Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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April 24, 2009 03:09 PM

this is really sad. i feel bad for everyone who had to go through this, :[
April 24, 2009 02:06 PM

I may not know much about The Holocaust,but I am learning about it and it sounds very interesting and heartless! I don't see how Adolf Hitler could kill so many people and not care! I'm glad that someone like that is not around anymore.
April 24, 2009 11:32 AM

Wow! I honestly feel sorry for these people.
I mean, justt to think that they went through all of this stuff. But this was a helpfull site.
Braidan Loveland
April 24, 2009 11:32 AM

i feel that this whole situation is insane i wish that people would just get along. our world has become such a harsh place. i feel so bad for those who went through this. i hope this never happens again.
Jim Heidmann
April 22, 2009 06:29 PM

Visited the Washington museum in the fall of 2007. I spent 21/2 years in Germany in the 1960's and visited the Dachau concentration camp site several times. The experiences of the lives of the persecuted ones is absolutely unbelievably horrific. I can not imagine how one would cope or if it is even possible. I have relatives in Germany (just south of Berlin) and I wonder of their knowledge. My dad came over from Germany in the 1920's. His brother was in the German military and never came back from the WWII.The visit to the museum continues to remind me of the horrors of genecide.
We in the USA are blessed!!
Brittany Herron
April 22, 2009 10:45 AM

All I can say is wow! I really can't understand How people can be so heart less. honestly how could they live with there self.I could never! I have learned so much there were many times while i have been doing this project i have had to stop because my stomache was in knots. I just know that i am so thankful. if i said this kind of stuff never happens then i would be lying but it is better. i just hope that are nation can come together and work together to make things better!
April 21, 2009 10:38 PM

Howdy ya'll . What they did back then was terrible . I aint Jewish , but , i am christian , and very proud of it . i think that , if i was acused of being bad bacause of my religion , i think i would not defend myself , or say that any other religion was better . I would take up for my religion though . I think that those things they did were terrible and horrible . I think , that , if there is ever anything else that happens like that , America should be realy ready . i know i'm only 12 , but , even though i'm not that strong and stuff , i would defend my country , or at least try . I think , and hope that that will ever happen again . i prey , though , that people will forgive those crazy people for what the had done . I do greive terriblynfor all that happend during the holocaust . I think that Hitler was crazy . Most of my gradndfathers defendeded America in that war , and , my father and uncles would probably do the same if it comes to that again , wich i hope will not happen , for color , religion , or any diffrence that people disagree with . Thanks for reading this , write a message in response to this if you want . thanks .
April 21, 2009 01:53 PM

I think that is so mean n cruel. I wish the holocaust never went on because if it didn't happen it wouldn't be so much hatred today!!!
joey dilosh
April 21, 2009 01:24 PM

this website was great. the holocaust was very sad
April 20, 2009 11:32 AM

I honestly can't believe anyone would do this.. I mean. I'm not Jewish, but if i was hated on cause i was white, i'd be pissed.

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