Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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March 15, 2011 08:07 PM

Whenever I think of the holocaust I think of a nuclear explosion, like what's happening in Japan right now. Anne Frank's family was trying to shelter themselves from the imminent disaster, like so many others during the holocaust. The definition of holocaust is of a destructive raging fire. What most fascinates me about her, is that she maintains her humanity. This young girl's life lies on these pages.
Mikel Colakoglu
March 10, 2011 10:08 AM

I think that Anne Frank left a lasting impression on the world. She looked at peole as individuals, she looked for their heart and realized many were just taking orders.
March 03, 2011 12:59 PM

I really enjoyed her diary and how truthful she was.She didnt lie about how she felt and that was my favorite.
February 22, 2011 11:06 PM

The things you could learn from children....
February 21, 2011 02:38 AM

Through this website I have discovered that Anne Frank and I are similar in quite a few ways...
I love writing stories, I love ice skating, my friends say I am brave and have had a very interesting and somewhat more difficult life than others...which I don't take their word on..hahah.
I believe in human rights and qualities and apparently I'm also a very happy and lively girl as most are. According to my best friend i'm also fiesty hahaha.
Anne Frank sounds like - Anne Frank was an amazing person who I would have liked to meet! :)
Matthew S.
February 14, 2011 11:25 AM

I find it incredible how in such an awful time period, people were still willing to risk their lives to help people. Some risked their lives to save Jews.
Although, it is terrible that someone had to live like this. The Secret Annex that Anne Frank lived in was so small. I find it inspirational that they stayed in the Annex for that long. They were not allowed to leave it at all. I saw what the house had looked like and I'm just amazed. It is really nice how people helped the Frank family out. They hid the Annex behind a book shelve. Also, they supplied them with bread, milk, and meat. The people who helped out the Frank family are such an inspiration to me and are role models for people ever in that kind of situation.
lauren. w
February 14, 2011 11:24 AM

I think Anne Frank was brave, just by writing what she did. Some of the things that she wrote were very mature. Going through all of the things she went through and still continue to be positive is showing that your brave and always looking for the best of a situation. The living conditions that she had to live in were not easy. She wasn't even aloud outside, and do what most kids can do. I could never stay in a room with other people, and families for 25 months. I would be so bored doing absolutely nothing, everyday and people also need their own privacy. its great that she had a diary to express her feelings, and get everything of her chest.
Jen E.
February 14, 2011 11:23 AM

Anne Frank's story deeply saddens me and reminds me of all I have. Anne never really got to a teenager. She never got hang out with her friends and lay around with no worries. She never had a chance to reach her full potential as a writer or a person. The Holocaust took away the lives of millions of individuals of Jewish decent and those who were different. Here we love being different. She was unable to fully express herself with all of the laws that put a hindrance on her teenage years. Anne never really got to enjoy the freedom of being a teenager. I really feel for all of those who lost someone during the Holocaust and sincerely hope that nothing like this ever happens again.
February 14, 2011 11:23 AM

Anne Frank sat in an annex for 25 months. Instead of writing frantically about what is to come, she kept her composure like an adult and could still see the best in people. Anne was an inspiring young girl who had a great look on life even going through something terrible.
Ally L.
February 14, 2011 11:21 AM

The story seems even more real because the author literally writes word for word what she wrote down. Even the mispellings and illegible words are included. She is so strong, and she seemed to be more concerned with how she was living from now on, than her dying or being caught. It is a very moving story.

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