Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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February 21, 2005 11:30 AM

I was in 5th grade (11 yrs. old) when I read the Diary of Anne Frank, my teacher told me not to read it and that I couldn't because I was so young. Well I read the whole thing, and I didn't understand it all but I understood enough to form a deep emotional bond to the whole ordeal. After reading her story, I have gone on to read many different stories of the time period, as well as visit museums, ect. She truly was a wonderful person.
February 19, 2005 03:19 PM

i read annes book in 8th grade. at the time i took very little notice of her book because i was a cocky kid that hated school. i was very ignorant. i just read her diary again as an adult. i have reallized that she is an amazing person. i wish her diary could have impacted me earlier in my life. her diary is my favorite book and i tell every one i know to read it. especally the youner kids. i like this web sight very much by the way
February 15, 2005 03:54 PM

i have read the anne frank stories and to know that there was a time where hatred was so strong! i always wonder why people would do such things and people can never answer my questions. They just say that they do what their told and that was that. i hope that one day this world will stop hating and understand that this world is full of different people.
Esther C
February 15, 2005 12:24 AM

I wasn't born in the time when the two world wars began. But Anne's voice has been heard by the world.My Grandmother who was living in that time of war had to run away to stay for a while with many others in one of the jungles in Malaysia. Anne Frank has become an author without knowing what became of her precious diary "kitty"
I think Anne is a person who told the world about what she thought yet she did so.. freely. Anne has inspired many(captured I think more is likely!) Anne is right we should encourage others to be more kind to each other. If only Anne could see what became of her diary. Anne's diary is very enjoyable! It seems Ann has a place in my memories forever and, ever
Maddie V
February 05, 2005 02:57 PM

Someone once asked me who my hero was. I told them i really didn't know. there were to many people who i really cared about. Now i can answer that question. I have 3 hero's. My grandfather who passed away in may, my special needs brother alex who has Autism. My last is Anne Frank. My self and Anne are born on the same day, June 12. I am only 13 and so I feel that now being jewish i should start to elarn more about her because she is my hero. Not because she was a famous person but because of her personality. Like no giving up even when there was no more to do. Always being peppy and happy no matter when. Anne Frank is one of the most interestong wemon i have heard of right next to Elenenor roosevelt. they both did great things and i hope we do not forget them both. But i know no one will ever forget anne and her family.
Hans Kroon
February 05, 2005 12:13 PM

I am Hans, I was born in Holland in 1941. Having many Jewish friends at the time,I've read Anne's diary when I was about 15 years old or so.
I was very much impressed. Living in Paris since 1963 I am very much concerned about the revival of revisionists' ideas, who "say the number of Jews murdered is largely exagerated" and "the existence of the camps was mainly a detail of history" according to extreme-right french politician J.M. Le Pen.
We have to fight those ideas and ban them from our minds. The 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the soviets, january 27, 1945-2005. Has deeply impressed me. Anne Frank's diary will continued to be read by youngsters all around the world. Those who want to visit virtually her home on the Prinsengracht 263in Amsterdam, where she wrote her diary, which is a museum now, can do so on http://www.annefrank.nl
megan r
January 29, 2005 07:40 AM

I am Megan and i think that Anne had many a talent and she should have gotten the chance to see her book being told to the world by her father the only one to survive in her family.
I hope that one day i will become a writer and i will always think of the young girl that inspiered me to become a writer but not just to write a fantasy story but to write storys in my own words about great people that has worked hard to help in any thing they think is important to anyone if it will help them for i will admire them for eternity just like i admire Anne and her family for Anne went along alone not even finding love and i am realy moved and truly truly touched and i will tell this storie to my children and i hope it makes them think about how lucky they are compared to Anne Frank and her family and may i say that i will tell this story and how i truly feel about it!!
I hope they are all together in heaven and happy compared to what life they had to live.
thank you for reading my appreciation to Anne Frank and her dear family
Corey Black
January 28, 2005 11:03 PM

This is an amazing exibit. I imagine if things had happend differently, Anne would have become an amazing woman. Surly she had much more to offer the world. If more today took what she said to heart, the world would be a much better place. Lessons that the holocaust have to offer are the most powerfull in man kind. One that does not learn from history, is doomed to repeat it. Such a powerfull event must not be taken lightly, as history does repeat itself, and if we are not ready, the history of the past will surly consume us in the future... I plead to my fellow classmates, the youth of the world... Take these writings and all history to heart, and do not let such atrocities repeat in the future.
January 28, 2005 08:13 PM

I think that all of Anne Franks words are inspirating.We are so very lucky to have found her jornal.I hope no man like Hitler will ever walk on the face of the earth ever again.Anne was a brave child to go hide in this new home for many days.It is terrible what people do.I am in the fifth grade and we are going over the Holocaust in social studdies.Why anyone would create an army(Nazi Party)and capture anyone who is Jewish.It is cruel and unfair.I head that the gas chambers,in the concentration camps were made to look like showers and the solders would take a Jew,telling them that they were going to take a shower and lock them in the chamber until the gas killed them.Hitler and the Nazi party killed over 6,000,000 Jews including Anne.Why?you ask.When?you ask, many of your questions are answered in Anne Frank's Unfinished Story.
Ellysa Burorughs
January 26, 2005 03:45 PM

I am i the 8th grade and we are on the subject of anne frank.. i would never be able to picture the horror that all the children, even the adults, went through!! We also read the anne frank diary AND watched the movie, of course i cried cause it was great to not only see the jews keep their faith but that they would also keep their stars! just like many others, i enjoyed this story and i hope it made u feel the same way i did!!

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