Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Lauren Martin
January 26, 2005 03:45 PM

I am in middle school and i am so touched by the story of anne frank. this expedition is so beatiful and full of life. the story of anne frank made me better understand and appreciate life and i recomend this site to anyone who does not know and understand anne. she is so apreciative of everything and is so thankful. i really enjoyed this and i hope everyone else will too!!!
Amber Ruiz
January 26, 2005 03:32 PM

I found her open heartedness and courage something to admire and reproduce in myself. I am in 8th grade and am learning about her now. Her story is one of a kind and very emotional. I'm in 8th grade and am learning about her now. Her story is so interesting and non- boing as are some of the literature we are reading. its sad she didn't get a chance to live the rest of her life and experiance marriage, but without her survival i dont think alot of people could go through their own.
January 26, 2005 01:10 PM

i read the diary of anne frank and it touched me. It really talked to my heart and made me sad. I feel sorry for the jews that haad to go through the hardship. I know some people tried to help but that wasnt enough. I now am having to start a research report on Anne Frank and for the title is chose "The story of the diary" Anne frank really inspires me to try my best and respect others for who they are. She just touched my heart and the heart of others. I have a new view on life. I will never forget what happened in our history. I am sorry all the people had to die and i feel sorry for the peoples whose family had to go on without them it had to have been a real devistating (sad) time. Most people were in need and so,e risked their lives to help some of the jews. You have a great website. Maybe i will have to do another paper and anne frank would be the topic i choose.
Eleanor Pountney
January 26, 2005 12:13 PM

There is no word to describe how I felt whille reading this diary.It is a book I will never forget as long as i live.It will always be there to haunt me when I take my life for granted and forget how lucky I really am.This is not to be missed its a heartbreaking,haunting tale that shows you what really happened in the holecoust and proves the hell that innocent people had to go through and what they had to suffer.
If you are undecided whether to read this book take the chance or you will regret it.
January 26, 2005 11:20 AM

I found that the story of anne frank inspired me to be better than I am. she was an amazing person with a dynamic personality.
Brittany Byrd
January 25, 2005 07:48 PM

I am 15 years old I take each day one 1 at a time and how greatful we are ciztians of the united states.I am so gald I got to know through her diarys Anne frank she and all the millions of Jewish people who got murder just becuse they belived the in their belifs.A teacher asked me do I think this could happen agian I said maybe if do not kept talking about and seeing what did happen.Im so thankful that the people made this site to help us kept it in are minds.
January 25, 2005 07:24 PM

I first heard of Anne Frank in 1958, when I was ten. Life Magazine ran an article called 'What Happened After Anne Frank's Diary'. I knew all about the war, because my parents had both served in it, but I had never heard about the Holocaust before. The horror of her death contrasted with the hope, energy and humour she projected in her diary, even when times were at their worst.

In 1961 my parents and I visited Amsterdam and my father asked the conductor of our bus tour to let us off at 263 Prinsengracht. I now know that the museum had only been open for a year and I wonder now if any of those who showed us around knew Anne. No one in my family thought of asking them - they all seemed to be working very hard to get the place in order and show visitors around.

I read and reread Anne's diary all through my teenage years. There are very few books, especially books about historical events, written by a teenager. Anne was a teenager who believed in her own opinions. Reading her diary, you could not feel that your point of view did not matter, however young you might be.

39 years later, in 2000, I went back to Anne Frank's hiding place and reread her diary. Her courage and self-belief as a young person still impress me as they did when I was her age, but her ability as a writer stands out for me most now. I am fascinated with blogging these days and have probably read about a hundred different web diaries. Few or none compare with Anne Frank's - inviting other people into your world, capturing everyday jokes and frustrations, describing the details of living in a way that never grows tedious or pointless - this is a very rare achievement, but Anne Frank makes it seem effortless. Her spirit has stayed with me all my life - she is still a mentor and a friend, someone I can learn from even now. I only wish I knew what she would have made of her life, looking back on it from the perspective of middle age.
david mackay
January 25, 2005 03:17 PM

the biggest respect i can make,is to treat others with love,respect and understanding.Anne and others didn;t die in vain.people of all cultures and faiths, could learn so much from this.For someone so young,anne was incredible,very rare in anyone!
Sarah Kim
January 24, 2005 10:23 PM

Anne, just being a girl, my age.. Years ago, buried and emptied all her thoughts and emotions into one book, her one extremely treasured and precious posession. Her diary. Anne's Diary has affected my view of life itself... To treasure every moment. It has shown me morals to live by. I find it just amazing... Anne's style of writing is crisp and just beautiful. I must say... had she made it through the concentration camp, and fulfilled her dream of building a career off of the occupation of a writer, she would have gone far... And we would have treasured those works, also.
January 24, 2005 01:56 PM

The thing that touches me about this book is how real it is. This isn't just a story written by someone about some fictional girl, this really happened to someone. I'm 14, the age that Anne was in the annex for. When I think of how hyper I get, I always wonder how she could ever sit and whisper all day long. That was the price of life for that family. I almost feel ungrateful watching TV instead of going outside, because she couldn't. I started reading this book in the 5th grade during lunch hour, because there wasn't anything else to do. It is now my favourite book, and I have read it many times. This book is complete in itself and I'm glad I was bored that day.

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