Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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David Lalama
March 24, 2009 08:15 AM

Thank you for the info i got of this pag and i know wher to go for more info on world war II thank you
izzy fizzy
March 21, 2009 12:42 PM

it's amazing what strenghth those people had to go and fight it makes you want to worship them
Kitty Cat
March 20, 2009 03:34 PM

This web-site really helped me understand what the Holocaust really was.It also made me really think aboutwhat I have. It made me sad to know that people went through. It is so sad to think that people would do that for nothing. I hope that history doesn't repeat it's self.
March 20, 2009 12:14 PM

Hi, i am sooooooooooo sad that the holocaust had happened to so many people and that the people died because oe it. just imagine if you were in a teen during the holocaust and you had to go through what Anne Frank had to go through with the hiding and how you couldnt go outside and ride your bike! FREAKY!!!!!! And imagine that you couldnt go to the movies and you were taken out of public school and you couulnt see your friends that you had since you were in preschool with just because you were a JEW!!! cann you imagine the pain that people had to go through to leave there things behind and when it got so bad that you had to hid from the world???? NO i dont think you can because you wernt born and you wouldnt have to go through with that. the ppeople that died didnt do anything wrong just one day they were living their normal lives and suddenly people just started dissipering on the streets and the Nazis killing other people in front of there families. And to think the Nazies had full permission to do it because of HITLER!!! Thanks for letting me speak my mind.
March 19, 2009 12:14 PM

I think that the Holocaust was the most horrible thing to have happened but its not all of the germans that did this it was the nazis and hittler who really did it. but what i want to Know is why they joined hittler? I think that what they did was evil and that they had absolutly had no right!!!!
March 19, 2009 12:14 PM

Hi my name is Honey and i think the Holocost is soooooooo sad. Just imagine that you were in the happening of the Holocost during that time and you had to go through what Anne Frank had to experience. I know most people would think that Anne is old enough to go through that, but no one is old enough and no one should have to go through with that. It was the most devistating thing in the world!!!!!!!!!!!
March 18, 2009 09:26 PM

I am in 8th grade and we are going into great detail about this. I had just got done reading NIGHT by Ele Wiesel, very good and it's true, and my teacher showed me a picture of him and his "bunker" and the people he was with. If you have seen a picture with a man on the right side of a picture shirtless leaning against a post with men in back of him then Elie's in that picture. But as soon as my teacher showed me that I about broke into tears. What they did to those poor people is HORRIBLE!! Just depressing and this web site is very helpful.
Samara Mejia
March 18, 2009 03:10 PM

I really think that the whole WORLD WAR 2 thing is really sad and cruel. I am studying the whole HOLOCAUST thing and think a whole lot of people do not know how much people suffered during the war.
Samantha Howard
March 17, 2009 12:01 PM

Seeing pictures of the people and and kids just makes me think a lot about my situation. They really had life hard and I thought my life was hard. It is really sad...
March 16, 2009 03:37 PM

0Mg!this website has had to be the most intresting wesite ive had to go on for research..who ever made this website has alot of praising to be gave..i am useing this wesite to get information on my holocaust project i have to do and it really helps me alot..
for anyone that needs information on the holocaust i highly recommend this website and it can be even just for intrest to find out more about the hard ships of holocaust life in th nazi camps for jews...
just look around
and see what u can learn..

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