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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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December 12, 2005 04:40 AM

The first time I heard about Anne Franks Diary, was when I was 11 years old. We watched a film about the life of Anne and her family in the secret annexe. Watching the film made me go and buy the book. As a result, from that day forward, I have had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge regarding the holocaust and have studied it privately for over 20 years now. So, Anne Diary was very important to me as a child and as an adult, it remains important, because I was able to relate to this young girl, who was almost the same age as me and as a result, she has given me the need to read and study books on the holocaust for most of my life, knowledge which I fully intend to put to good use by teaching others. I also am employed with the British army, a decision that came about from my holocaust studies and giving me the thought that if (god forbid!) anything like this ever happend again, I would like to be in a position where maybe I could help others. In this way, learning about and reading Annes diary has actually had a large impact on some of the most important aspects and decisions in my life.
December 11, 2005 12:02 PM

I had never read Anne Frank before. I had always wanted to but had never found the time. I always was too busy or whenever I did have time, I watched TV. Then, we had to read it for English and so I decided to read it a month before so I knew what it was about. I thought I would be bored by it and uninterested but I could not have been farther from the truth. In fact, I have never been more intrigued in a book. I laughed at some of things she did, things that any other 13 year old girl like myself might have done. Then I realized, she was just a 13 year old girl. She had friends and she lived in a normal city with a normal way of life. Something awful happened and she was just stuck in the middle of it. She didn?t have any time to know what was happening. Within a few hours she had to leave her house for good. She didn?t have time to say good-bye to her friends or have one last dinner at home. She didn?t have time for any of this and within a few hours her entire life changed. I thought I didn?t have time to read her story, but I found I was very wrong. Anne didn?t have the time she needed to live, the least I can do is find out why.
December 10, 2005 12:06 AM

I'm so fasinated by this young girl Anne Frank that it reaches deep in my soul, her lonlieness and passion is expressed in every sentence every word. Her words are powerful and a wake up in reallity or cruelty of the Holocaust. Anne has such a beautiful way of telling her story and something that should never be forgotten in history. Lost in her world and in a world of tragedy she has no one to turn to and at the same time she has to face the biggest crisis of a major war. Anne Franks presence live on as one of the greatest writers ever, but also her story alienation and problems she faces that deeply relates to anyone who's ever felt alone in the world and at the same time faceing such a huge and unspeakable horror.
Jack Kastien
November 24, 2005 01:53 PM

I had read Anne Franks dairy some years before. As an airline captain I later had Amsterdam layovers. I visited her "hiding place" a number of times. One cold snowy December day I spent over 3.5 hours in her room. There were very few visitors that time of year.

It was and still is an emotional time for me. As the father of two lovely daughters, I cannot imagine the thoughts of the father of this darling, talented, innocent little girl. The world is a better place because of her writings.

Are we listening?

Jack Kastien
November 02, 2005 04:45 AM

The first time I read anne frank's dairy, I was moved. At the time I didn't realize there was so much about it that was unknown, and ofcourse, that cannot be experienced. As the years went by her story fascinated be endlessly, and I vowed to visit the anne frank house before I die. Until I came across your website, everything that I had seen and read was more or less the same, factually. But then I found this website, and took the tour of the unfinished story. I was braught to tears at the moving footage of anne. I cannot come to grips with the fact that someone so vivacious, beautiful and talented could perish the way she did. Seeing the video footage has numbed me in the biggest reality check of all, that of which I cannot explain. It is amazing that one can relate so accurately to someone who is no longer among the living, but more so someone who lived so long before one's time. I for one, take one consolation from the tragedy of her death so long ago - she is trapped in a fascinating childhood, with a fascinating story, and an endless legacy. She will forever be the young woman, or the mature girl, unfortunately we can never perceive her as any older than she was, or looking any different. I have imagined what she would have looked like had she been spared, yet it is impossible. She will forever be in the time frame in which she was destined to remain, yet she has, does and will travel with us throughout the generations and years to come, to continue to humble human beings of all ages and cultures. I know that she has humbled me, and that I hope that beyond this life, if everyone was destined to the same location, that I could shake her hand and tell her that she was remembered as though she were alive, even in her death.
Another inspired reader
October 15, 2005 06:17 PM

Anne's diary is one of the most touching, powerfully moving and inspiring books i have ever read. I thank you for this website, as it has helped me understand Anne more. It is incredible to think that she hoped to publish her diary, and look what happened! Though her life on earth was cut short, her words live on to inpire others. She is my new role model, and i believe she would have been a wonderful person to have known.
sandra keith
October 09, 2005 08:59 PM

Thank you for this website. Reading Anne's words has changed my vision of her last days.I believe her fear and suffering turned outward to minister to the fear and suffering of her fellow prisoners. Therefore she could not broken. What I mean to say is she won.
October 08, 2005 07:01 PM

i read the book and i liked it very much. it really amused me that 13 years old girl can write such a good dairy. i am 13 years old too.i like anne like to read and write but i always feared that the things i have written would be ignored, but then i read this book and then realised that i can write for myself just as anne. this book changed my favourite reader and i am much more intersted in history than before. it is like a new starty of my life. i learned that if there is no one for support, support yourself.
Mandi Waskiewicz
October 03, 2005 11:21 AM

My grandmother bought me a copy of Anne's diary when I was just 12 and I have loved it ever since. Its such a powerful illustration of a time in history that hasn't been able to be explained. Its an eye witness account to be sure. I love reading the diary over and over and each time I do I get something new out of it. Currently, I am reading it again for it seems like the billionth time and I just can't seem to put it down. I am almost done and will probably just start over again. I am now 17 and am just as interested, if not more so, in learning all I can about Anne and her short life as I can,as I was when I was 12. I am older than Anne ever lived to be, but her insight on matters, especially with her mother continue to educate me. My love for history started with her diary and has expanded itself over the years, I will be attending college in the fall and plan on becoming a history major, I want to educate others on how its important that we learn from history so as not to repeat it again. The Diary of Anne Frank will always have a special place in my heart, and I will read it for the rest of my life and draw wisdom from her words. I have come to love this girl even though I do not know her and I know that she is looking down on this world at all those who read her words and she touches their hearts with her spirit. I have cried with her, laughed with her and have felt her with me as I have read. I hope that everyone who reads her writings can do so with an open mind and try to understand where she is coming from. As we get older and read the diary more we will understand something new that maybe we didn't even notice before. I love this book and I love learning everything I can about the time period of the holocaust. It will be my passion til the day I die.
An inspired reader
September 22, 2005 07:51 PM

I was introduced to the Diary of Anne Frank as a 13 year old student. It was assigned to my class and I honestly did not know what to expect or what kind of effect it would have on me. Through Anne's story and words, I was drawn in, and it was the first book that I could not put down. The lessons she ingrained in me about optimism, hope, courage and the value of life has stayed with me throughout my life. But she influenced me in another way as well. As a 13 year old barely beginning to write, I found her writing style compelling. It was probably sophisticated for her age, but through her words and the way in which she wrote it, I fell in love with her. From then on, I began to write my essays like she would, I could hear her "voice" in my writings, I started to emulate her. And I began receiving recognition from my teachers. All of a sudden I was getting straight A-s in all my writing assignments. Though my writing style has developed and changed through the years, being now in my early 30s, I credit her book with giving me eloquence and teaching me one of the most important skills I have and make a living with today.

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