Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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November 15, 2006 01:01 PM

When I began reading the play version of The Diary of Anne Frank, I expected it to be a very educational story. However, when I began reading, I realized how real Anne's character was. It breaks my heart to know how cruel people can be to others just because of their differences.
Ms. McNair
November 15, 2006 12:59 PM

This is the sixth time I have taught this book and it never seems to amaze and touch me deeply. I am so privileged to be able to teach this very important study of a Jewish family hiding from the Nazis during World War Two. Having lost Jewish family members, I am proud of Anne and the Frank family for their enduring strength in the face of danger.
Lacey B.
November 15, 2006 11:46 AM

When I first read Anne Frank's diary I was deeply touched by the very thought of this diary. Her thoughts are so full of wisdm, and maturity, that it's very hard for me to explain. Such wisdom should be made a book. Her dream came true, and I am delighted. I have read Anne's diary six times, both editions. But I prefer the whole diary, those pages shouldn't hae been discluded. Her feelings were her feelings, and she can;t help tht. Althogh they did this I can understand why they did not include the passages. Some of them werew only talking bed about her mother, and some of the people livong with her. Imean todaoy I think she would be considered a nice young lady, bt then she would have probably been considered a rebel, simply because she liked things to be equal. Now a days women are amounting more than they ever have. Also Otto Frank probably discluded the private stuff in her diary, the things about her growing up. Like I said before I have read her diary six times, and read many biograohies about her. As I have read her diary eah time I find something new to smile about, and say," Did I read that last time?" even though I knew I had. One of my favorite parts is were she writes about how Peter told her he goes to the loft, and sweares because she cries herself to sleep every night. I mean how romantic? I really wish that I could have a guy like that. But it seems the world we are living in today doesn't have those kind of people.
Judy Nation
November 15, 2006 02:25 AM

I read the diary while in high school.My 12th grade English teacher met Mr. Frank & shared her thoughts about their home,now the museum.As I was free to wander,it really hit me when she wrote of the close,confining quarters.It was very obvious that she was wise beyond her years. I had the opportunity to see the stage production the next year.Even after 48 years,I can hear the sirens &the voice of the actress.who played Anne. She & I were so alike in many wats.Every time I hear orsee anything about her or her diary,I feel that the world lost a fantastic,insightful human. What she could have accomplished had she lived. Every time I prepare food I think of Anne & her companions in the attic. Mr.Frank told my teacher that Anne died because she insisted on sharing her meager ration of food with others "who need it more". Could any of us be so willing to sacrifice to that degree. After reading the book through today,I still believe the diary should be on the required reading lists for all students. Hitler did not win because Anne left behind a touching,compelling honest piece of literture which shows strenth &compassion for all.
November 13, 2006 03:52 AM

This is the first time i read the excerpts from anne's diary and how interesting was it for a young girl to write.She was so well-versed and she really has a passion for writing.Her entries were all so heartfelt and sincere.She really expressed herself well and i'm really suprised at how well she wrote despite being in hiding.She is such an inspiration.
October 09, 2006 06:18 PM

My first opportunity to read her dairy was only 4 years ago...when I was ony 19 years od and there was only adopted version available then in my country Georgia. The story, the thoughts of this young girl had a HUGE influence over my attitude towards the life and mankind. The wills of the girl, who was only 14: to live and give, to have a simpe, cloudess life with very mere events have made me understand that even they are enough to change the life into good. She has helped me know that the strong will of each individual to give, makes others think...and finally accept it as their own. The word of Anne Frank hasn't disappeared .... Yeas..she was kiled...but the simple these papers have reached to us...changing our lives and maiking us think what we live for. Her dream has come true for..the whole word knows the popular young journalist...Anne Frank.
barbara smutny
September 28, 2006 05:25 PM

I am 71 years old. I'm not Jewish. I am reading Anne's Diary and about how she died. I am crying -for her, for who she was and could have been. I am crying for all of us, human beings, who could and can be so inhuman. At the same time I am strengthened and calmed by the realization that Anne has survived victorious. She was not destroyed and will live far beyond those who tried to destroy her.
Carolyn Hester
September 09, 2006 03:01 PM

What do I have to say about Anne Frank? Well, she touched my heart the first time I read her diary. I have now in my possession: her diary, the movie and remembrance book that holds many pictures of her and her family. I also will never forget the day she left her home forever: July, 6 1942. I was born 30 years later on that very day. Anne deserved to live and her family. She will always be my inspiration.
July 07, 2006 01:14 AM

When i first heard the story of Anne Frank and her family i was 14, yet it affected me very deeply then. Now, reading the diary again years later, i learn more and more and gain renewed strength from her words. Anne had such a beautiful vision of the world, yet the world treated her so cruely. For years, Anne has been a hero to me, and i am greatful that she so ardently wanted to serve all of us. Anne's story and words have profoundly changed my life.
June 16, 2006 12:34 PM

I first read "The Diary of Anne Frank" about twenty years ago. I was amazed at the fact even though we were generations apart as well as continents apart, I really connected with her. I feldt I was there living the experience. Her message will be heard for generations to come. She was a brave soul.

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