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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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June 17, 2011 01:52 PM

My grandmother knew Anne Frank and went to her school.Also my grandmother died and she always told me stories about her and said `` She had great grades``. Also i have the book and i read it often
June 10, 2011 02:40 PM

Okay, so Anne Frank was brave, and the suffering was intense, but honestly, she wrote a diary of the holocaust. Many people went through that horrible thing of Nazi's, and all Anne has is a diary about it. there are plenty of other people that did brave things in the holocaust. she contributed to society, but she did nothing else but write to "Kitty". It is inspiring, but why does one girl get all the attention when millions of others died?
Susan Kosyka
June 08, 2011 10:54 PM

I remember reading the Diary of Anne Frank when I was a young girl, about the same age as Anne when she went into hiding. It was, and remains, one of the pieces of writing that has had the most impact on my life. To think that she was just a young girl, curious, bright, and full of life, to have it cut short at such a young age. I'm happy to have come upon this website so that I could learn more about her. Although gone in person she continues to teach and influence us and live on in spirit. Thank you Anne, for your writing and for allowing us the opportunity to get to know you.
Julene Kendell
June 07, 2011 08:02 PM

Could not access the interviews. Otherwise, the site was very easy to navigate. I enjoyed learning new things about something I thought I already knew. I think Anne would be pleased to know that her dream came true. She truly is an AUTHOR!
Linda Hershner
June 07, 2011 07:41 PM

Last summer I was fortunate to travel to Amsterdam and visit the Anne Frank Museum. Seeing first hand the rooms where the Frank family hid from the Nazis, the bookcase, the original diary, the photos on the wall, brought everything that Anne wrote about to life. I could almost hear the sirens and the soldiers walking down the street as I solemnly walked through those rooms. It was a feeling I will never forget. The Diary and the words therein brought an awareness to such a tragic piece of history. Anne was a very special girl and the Diary is a symbol of a young girl's hope for freedom.
Chris Gilman
June 07, 2011 04:54 PM

I first read the diary when I was about 12 (1954 or so) and was saddened to learn she was murdered in 1945. I remember wishing I could read the stories and novels that were kept from us by her untimely death. She is a treasure. I admire her bravery in the face of such tragic circumstances. Thank you for helping her memory and words continue to inspire.
Gabby Keating
June 07, 2011 04:28 PM

I haven't read Anne Frank's Diary but I'm doing a topic about it at school, about the Holocaust and how Anne stayed positive throughout her time in hiding. I thought it was magical how much Anne had actually grown up whilst in the hiding, because the first entry and the last entry of her diary sounded so much difference in behaviour. I also have to write a few diary entries myself about someone that had experienced going into hiding, and I found it extremely hard to even imagine the atmosphere and worry there was in the annex. It would have been the worst feeling...However, I have managed to write them and thats all that matters to my teachers! But I found this topic the hardest and this website has helped me incredibly with opinion and facts so, thank you!
May 25, 2011 06:30 PM

I don't really remember the first time I read the Diary, and I don't remember the first time I heard about the Holocaust. They're concrete facts I've always known. The first time I read the Diary in full, though, was last summer at age 14. I remember thinking how mature she was, how funny she was, the way she had with words, and that- not really that I'm like her; I wish I could be- rather that, but for 70 years and the language barrier, we might have been friends.
Alyssa Lopez
May 16, 2011 04:29 PM

I've never been so inspired and heart broken by something so sad like this person. Anne was never alone and is never alone now. She had a great short life before the days of the war. And with the support of her fans is up there is Heaven probably writting her one millionth book right at this moment. If it wasn't for the sad tragic happening of WW11 that girl would have been so FAMOUS! It would have been unbelievable. BUt sadly it happened, R.I.P. Anne, I hope your up there looking down at your sucess i your short life......
Thanks for inspiring me! :)
Nicole Shwartseneger
May 12, 2011 12:29 PM

I remember reading "Number the Stars". It automatically clicked that it was one of the best books ever. I truly love her diary, ecspecially Diary Of Anne Frank the book. I hope her and the others that died had a great life, although they had to hide. I love you Anne Frank, and am proud that you were smart enough to write a diary, and sound like someone from college, when you were obviously only 13 or 14 years of age.... Nice meeting you in your writing. Thanks :)

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