Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 13, 2005 08:00 PM

When I was 12 years old I remember going to see a play on Anne Frank I fell in love with it from then on I read every book and watched every video I could. I loved everything about Anne,especially her spirit. In memory of Anne I named my daughter after her hopefully she has Anne's spirit. My life wouldn't be the same if I hadn't seen her play. Her story has changed my life forever.
January 12, 2005 09:06 PM

I am a Junior in high school and unlike others I am just studing on the Holocaust, but our class was to choose each an invidual topic to give a speech on. Well my topic was what it was like through the eyes of someone who was there and had to deal with it. So I picked Anne Frank. I am not someone who likes giving speeches, but this one I wish I could research for ever, I would love going to the museum where they hid some day. I watched the little thing where some one read what she had wrote, and the part that got me was when she talked about how every one is egual. So I feel that now I must carry out Annes wishes and start to try and change the world. Here is my message to all you readers, join me in treating every one egually, and I am not asking you as some young girl who just wants to ask, I am asking for Anne, so please you and me, lets do it for Anne, it's the least we could do for what she went thruogh. Thankx
January 12, 2005 08:15 PM

I'm a 6th grader now, and my class is reading the Anne Frank Diary. I can't belive that she's so young, yet has such a strong look at the events that are hapening to her and the world!!! I'm about the same age as she was when she recieved her diary, and I don't half the knowledge she does!!!! I wish I could be more like her!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 12, 2005 06:12 PM

Im an eigth grader and like most other girls who have written their thoughts, i have also been studying about the Holocaust and the story of Anne Frank. I must say she really is an insperational writer. But to think if only they would have been discovered a day later everything for them could have been different. Because the train they left on that took the Frank Family to Auschwitz was the last one to leave. In Anne's last days she probably would have held on longer if she had known that her father was still out there... Anne Frank will always be remembered and no one will forget her story. Years from now students around the United States will be touched by this.
January 12, 2005 05:42 PM

I am 13 right now and to think that at this age or any for that matter I would have to go threw this... is heart breaking! I dont understand how people could have been so cruel. I mean 6 million people were killed and out of those 6 million 1.5 million were children...
my great grandfather was sent to one of the camps and he never talked about it much.. he was one of the few that survived. to think he had to go threw that because Hitler wanted a PERFECT culutre breaks my heart.
January 10, 2005 05:03 PM

I am an 8th grader right now, learning about " The diary of Anne Frank". We just currently finished the play and the movie and the investigation on who betrayed Anne Frank. In the play I was the role of Anne's sister Margot. The story really got me thinking on how living in confind spaces for such a long period of time hiding from the Nazis was such a hard ordeal to go through. Now, I am so much more interested in the Holocaust and who people died and what life was like for Jews. My neighbors' mother was in the Holocause and when i met her, i just lokoed at her adn just thought of how much pain and hard times she had went through. Anne Frank's life really has changed the way i see the Holocaust.

In May, my school is going to Washington D.C. and one of the features we get to see is the Holocaust Mueseum. I am very anxcious to visit it and learn more about the jews and everything else that happened in that time period.
January 09, 2005 03:02 AM

I'm a Junior in high school right now. We're currently working on "The Diary of Anne Frank"; I've been given the role Anne. I never really knew the true story, just that some people were hiding in an attic. After reading all of these entries she's written, seen all of the pictures on the wall, her dreams and hopes, I feel it's my duty to bring honor, truth, and creativity to the role of Anne. She's helped me grow as a person and an actress, and the experience of portraying a victim of WWII is very beautiful, and I'm grateful to Anne Frank and the creators of this site for letting me explore her life in the Secret Annex.
January 08, 2005 10:27 PM

January 07, 2005 09:38 PM

When i first heard of anne frank, i needed to know more, like how she died how she lived how she befell the tragic life in the concentration camps.( but like she, i myself are 13.) i needed more info. so after i heard about her i went to go and ask questions, i didnt exactly read about her book, but as time went on i learned more of her. The very first book i read about anne was from the book called: Anne Frank "Childhood memories. Its about anne friend who went to the camp, and how she tried to helpo anne.it is a facinating book. then as time went on again i learned way more and more and guess what EVEN MORE! I started to talk to my friends about her and talked and talked. I couldnt keep my mind off her, it was such a sad story. I so very much wanted her to be alive. There is something missing though i need to more about her ,even though i knnow a lot of things. please help.maybe i need to know more about the concentration camps, see pictures watch the pianist(also a movie about a jew and geman soldier, the german help the jew, TRUE STORy) and the other movie schindler's list( ithink thats how you spell it)but i am not allowed to see it. anyways i am getting carried off the main topic ANNE FRANK. after i learned evrything i started to make a diary and put pictures in it. i put about my day and what i thought and sayings i learned that day. she has inspired me to do things want to help others, get my parents to adopt a child from a foreign country do anything i could for the world. so yeah that is how anne frank has inspired me. when i read this paragraph about peter i thought my god i wish he anne frank and all the others were not discovered. this is what the paragraph said well something like it.

I will never forget the time i saw peter and his father walking in a line and moments later i saw a cart come by with peter and his fathers clothes on it (otto frank) Isnt that sad. but now i am running out of time i have to go. but my last things to say is , if anne, margot edithe peter and the rest had just held on to more hope and and beleived they could make it i think they would have made it out alive. unfortunaltly that didnt happen. and dont take things for grante dcause like ann e frak you just might loose those privaleges . but thank youso much for reading this and thank your anneleis frank ( her full name) for inspiring me and god bless you and the others.
Yesenia Rodriguez
January 07, 2005 06:01 PM

I read Anne Frank like 2 months ago iwastouched what i read. How can a 13 year old be suffering in a young life like hers. There are many ways we could remember Anne Frak and others who died during after WW2. Mostly of them were yopung childeren like us. I'm grateful of my life and my family.Anne Frank's family weresoyoung when they died.The person who made merealise was the teachers and friends I had.The diary of Anne Frank is an inspiration to me and others that read it. In the future I will tellmy children to read this story cause it will teach them to respect and be proud of their life that thy have.

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