Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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April 02, 2009 10:43 AM

This is the site everybody should come to for learning about the Holocaust.
March 31, 2009 08:49 PM

I would like to send out my prayers to all the survivors and their families. I will never understand what you all must have gone through but I can offer my condolences. God Bless you all, your loss was not in vane.
No One
March 29, 2009 04:12 PM

I disagree with one of the comments on the next page that it was completely the Germans fault for the Holocaust. It was really Hitler and the Nazi's. I'm not saying that, that makes things any better, I'm simply stating that to say the Holocaust was the Germans fault is completely uneducated.
The Holocaust was completely tragic, people it is obvious we haven't learned anything form history because there is still tragic, senseless killing going on in the world today.
Naomi A.
March 27, 2009 05:31 PM

Its amazing to see the thousands of Jews and others who were sent to the concentration camps and still unfortunately were unable to do nothing againts the Nazis and their torture!And to think some people actually say that the Holocaust never happened!!
Maurice Rabbie RAYNOR
March 27, 2009 09:14 AM

Dear reader,
I just happen upon this site,and was so moved to write to you all who read this.

As a survivor of the Belsen Camp,and now at older age I wish to warn you ALL who read this to be always vegilant as to xstreme political ideas.

They are dangerous and although usually seemingly well meaning in the beginning have to be watched.

And do NOT stand by when you see or read things that are bad and done to others as they will eventually be done also to you!


Maurice Rabbie Raynor.
March 26, 2009 05:40 AM

This site has shown me so much more about my backround I anm horrified of our past and proud for our future we must live past our memories and make new ones
Kirstyn Yoos
March 25, 2009 02:44 PM

I had never heard of the Holocaust and this year in my honors English Class, which is a class for higher class men,we did a research paper on a new book to me, "All but My Life" well I did mine on Judaism I learned so much from your great web site thank you highly!!!!!
Sami Foister
March 25, 2009 02:40 PM

This website was very helpful to me. I was on a tight schedule and this website popped up. It had so much information and I was on it a while. It was also fun to learn about the things people thought and think today. I had to do a report on Holocaust debnial and this website had everything I needed. Thank You greatly!!!!!!!
Roberta Ciarfella
March 24, 2009 04:12 PM

I write as a person who has visited the museum and have 3 Dutch family members on your Wall of Respect--Dutch non-Jews who smuggled Jews to the countryside and then out of Holland at great personal risk and who were picked up and questionned by the Gestapo and held for months. (One, in fact, was imprisoned twice and given up for dead by the family.)

Your article suggests that escape was difficult (which it was) because of the efficiency of the Germans and the help of the Dutch collaborators.

Let me point out that after World War I when Germany was in ruins and there were many homeless begging in the streets, the Dutch took many orphans into their homes to be raised until they could be safely sent home. These German youths learned the Dutch language, got to know many of the officials in towns and the locations of hospitals, airports, factories, etc. These very same young people grew up, went back to Germany and joined the army for the Fatherland. When Holland was invaded, it fell swiftly due in large measure to the inside knowledge of the invaders. It took great courage to work with the underground to hide Dutch youth (who would have been conscripted for service in Germany) and to smuggle Jews out of the country . . . a very difficult proposition given the inside information the invaders had.
Rubber Ducky
March 24, 2009 01:24 PM

I wanna cry so bad right now i dont believe that anyone should have the right to do what they did during the holocaust.

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