Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Arpita Nayak
November 11, 2011 07:11 PM

Anne Frank is the heart of inspiration in life. She believed in hope and now her qualities have been passed on. She said the it would be horrible if her diary were to be lost, but now it is internationally famous! Her thoughts have inspired nations of people everywhere. Rachel Joy Scott, a girl who died in the Columbine High School shooting, had been motivated to make a change by Anne Frank! Anne Frank still lives on in the hearts of millions of people who really, truly care. Thank you Anne, for showing us the meaning of life.
- Arpita (age:12)
tahlia oneill
November 07, 2011 10:58 PM

I think this is a very touching story. To be able to read about what Anne Frank went through and how hard it was for Jews to have rights. I think that Anne is an amazing inspiration to me being a young teen. Her life was an adventure, not just filled with good. I think that if she had the chance she would of had an amzing life if the war never happened.
October 15, 2011 03:30 AM

Anne Frank Is Such An Inspiration to me!
I'm Only 11
I'm Planning to visit Anne Frank House Someday,,,,,,
Atlina Harmosha
September 30, 2011 03:52 PM

Anne Frank is an inspiration to people everywhere. Throughout the book her attitude helps her fight the normal of what children, and girls were supossed to be at that time, a.k.a. perfect lil housewifes, BLEH. If i culd, i would travel back in time and stand on the street to see if i could catch a chance to smile at her.
September 29, 2011 12:09 AM

I am 22 years old but i can relate to the young soul and energized spirit of anne frank. She is a model for the youth of today. Young people like her are very inspirational. When I read her diary, it was a wonderful experience. Every page is an adventure.
Maria Catarina
September 04, 2011 05:38 PM

I'm 14 years old and I really admire how Anne was determined and brave. Her diary is a great inspiration for me.
As Anne Frank said:
"The paper has more patience than people"

August 10, 2011 06:26 AM

I'm only 10 years of age but even i now how awful time it was to be a jew and how they passed the two years in that tiny flat in amsterdam.
Her bravery is an inspiraton to me and to the rest of the world. Her happiness still lives on in her writing.
Eleanor Beth Garrard
Simon Holzman
July 18, 2011 02:45 AM

In reply to Anonymous from the 10th June; I don't know whether Anne was especially brave or not but she represents everyone that suffered during the Holocaust and a reminder that we should never let anything like that happen again. To anyone. Of course, every single person who suffered in the Holocaust had their own personal story and it is perhaps a shame that most people now do not know the name of a single other victim. However, remembering Anne's story does not diminish the others and it is hard enough thinking of what happened to her without also thinking of the other millions of stories.
Pamela Russell
June 30, 2011 02:14 AM

Anne Frank... Her words are more than inspiring. She represents the innocence that the world must not ever forget. Her diary was not of the holocaust. How could it have been? Through her eyes we can see a young girl's profound wisdom, strength of character and love for humanity when the world around her turned black. No cause, no reason and no justification. She deserves the attention, because without her, there would be no voice to speak for all the millions of faces that cannot tell their story.
June 21, 2011 04:02 PM

I haven't read the book but I really want to! I wish that if you didn't die that you could be here today. From what I know I have already met you and I have never heard of your book until today! (21.06.11) I wish you were here, you are a legend. I now you are looking down on your success!
R.I.P, Anne.
Emily, :)

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