Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Stephanie Bytella
May 11, 2005 08:47 AM

I am an 8th grader at SAS and i read The Diary of Anne Frank. Not only is she a great writer, she is a great person to look up to and she always looks at the good side of things no matter how bad. You will learn a lot if you read Anne Frank's Diary, I suggest
this book to all who want to read a great story about a young Jewish girl in the Holocaust. The holocaust did happen and it is still going on in the world today. This book will teach you a lot about yourself and how you can be a better person! Thank You and i hope those of you how read my response will also read this diary.
Annie Ngo
May 04, 2005 09:04 PM

When i started the holocaust, i was so confused. i didnt get why Adolf hitler would create such a horrible discrimination against jews. Hitler was mental and made jews as his scapegoat for his problems. just hearin what the jews had to go through during the holocaust just broke my heart. i wanted to go back in time and do something but i cant. even if i could i cant do anything to stop the nazi because there was so many of them. After reading the Diary of Anne Frank in class and talking about how much she suffered through hiding but she still was a happy teenager, so full of life and made everyone happy in one way or another. I am only 14 years old in 8th grade but i know how it feels to be hated by others. What Hitler did was not right and no living human should suffer through any events like the holocaust. Being tortured like that was abousolutely just heart breaking. We are so lucky now to be in a world like this. We should appericate what we have now cause this type of thing can happen again. We are equal no matter how different we are. For the innocent lifes that was lost during the holocaust, rest in peace and my your soul and spritit be free. Anne Frank was a brave girl who turn into a women during that horrible time. She taught me to be happy and dont ever give up, even if its the most horrible thing that happened. Thanks to Anne's diary and many other who survived after the holocaust, we know all the pain that went through in their lifes in hiding, in camps, in starvation, and all the tears that they went through. Hearing the personal stories of people during the war makes me sick and sad. Their words are important and we will never forget all the bad times and all the people who went through the long event. No one should forget, if you dont know what the Holocaust is, then i think you should learn about it cause it is important to many people and its history. What Hitler and the nazis did was cruel. For the 6 million jews who lost their lifes, we will never for get you and the other 5 millions people who died because of your race. For all the tears i cried, i know i cant erase all your pain...
May 02, 2005 07:40 PM

I am a 8th grade student and we are just starting the holocaust and I think this is absoulutley horable.We did this exercise in class with the lights off and sat on they floor silently for 25 minutes and nobody knew what was going on.Then after 25 mins my teacher said now imagain you doing this for 8 hours everyday trying to save your own life and others.If you made one sound you could be dead or brought to the camps and starved to death or take gas showers or they will be killing you in any way they could to see you suffer just because you are jewish. I think that is so horable and everything I really want to know how they did it. I mean some people were hiding out four days,weeks,months,years and not many people survived.This is probaly the worst thing that could ever happen to people just because of their race. Hitler I hope you are still burning and suffering while everyone else that you killed are still flying high and thinking why did you do this to us.Anne Frank And everyone that struggled to survive Rest in peace. Fly High
April 29, 2005 01:52 PM

when I first read the diary of Anne Frank it just seemed like how could anybody put people through that for so long. From the day that I read that book I try to appreciate everything in my life even though I might not like it! Anne frank taught me to appreciate anything that comes your way and you shouldnt give up. She went through hiding and dealing with the nazi's and that was incrediable to deal with in my mind
April 28, 2005 03:50 PM

I am an 8th grade student and we have just completed reading Anne Frank. Perviously to reading this i visited the US Holocaust Meuseum. When i visited this Meuseum i saw and read all of this horible thing that happened. How could one man belive in prosecuting another person because of this religion? How could one man influence millions too, to do this to poor inocent people? These thoughts still run through my mind. But as i read anne's every word, every thought, i cant belive her everyday life. Sometimes we may have a bad day because someone teased us and we may want to hide out in our rooms, but anne didn't have a choice. Her everyday life included sleepless nights and silent days in fear of nazi's. Anne Frank was truely an inspiration to all. "still, through it all, i belive that people are good at heart." An inspiration, a beliver, an angel. RIP forever.
April 14, 2005 03:29 AM

I first read her novel when I was ten years old. Even at that age, I couldn't understand, yet comprehend how horrible the Jews were treated: they are just like everyone else, human. Anne's diary explained a lot to me. I am now eighteen years old, and since reading her diary, I have a whole different outlook on life. To me, Anne was a star on earth, and I'm positive that she's an angel in heaven. For a teenager, she truly opened herself up and poured herself into her diary, explaining her feelings, attitudes, life in hiding, changes, adolesent tantrums, arguments and her trust and faith in those around her, in hiding and outside as well. When I had finished reading the novel, I closed the book and had a little cry. And that night, I honestly couldn't sleep. One quote of hers stood out fresh in my mind over and over again '...in spite of everything, I still believe that people are truly good at heart...'This is coming from a teenager, who spent almost three years locked away from persecution and death. This quote for me, stunned me. She had no bitterness whatsoever towards the end. In my eyes and to everyone else who has read her diary,I think that I can say she was absolutly incredible, a role model and a shining star. May she rest in peace...
Tegan Helzer
April 06, 2005 01:51 PM

Anne Frank is one of the bravest people I have ever heard about. She has taught me through her writings and the movies people have made of her to be more brave and to believe in myself and my abilities. One of my favorite passages of hers is, "Even through all this, I beleive that people are still good at heart." This has helped me to forgive and forget in a lot of cases. Thank-you Anne.
April 04, 2005 12:22 PM

I learned about Anne Frank as a child. My great-grandfather escaped from Poland during World War II, so as a child I was tought about it. I began reading her diary as a 6 year old. It was such a clarifyer and opened my eyes to all of what my great-grandfather had told me. I truely understood how lucky he was to be alive and with us. How could one man make such an impact creating this tension to leave home countries/families. To find a secret hide-out and put so many other lives at stake. As I read this diary it showed me how really truely precious the gift of life really is. I looked at the world more seriously. Now as a 14 year-old I understand how important it is not to have tension with others and how important it is to share friends and have a story. This story really changed me and cleared my mind towards "the real world". I saw how cruel people were and how careful life needed to be lived.
Megan Sczerby
March 29, 2005 06:18 PM

Anne Frank is truelly an inspiring person and has given me a new perspective on life. How could Hitler take away something so precicous? Peoples lives? What has the Jews ever done? What did he have against them? What made them so different from normal people with different religions? How could he make people at so young of an age go through so much torture? I ask so many questions and yet so many go unanswered. Anne Frank from what I've read always looked on the brightside of things. I have to say I'm a completely different person now...
March 22, 2005 02:45 PM

I first heard of Anne when I was seven years old. Inspired by her, I started journaling then and have never stopped.
I'm twenty-nine and only now am reading her entire diary.
In a way I'm glad I waited to read her words..because I'm of an age and place in my life where I can really understand her depth. Yes-- the depth of a teenager. I am very happy I found this site...I look at some of the pictures of Anne and I can see the impish light in her eyes, her obstinate little chin tucked down, giving us a coy look. And her smile! I can very much see how she could have been so popular.
What I perceive the most is her strength. Too be so strong at that age is truly amazing.
She is one of the greatest inspirations ever.
I hope whatever Gods may be have since treated her as she deserved...and if there is a heaven I hope she's having fun in a huge glittering library on a cloud.

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