk. Anne Frank understands and comforts people when they're in need of a shoulder to cry on. I think she is simply a extraordinary human being with a heart of gold.
November 16, 2006 12:56 PM

The first time I read the diary of Anne Frank was in 8th grade. At that time I dont think the big point really hit me. I was one of those people who are just unaware of everything going on around them in the world. The one thing that I really related to was the way Anne thought, the way she acted. As a middle school student about the same age as her, I suppose many of the same thoughts and ideas occured to me when I argued with my parents as she argued with her mother. I'm not sure about this but I think that the book helped me find the real me a little more.
November 16, 2006 12:56 PM

I have just read the Diary of Anne Frank. This story really made me realize how horrible World War Two was. I thought Anne was a real brave girl even during all the dangers. She always kept her positive attitude and tried keeping the others also. It impacted me because I finally realize how much damage we, humans, can cause and how fortunate we are right now, compared to the other people during World War Two. Anne's personality and actions have affected me. I have learned that only one individual is needed to make the difference. This website's information really surprised me because it was very interesting to hear aspects on World War Two from a diary's point of view. Anne Frank is probably one of my inspirations for her positive personality and her strong will to live.
Pablo Bauer
November 16, 2006 12:56 PM

Anne Frank was an outstanding influence on my life, and it has opened up volumes of information that most of us are oblivious to. When reading about her unbearable fate, I cried so much for her. Who she was...an outgoing, enthusiastic girl, she wasn't a girl who deserved to die. Her whole family, along with the Van Daan's and Dussel, worked so hard, and when through so many tough times, it wieghs my sinking heart to think about how what they had to go through, to not make it. Thhe wills and wants of a fourteen year old girl, has reached out to everyone worldwide, through a means of literature. One diary, has opened the eyes of many people, and although she didn't make it, she lives on through her words of wisdom.
November 16, 2006 12:55 PM

After reading the book, I started to understand the injustices that human beings can do to each other. Though we were all created equal, human nature isn't perfect. Anne displayed many good qualities in her personality, and we can all learn a little from her. Some of the information on this website surprised me. I didn't know about her dream to become a writer, or that she was such a popular person in her normal life. Anne was a perfect example of how Hitler was able to control the lives of the people he considered "inferior", yet he could not control the mind and spirit of the people.

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