Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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david crothers
April 18, 2009 09:15 PM

My father was a member of the 82nd Airborne and was present at the liberation of Woebbelin. He passed away on 27 march 2009. He spoke of the experience and of the horror many times. God forbid that the human race ever slip back to such a state of barbarism again!
Bianca Blockburger
April 16, 2009 02:08 PM

Wow just to read what it was like for these people. Isn't anything like what they really had to go through. i like seeing what it was like to go through the holocaust because we where not there for it. I feel sorry for everyone that died for just being a Jew and the people that survived because it will haunt them for the rest of their life!
April 15, 2009 01:12 AM

there is still alot of prejudiceness happening and it is so wrong and sad.My children and I see and experience it too often.We are Mexican American.Especially my son I think because of his color and even once for his height .Through education starting within ones own family and through the school districts we can overcome this.My children know all about the holocaust and i tell my kids to learn from what happened.I tell them how wonderful that god made us all different.How would it be if all the flowers were the same color and had the same beautiful scent wouldnt it be boring? the same goes for humans because we are gods beautiful creation!
April 13, 2009 10:44 AM

i didnt like it so much learning about the holocaust its pretty sad...we had to do a report for it in my english class and all this stuff makes me think of how good i really have it in life....bye
Cathie Anderson
April 12, 2009 11:21 AM

I am looking for a specific classroom exercise that I observed in 2002 and have since misplaced. The lesson involved giving students a certain piece of colored paper as they entered the room, i.e., yellow, green, red, blue. Each color was associated with groups who suffered under the Nazis, but one color represented those who survived. Can anyone help me with the number of different groups of people and the percentages for each group? For example, if there are 25 students in the class, what percentage would be survivors?

I thought this lesson put the number of deaths/survivors into perspective for students.
krista garza
April 08, 2009 01:58 PM

I think that the Holocaust was VERY sad for many people. But the website was very helpful.
April 08, 2009 09:02 AM

I enjoyed learning about the holocaust on April 9,2009 but when i read a/an article on how the children had to eat on the streets of the ghetto it brought tears to my eyes. I just wanna know why hittler was so happy on his accomplishments on the holocaust? I just really want to know why were jews treated this way, why did these little childern have to suffer, and why did these people have to be tricked in such a way that they were killed during their shower time and they didn't hace a proper barrial... I just want ervey one to know that i feel for these people who went through this... and i also commend Ann Frank for being very brave at a young age.
April 03, 2009 06:41 PM

Being Jewish as well, i am lucky to be in this time when people don't discriminate on what religion you are. having this museum, shows that we admire their strength to have gone through that torture. I am glad that this we have admired their courage through this museum.
April 03, 2009 01:28 PM

This was something that was real for all you people who that that the concentration camp was fake. This is something different and it was the saddest thing that i saw but it really happend and i wish that the US did something faster when something was going on! i know that the US didnt want to get involved but if they did something, maybe Hitler would have backed off.
April 03, 2009 12:57 AM

This site is very educational and recommended from any teacher. The sadness inside of all the lost hearts are still heard today. This website brings more of an understanding and point of view. Go check out info about the "White rose"

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